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重庆市南川武隆铝土矿是黔中渝南铝土矿成矿带的重要组成部分。为初步查明重庆地区铝土矿稀土元素的地质意义,弥补重庆铝土矿成因研究的不足,笔者以重庆南川武隆铝土矿含矿岩系为研究对象,分析稀土元素(REE)的地球化学特征。通过研究发现,稀土元素总量较高,多数样品轻稀土富集,重稀土不同程度亏损。由于含矿岩系中的REE含量在沉积后只有极微弱的变化,因此利用稀土元素的特征及有关参数对铝土矿含矿岩系的形成环境及其物质来源进行了初步判断:Eu中等负异常,含矿岩系以陆相沉积为主,部分为海相沉积;从含矿岩系样品稀土元素总和、Ce异常、Eu 异常情况来看,含矿岩系形成的古水介质呈弱酸性,含矿岩系主要形成于氧化环境中,氧化能力增强时有利于铝土矿的形成;含矿岩系物质来源具有多样性,志留系韩家店组粉砂质页岩与石炭系黄龙组灰岩均可能为物质来源。  相似文献   
深部土静止土压力的计算与预测是煤矿深井建设设计与施工中的理论与技术难题之一。深部原状土重塑后的高压静止土压力系数的实验研究与分析表明,深厚表土静止土压力系数与浅表土的静止土压力系数有较大差异,深井建设设计与施工技术中应考虑这种土压力的特殊性,以避免可能的工程事故及人财物的重大损失。  相似文献   
利用岩芯、薄片、扫描电镜和分析化验等资料,对南堡凹陷南部深层古近系沙一段(沙河街组一段)优质碎屑岩储层特征进行了分析并揭示其成因机制.研究表明:①南堡凹陷南部沙一段优质碎屑岩储层属于低孔中渗储层,发育原生孔隙、次生孔隙和微裂缝;②沙一段沉积期处于强水动力沉积环境,辫状河三角洲前缘水下分流河道砂体普遍发育,岩性主要为中粗...  相似文献   
A comprehensive grasp of the research status of tensile strength of frozen soil is the basis for further research. Firstly,the typical methods that can be used to test the tensile strength of frozen soil are introduced,and the test conditions,sample forms and stress mechanism of different test methods are described in detail. The advantages and disadvantages of typical tensile strength test methods are compared and listed. Secondly,the research work and shortcomings based on different test methods are summarized. Then,the latest research progress of the influence of temperature,water content,loading(deformation)rate,soil quality and sample size on the change law of frozen soil tensile strength is comprehensively analyzed. Finally,it is proposed to develop and improve the research method and system of frozen soil tensile strength,and increase the testing research of warm frozen soil tensile strength,so as to obtain the prospect of more accurately simulating the tensile failure behavior of frozen soil. It is pointed out that the internal cause of the formation of the tensile strength and the tensile failure mechanism of frozen soil should be thoroughly revealed by combining the research methods of microstructure and digital image technology of frozen soil. Based on the multi-factor test,a more perfect prediction method of frozen soil tensile strength is explored. Meanwhile,expand the in-situ test research on the tensile strength of frozen soil,and strengthen the parallel research ideas of indoor and outdoor double tracks. Through the analysis of the research status and development trend at home and abroad,it provides reference and guidance for the experimental study of frozen soil tensile strength,the improvement of theoretical model of frost heave,geotechnical engineering design in cold regions and artificial freezing reinforcement engineering. © 2022 Science Press (China).  相似文献   
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