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Geomorphic study on Wjiahe segment of Serteng piedmont fault,Inner Mongolia is made.Throuth analysis of the available data in combination with the results of predecessors‘studies it can be obtained that average vertical displacement rate is 0.48-0.75mm/a along the Wujiahe segment since the late Pleistocene(14.450-22.340ka BP)and 0.56-0.88mm/s since the early-middle Holocene(5.570-8.830ka BP).Analyzing paleoseismic phenomena revealed in the excavated 5trenches in combination with the results of predecessors‘studies of paleoearthquakes on the fault,we determine five paleoseismic events on the Wujiahe segment of Serteng piedmont fault since 27.0ka BP and the recurrence interval to be about 4.300-4.400ka,A cluster of paleoearthquakes occurred probably during 8.000-9.000ka BP and two paleoeismic events in 10.000-20.000ka BP may be missed.A comparison between height of fault scarps and sum of displacement caused by paleoseismic events revealed in trenches,and recurrence interval of paleoseismic events obtained from average displacement rate along the fault and the disloca-tion by one event suggest that three paleoseismic events are absent in Alagaitu trench.Two paleoseismic events may be absent on the whole active fault segment.  相似文献   
Token Bos经过适当修改和发展可以移植到以太网上,再通过对硬实时协议栈RTCC的改造,可以将两种协议融合为一种基于以太网技术的具有传输硬实时、软实时和非实时数据功能的综合业务网络访问控制技术(ISE),即可在一套系统中同时实现传统网络业务和硬实时数据传输业务。  相似文献   
1月31日,中国与新加坡两国共同组建的中新天津生态城联合工作委员会第一次会议在天津召开,会议审议并原则通过了生态城指标体系,成为天津生态城未来蓝图。  相似文献   
本文分析了某焦化厂主厂房基础沉降的原因,介绍了采用压力注浆法加固该地基的设计与施工,有效地解决了地基加固问题,控制了主厂房基础的沉降。  相似文献   
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