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基于STIRPAT模型分析C02控制下上海城市发展模式 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
随着经济的快速发展,中国CO2排放量不断增加,研究中国各大城市采取何种发展模式.减缓CO2的排放量,成为当前研究热点.利用STIRPAT模型,定量分析了CO2排放量与人口、富裕度、城市化水平和技术进步之间的关系,并经岭回归拟合发现人口数量、人均GDP、城市化水平和技术进步每发生1%的变化,将引起CO2排放总量相应发生0.618%、(0.178+0.0091nA)%、0.816%和0.264%的变化.在上述研究的基础上,以上海市为例,通过设置10种不同的发展情景,分析了在何种情景下最有利于减缓CO2的排放.结果表明,当经济、人口保持中速增长,城市化率进程放缓而节能减排技术取得较大进步时,上海市最有利于减缓CO2排放最,此时上海市2010年、2015年和2020年C02排放量分别为17053.57万t、19286.64万t和20885.69万t. 相似文献
课本、地图册和读图作业图册(均为1995年版)中的世界小麦输出方向.有些已过时。如:课本和读图作业图册中,埃及小麦输入量过小,地图册中,小麦辖往西亚而不是埃及。近年为,埃及粮食生产虽有显著发展,但赶不上人口增长的需要,特别是城市人口,以小麦为主食,需大量进口小麦,1994/1995年度,小麦进口量仅次于我国居世界第二位。 相似文献
利用国家气象信息中心CLDAS格点温度实况、中央气象台SCMOC格点温度预报以及山西省站点观测温度,采用非独立性检验综合评估CLDAS在山西区域的适用性。在此基础上,采用滑动训练期订正方案,基于格点实况开展SCMOC温度预报场的客观订正。结果表明:(1)复杂地形对山西CLDAS格点温度实况的精度有一定影响,但最高气温的分析精度优于最低气温,表明地形对最低气温的偏差影响更显著,高海拔地区CLDAS最低气温一般对应为负偏差,低海拔地区一般对应为正偏差。(2)CLDAS格点温度实况的偏差空间分布具有时间延续性,进行简单的系统偏差订正后,最高、最低气温格点实况的精度分别提升1.1%、9.7%,与站点观测更为吻合。(3)基于改进后的CLDAS格点温度实况,采用滑动偏差订正方案,显著改善了山西省SCMOC温度预报的准确率。2019年,滑动偏差订正后的24 h时效最高、最低气温预报准确率较SCMOC温度预报分别提升2.7%、4.7%,订正后的短期温度预报质量有较大提高,优于预报员主观预报。 相似文献
Forecasting the rapid intensification of tropical cyclones over offshore areas remains difficult. In this article, the Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) model was used to study the rapid intensification of Typhoon Haikui (1211) off the shore of China. After successful simulation of the intensity change and track of the typhoon, the model output was further analyzed to determine the mechanism of the rapid change in intensity. The results indicated that a remarkable increase in low-level moisture transportation toward the inner core, favorable large-scale background field with low-level convergence, and high-level divergence played key roles in the rapid intensification of Typhoon Haikui in which high-level divergence could be used as an indicator for the rapid intensity change of Typhoon Haikui approximately 6 h in advance. An analysis of the typhoon structure revealed that Typhoon Haikui was structurally symmetric during the rapid intensification and the range of the eyewall was small in the low level but extended outward in the high level. In addition, the vertically ascending motion, the radial and tangential along wind speeds increased with increasing typhoon intensity, especially during the process of rapid intensification. Furthermore, the intensity of the warm core of the typhoon increased during the intensification process with the warm core extending outward and toward the lower layer. All of the above structural changes contributed to the maintenance and development of typhoon intensity. 相似文献