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智利中部埃尔特尼恩特矿床是世界级超大型铜钼矿床之一,其铜矿石(含铜0.62%)储量达12.4×10~8t,钼矿石(含钼0.018%)储量达7.8×10~8t。矿床位于智利中部安第斯山脉晚中新世—早上新世铜-钼成矿省。该成矿省赋存于晚中新世火山活动带。埃尔特尼恩斑岩型铜-钼矿床赋存于中—晚中新世代伐尔隆斯建造,后者伏于科亚-玛查理建造之下,两者之间呈构造不整合或局部不整合接触关系。矿床产于伐尔隆斯的组成部分晚中新世火山深成杂岩中,该杂岩由厚层的玄武质至流纹质喷出岩及侵入岩组成。矿床围岩为安山岩、长英质-中性侵入岩和布莱登岩筒角砾岩。该矿床流体包裹体组合特征表明,岩浆热液演化及成矿作用经历了4个阶段。流体包裹体成分研究表明,该矿床的形成是富含Cu和可能还富含S的深源流体向不断脱挥发分的巨型次火山岩浆房发生贯入作用的结果。  相似文献   
澳大利亚南澳州高勒克拉通广泛发育的Hiltaba岩套与该地区的铁氧化物铜金矿床关系密切,查明该岩套的成岩时代、成岩温度及构造背景,对铁氧化物铜金矿床的研究至关重要.对约克半岛Moonta-Wallaroo矿集区北部的眼球状花岗岩进行锆石U-Pb测年,测得年龄为1589±43 Ma,与前人确定的Hiltaba岩套岩浆事件...  相似文献   
周洁  姚仲友  赵晓丹 《地质通报》2017,36(12):2208-2212
在中安第斯高原,包括玻利维亚西部、智利东部、阿根廷北部分布众多的盐湖,湖中含丰富的B、K、Li、Mg和其他蒸发盐类物质,封闭的盆地因蒸发作用使残留盐水中的成矿元素聚集并沉淀。这些矿床的形成与安第斯山的隆起和气侯变化关系密切。通过对该区蒸发岩型矿床的分布特征及成矿特征进行研究,讨论其形成的构造背景,分析成矿要素和找矿方向。  相似文献   
新西兰科罗曼德尔半岛火山岩带是世界知名的浅成低温热液型金矿成矿省,也是新西兰最为重要的金银矿矿集区,在环太平洋成矿带内占有重要的地位。科罗曼德尔半岛浅成低温热液型金矿主要赋存于科罗曼德尔群中新世安山岩和英安岩中,矿化类型主要为石英脉型和角砾岩型2种。矿床的成矿流体特征表现出明显的大气降水特征,并显示有少量的岩浆水加入,成矿物质具岩浆来源特征,为石英±方解石±冰长石±伊利石亚型浅成低温热液型金矿。区内金矿成矿时代为16.3~2.0Ma,主要集中于7.0~6.0Ma之间,金矿的大规模形成与诺特兰德火山弧与科尔维—劳火山弧共同作用有关,区域构造背景由挤压转变为伸展环境的转折期,为金矿形成的高峰期。区内零星出露与浅成低温热液型金矿化有关的斑岩型铜矿化表明,该地区具有较好的斑岩型铜矿化潜力。  相似文献   
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) could flexibly and efficiently observe land surface and obtain surface information at very high frequency and resolutions. In recent years, UAV technology has been greatly improved and the UAVs are increasingly applied in large amount of civilian fields. The UAV Remote Sensing (UAVRS) is a comprehensive technology composed of UAV flying aircraft, light remote sensing payload, satellite positioning device, remote-control system, communication technology and application technology. An UAVRS system is mainly composed of UAV platform, load system, ground control and data transmission system and image processing system. With the popularity of civilian UAV products and the development of UAV remote sensing payload, UAVRS also shows an explosive growth trend in various industries. However, the short battery life and limited coverage of the civilian drones are one of the key factors restricting the UAVRS applications. Besides, although the application of UAVs in various industries and fields continues to deepen, most of them are single-type applications in a certain discipline or industry. The 5G technology and wireless communication technology advance and will give rise to the UAVRS applications in terms of“networking”,“IoT”, and“real-time”, as well as cross-domain and convergence application. The modern cities are highly complex and sociotechnical. They comprise people and communities interacting with one another and with objects (e. g., roads, buildings) within a range of urban settings or contexts. It is extremely difficult to monitor and manage such complex sociotechnical systems. The monitoring and mapping of pollutions, traffic, infrastructures are great challenges in rapidly changing cities, and especially gained increasing attentions of citizens and are putting great stresses on policy makers and urban planners. Theoretical and practical efforts to create better city monitoring and management systems have a long history. In the 21st century, we recognize and conceive “creative”,“smart”and“knowledge”cities, in which the multidisciplinary Information and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has played a vital role. The Internet of Things (IoT) promotes the development of the smart cities. However, in various urban domains, the cities equipped with a sensor-based web, or a cyber-physical information infrastructure, are far from sufficient to help policy makers or citizens to get a full understanding of the real time or near real time city conditions. To this end, due to their mobility, autonomous operation, and communication/processing capabilities, UAVs are envisaged in many smart city application domains. In this article, we describe a technology of air-ground collaborative low-altitude UAV remote sensing network system. The system composes of intelligent UAV, the UAV base station (drone-in box) and operation system. The UAV remote sensing network can provide high-frequency and real-time observations of the land surface. Based on the UAV remote sensing network, we constructed a comprehensive application for urban governance. An UAVRS network composed of eight UAV base stations was deployed in Danzao Town, Foshan City. Connected through 5G network, the UAVRS network advances the UAV inspection frequency, spatial coverage, and response time. It provides revolutionary and intelligent services for local agents and departments of water affairs, environment protection, public security, urban management, and emergency. The UAVRS network system in Danzao is expected to develop a real-world smart city paradigm that could be copied and migrated to other towns across the country. © 2023 Science Press. All rights reserved.  相似文献   
巴布亚新几内亚在大地构造位置上位于欧亚板块、印度-澳大利亚板块和太平洋板块的结合部位.本文介绍了自晚白垩世以来巴布亚新几内亚经历的复杂地质构造演化过程,不同板块间的汇聚、碰撞、俯冲和拆离、扩张等地质作用形成了以区内南部克拉通、中部褶皱带及北部岛弧带为特点的地质构造单元,在区内形成了具有活动大陆边缘特色的成矿系统,对寻找以斑岩型和浅成低温热液型铜金矿、红土型镍矿为主要成矿类型具有重要意义.  相似文献   
杨星慧,禹州市自然资源和规划局用地审批股股长兼产业集聚区国土资源所所长。今年已经50岁的她,看起来要比实际年龄年轻十多岁。常有人问她有啥秘诀,她总是乐呵呵地说:“紧张忙碌的工作节奏使我的生活充实和快乐,更使我的心态变得年轻,时刻保持青春的活力。”  相似文献   
巴布亚新几内亚在大地构造位置上位于欧亚板块、印度-澳大利亚板块和太平洋板块的结合部位.本文介绍了自晚白垩世以来巴布亚新几内亚经历的复杂地质构造演化过程,不同板块间的汇聚、碰撞、俯冲和拆离、扩张等地质作用形成了以区内南部克拉通、中部褶皱带及北部岛弧带为特点的地质构造单元,在区内形成了具有活动大陆边缘特色的成矿系统,对寻找以斑岩型和浅成低温热液型铜金矿、红土型镍矿为主要成矿类型具有重要意义.  相似文献   
介绍了大洋洲地区编图方面的新进展。项目组编制出版了《大洋洲地区地质图》(1∶250万)及《大洋洲地区金属矿产图》(1∶250万)。在图件说明书中将大洋洲地区原来的3个一级构造单元重新划分为4个一级构造单元,强化了巴布亚新几内亚-新西兰造山系中生代构造单元的重要性,与西南太平洋岛弧区新生代构造单元分开。将4个一级构造单元进一步细化为12个二级构造单元和42个三级构造单元,编制对应的地层柱状图、侵入岩序列图。根据大洋洲各构造单元的成矿特征划分了相应的成矿区带,将大洋洲地区分为4个一级成矿系列,即中西澳陆块区前寒武纪克拉通成矿系列、东澳古生代造山系成矿系列、巴布亚新几内亚-新西兰中生代岛弧成矿系列、西南太平洋新生代多岛弧盆系成矿系列,对各个成矿系列的地质矿产特征进行了总结。  相似文献   
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