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The fossil specimens discussed in this paper were collected from the grayish green mudstone and shale in the upper part of Lower Member of Middle Triassic Tongchuan Formation (T2t) in Shaanxi Province, China. Venationary feature correlation with old families and taxonomic discussion show that, among them, one specimen can be assigned to a new family - Sunopteridae fam. nov., which includes a new genus and species and can be referred to Order Protorthoptera Handlirsch, 1906 in taxonomic position, thus belonging to a new member of the Tongchuan Entomoassemblage of Shaanxi Entomofauna (belonging to Shaanxi Biota). The discovery of the new family and its new genus and species has certain reference values as follows: ① The discovery of the new family and its new genus and species fills firstly the vacancy in the protorthopterous field of China; ② In the meantime, it fills also the gaps of the valuable Middle Triassic protorthopterous fossil specimens between Late Carboniferous and Late Triassic Epochs in the world; ③ Judging from venationary features and taxonomic position, especially in the course of the formation of the merged vein of M and Cu, it formed a new unique and particular style of merged vein M+Cu. It not only is unique and simple, but also can be distinguished from the above mentioned 10 old families, thus providing important taxonomic evidence.  相似文献   
This paper examines the effect of ploughing depths (A -- 60 cm, B -- 45 cm and C -- 30 cm) on the growth and yield of Heracleum candicans Wall (Apiaceae), a threatened medicinal herb of the Himalayan region. This less-explored plant is being suggested as a potential crop for the mountain agriculture. The study was carried out in an orchard in Himachal Pradesh, India at 2500 m altitude, for two successive growth years. During the first year, all plants remained in juvenile state; in the second year, nearly 65 % plants produced flowers only under 60cm ploughing depth. Among its morphological traits, plant height, collar diameter and aboveground flesh weight were found to be strongly correlated (P 〈 0.01) with the belowground biomass during the first year (r =0.968, 0.925 and 0.973, respectively) and during the second year (r=0.945, 0.928 and 0.775, respectively). Increase in the ploughing depth was significantly correlated (P〈0.01) with all growth parameters, including the belowground dry weight, marketable portion of the produce. The belowground biomass (commercial yield; 16.28 Qt/hec) at depth A was about 2.6 and 4.7 times higher than those recorded at depths B and C, respectively. The results clearly justify the importance of deep ploughing and this paper strongly recommends it for economically sustainable cropping.  相似文献   
1 Introduction Protoplastsserveasabasicandversatiletoolforge neticengineeringandbiochemicalresearchforseveralreasons :theymayregeneratetheirwallsandprovideamodelsystemforstudyingwallbiogenesis ,theirlysisprovidesagentlemeansofpreparingsubcellularor ganelles ,andthemembraneexpositionallowsgeneticmanipulationsinvolvingfusionoruptakeofnucleicacidstobepossible .Theseadvantagesarelessachiev ablewhenusingintactcells (Liciaetal.,1999) .Incomparisonwithlandplantsandunicellularalgae ,on lylimitedrepo…  相似文献   
Now GIS is turning into a good tool in handling geographical, economical, and population data, so we can obtain more and more information from these data. On the other hand, in some cases, for a calamity, such as hurricane, earthquake, flood, drought etc., or a decision-making, such as setting up a broadcasting transmitter, building a chemical plant etc., we have to evaluate the total population in the region influenced by a calamity or a project. In this paper, a method is put forward to evaluate the population in such special region. Through exploring the correlation of geographical parameters and the distribution of people in the same region by means of quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis, unit population database (1km× 1km) is established. In this way, estimating the number of people in a special region is capable by adding up the population in every grid involved in this region boundary. The geographical parameters are obtained from topographic database and DEM database on the scale of  相似文献   
Introduction The eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau, adjacent to the Sichuan Basin (Figure 1), has become a testing ground for a variety of models that contrast mechanisms of extrusion and crustal thickening associated with the India-Asia collision (Avouac and Tapponnier 1993, England and Houseman 1986),but that also address the extent to which the upper crust and upper mantle are coupled (Royden et al. 1997, Holt 2000). The margin is characterized by topographic relief of over 5 km an…  相似文献   
A methodology for studying soil polygenesis and lithological homogeneity of soil profiles is suggested. This methodology is particularly important for mountain soils, where the lithological heterogeneity of the soil profiles created by denudation and accumulation processes is often observed. The methodology includes several stages: (a) the study of the lithological homogeneity/ heterogeneity of soil profiles by field and laboratory methods, (b) the stage-by-stage macro-, meso-, micro-, and submicromorphological analyses of soil profiles with additional use of the methods of neighboring sciences, and (e) the subdivision of soil features into the groups of recent and inherited (relict) features. In the latter group, the subgroups of lithorelict features inherited from the parent material and pedorelict features inherited from the previous stages of soil formation can be distinguished. Two major models of soil polygenesis are suggested. Simple models describe the soils, in which new features appear due to the changes in the environmental conditions in the course of soil evolution. Complex models describe the soils, in which such changes are combined with deposition of new portions of sediments onto the soil surface with the development of buried soil horizons (the synlithogenie pedogenesis). The models of continuous and discontinuous synlithogenic pedogenesis can be further distinguished. It is argued that the micromorphological method applied to the studies on soil mierofabrics, microforms of soil humus, soil porosity, coatings, and various pedo- and lithorelict features yields valuable information on polygenetic soils.  相似文献   
3月4日上午,浙江省国土资源厅全体干部职工隆重聚会,欢迎新任省国土资源厅厅长楼小东同志到任,参加会议的还有我省各市国土资源局局长,省地质勘查局、省测绘局、省直属事业单位领导班子成员,离退休老干部党支部书记。  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONEmpiricalorthogonalfunction (EOF)isastatisticalmethodwidelyusedtoquantitativelyexam inemeteorologicalandoceanicdata (PreisendorferandBarnett,1 977;Rasmussonetal.,1 981 ;KnappenbergerandMichaels,1 993 ;LeeandCornillon ,1 995) .Themethodseeksoutthefirstfeworth…  相似文献   
1IntroductionThe Arkhara-Boguchan brown coal mine is lo-cated in the western Arkhara depression,southeast-ern part of the Zea-Bureya Basin (Fig.1). Late Creta-ceous-Paleogene coal-bearing strata are well out-cropped at the Arkhara-Boguchan quarry. It contains four coal-bearing beds (in descending order): “Ve-likan”, “Promezhutochny”,“Dvoinoy”and “Nyzhny”, and composed of three sedimentary cycles (Fig.2). The lower cycle can be divided into two sub-cycles:the lowest sub-cycle is …  相似文献   
About 70years ago,Frenc卜卜alaeohdoglst回LL sc卜dars al卜ome and a卜road卜ave successively con-HARD de Chardin P.et al.Initiated the Quaternary ducted large amount ofwork on the Later Quaternarygeologlcal research In the >alawusu River Basin of strata(TEILHARD,1924; YUAN,1978; LI,1987;desert region of Northern China and established th,ZHENG,1989; SUN et al,1996; LI et al,1993),Salawusu Formation门EILHARD,1924).Sine,then,palaeobiology…  相似文献   
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