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对流天气临近预报技术的发展与研究进展   总被引:34,自引:11,他引:34       下载免费PDF全文
目前,临近预报技术主要包括雷暴识别追踪和外推预报技术、数值预报技术以及以分析观测资料为主的概念模型预报技术等。其中,识别追踪和外推预报技术主要以雷达资料为基础,在这方面,交叉相关外推和回波特征追踪识别外推是比较成熟的技术,已经用于许多的临近预报业务系统中,其缺陷是预报时效较短,准确率也不是很高。随着精细数值天气预报技术和计算机技术的发展,利用多普勒天气雷达资料和其它中小尺度观测资料进行数值模式初始化,来预报雷暴的发生、发展和消亡已经成为一个研究的热点,该技术发展很快但还不成熟。概念模型预报技术主要是通过综合分析多种中小尺度观测资料,包括雷达和气象卫星资料等,在此基础上建立雷暴发生、发展和消亡的概念模型,特别是边界层辐合线和强对流的密切关系等,再结合数值模式分析预报和其它外推技术的结果,然后建立雷暴临近预报的专家系统,其不但可以获取雷暴和对流降水移动、发展的信息,还可以预报它们的生成和消亡。检验和定性评估也表明,将多种资料和技术集于一体的概念模型专家系统,其临近预报的准确率最高,时效也最长,是临近预报技术未来发展的主要趋势之一。NCAR的Auto Nowcaster系统是雷暴临近预报概念模型专家系统的一个典型代表。  相似文献   
红树林潮滩沉积速率及海平面上升对我国红树林的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
我国红树林潮滩沉积速率介于4.1~57mm/a之间,本文通过红树林潮滩沉积速率与当地相对海平面上升速率的比较,认为海平面上升对我国大部分地区红树林不会构成严重威胁,但对当地泥沙来源少,红树林潮滩沉积速率较低的地区会造成严重影响,此外,还对影响红树村潮滩沉积速率的因素进行了探讨。  相似文献   
介绍气象干旱综合指数CI的计算方法和怎样用综合指数CI来确定气象干旱等级。指出气象干旱预警信号发布、变更及解除标准,说明整个气象干旱预警信号发布解除流程。  相似文献   
The Duocaima carbonate-hosted Pb-Zn deposit is a newly found large deposit in the southern area of Qinghai Province.In this paper, the characteristics, genesis, significance to Pb-Zn mineralization of the widely developed breccias, and the ore-forming process have been carefully studied based on geological documentation of drilling holes, microscopic observations of petrography and microstructure and some stable isotope measurements.Based on the compositions of the clast and matrix, the breccias can be classified into three types: limestone clasts cemented by marl; limestone clasts with fine-grained calcareous materials; and limestone clasts cemented by hydrothermal calcite.The mineralization in the first type of breccia is weak, whereas it is strong in the latter two types of breccias.According to the locations of occurrence and structural characteristics of the breccias along with the relationship between the breccias and mineralization, part of the limestone clasts that are cemented by marl and outcrop in the contact zone between the Wudaoliang Formation(Nw) and the underlying Jiushidaoban Formation(Pj) are attributed to synsedimentary fault-genetic breccia, whereas the last of the limestone clasts that are cemented by marl and developed in the Jiushidaoban Formation(Pj) are attributed to the breccia generated by karst cave collapse; the limestone clasts with fine-grained calcareous materials and the limestone clasts cemented by hydrothermal calcite are attributed to breccia formed by hydrothermal dissolution.The breccia formed by karst collapse had consistently evolved for a long period of time, while the breccias with other origins were formed around the period of mineralization(i.e., about or slightly later than 20–16 Ma).The breccia generated by karst cave collapse and hydrothermal dissolution are somewhat related; the formation of the breccia from karst cave collapse provided open space for the later mineralization and reaction between hydrothermal fluids and host rocks, and the subsequent strong dissolution by hydrothermal fluids transformed some of the breccia formed earlier by karst cave collapse.Meanwhile, carbonate host rocks with breccias and brecciaed mineralization can be a potential sign of Mississippi Valley Type(MVT) deposits and important indicators for regional mineral exploration.The δ13CV-PDB, δ18OVSMOW, and 87Sr/86 Sr values of hydrothermal calcite in the Duocaima deposit range from 4.3‰ to 7.1‰, 14.9‰ to 20.1‰, and 0.707494 to 0.708185, respectively; the δ13CV-PDB, δ18OV-SMOW, and 87Sr/86 Sr values of the host limestones of the Jiushidaoban Formation range from 3.6‰ to 5.3‰, 18.0‰ to 20.5‰, and 0.707372 to 0.707945, respectively.The δ13CV-PDB and 87Sr/86 Sr values of hydrothermal calcite and limestone are similar, indicating single sources of C and Sr in this deposit, with the likely source being the limestone of the Jiushidaoban Formation.The minor scattering of the δ18OV-SMOW values suggests that different O isotope fluids underwent the isotope exchange reaction.The C-O-Sr isotope characteristics indicate that the host limestones experienced a dissolution and precipitation process during mineralization, which is beneficial to improving the porosity of host rocks and promoting the precipitation of metal sulfides.The δ34SV-CDT value of the breccia-type mineralization sulfides ranges from-30.4‰ to-0.3‰; that is, the δ34SV-CDT value is negative with considerable variation, illustrating that during the breccia-type mineralization process, the bacteriogenic reduction of sulfates provided the vast majority of sulfur, whereas the thermochemical reduction of sulfates was relatively unimportant.The brecciation that occurred as a result of karst cave collapse was mainly generated by the dissolution of groundwater; however, the brecciation related to hydrothermal dissolution and mineralization processes were caused by mixing of different fluids.  相似文献   
赣东北超大型金山金矿床的成矿地质条件和找矿远景分析   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
在概述国内外超大型金矿床地质特征的基础上,着重论述了金山金矿床产出的地质背景和地质条件,认为金山矿田具有稳定的成矿物质来源,并经历了长期的成矿作用演化历史,具有多期次和不同类型成矿作用的叠加和改造的特征。最后提出了赣东北地区具有蕴藏超大型金矿床可能性的理由。  相似文献   
珠江三角洲大气灰霾导致能见度下降问题研究   总被引:153,自引:6,他引:153  
大气气溶胶的气候效应和环境效应研究是当今国际科技界的热门话题.近年来珠江三角洲地区的气溶胶污染日趋严重,一年四季长期稳定存在气溶胶云,重污染区偏于珠江口以西的珠江三角洲西侧.灰霾天气主要出现在10月至次年4月.大气灰霾导致能见度恶化.自20世纪80年代初开始,该地区的能见度急剧恶化,灰霾天气显著增加,其中有3次大的波动,分别代表与珠江三角洲经济发展相伴随的气溶胶污染、硫酸盐加气溶胶污染、光化学过程的细粒子加硫酸盐加气溶胶的复合污染时期.雾和轻雾造成的低能见度的长期变化趋势,没有由于人类活动影响或经济发展影响带来的趋势性变化,其波动主要反映了气候波动固有的年际和年代际变化.珠江三角洲能见度的恶化主要与细粒子关系比较大,PM10有一半月均值超过国家二级标准的日均值浓度限值(150 μg/m3),而PM2.5月均值全部超过美国国家标准的日均值浓度限值(65 μg/m3),尤其是10月至次年1月的月均值浓度几乎超过标准限值的1倍,细粒子浓度甚高.另外PM2.5占PM10的比重非常高(58%-77%),尤其是旱季比雨季更高.与15 a前的资料相比较,细粒子在气溶胶中的比重有明显增加,因而在目前珠江三角洲的气溶胶污染中,主要是细粒子的污染.  相似文献   
The Dongnan Cu–Mo deposit, located in the southeast of the Zijinshan ore field(the largest porphyry–epithermal system in Southeast China), represents the complex magmatic and metallogenesis events in the region. The petrogenesis and metallogenesis of granitoids from the deposit are not determined, especially the interactions between ore-bearing(granodiorite porphyry) and barren samples(granodiorite and diorite). In the paper, the whole rock geochemical features shared a similar affinity to the m...  相似文献   
通过对塔玛亚历山大藻(ATHK和AT-6藻株)、链状亚历山大藻(ACDH藻株)和微小亚历山大藻(AM-1藻株)的PSP毒素含量和组成以及它们分别对轮虫、黑褐新糠虾和鲈鱼存活影响的比较研究发现:塔玛亚历山大藻AT-6藻株不产生麻痹性贝毒毒素PSP,而塔玛亚历山大藻ATHK、链状亚历山大藻ACDH和微小亚历山大藻AM-1均产生PSP毒素,其总含量分别为19.74、5.395、5.57fmol/cell(2.60、0.36、1.61pgSTXeq/cell)。塔玛亚历山大藻AT-6对轮虫、黑褐新糠虾和鲈鱼这三种生物均没有不利影响;对于轮虫,塔玛亚历山大藻ATHK和链状亚历山大藻ACDH的96hLC50分别为:200和1200cells/ml,而微小亚历山大藻AM-1无不利影响;对于糠虾,塔玛亚历山大藻ATHK、链状亚历山大藻ACDH和微小亚历山大藻AM-1的96hLC50分别为7000、11000、16000cells/ml;对于鲈鱼,这三株藻的96hLC50分别为3700、4000、20000cells/ml。四株亚历山大藻对三种生物的毒性大小与其PSP毒素含量和组成无直接的相关关系,其毒性作用可能来自其他未知毒性物质。塔玛亚历山大藻ATHK不同组分分别对三种生物的毒性比较研究表明:藻细胞重悬液和藻液对三种生物的不利影响最为显著,去藻过滤液和细胞碎片对轮虫和鲈鱼没有明显影响,但糠虾的存活率有所下降;细胞内容物对轮虫和糠虾也无影响,但对鲈鱼的存活有一定影响。以上研究表明:不同亚历山大藻的毒性大小存在差别,其对不同生物的危害机制也不相同,除PSP毒素外,亚历山大藻可能还存在其他的毒性物质。  相似文献   
Desert terrains in northern China are covered by widespread regolith sediments which mask geochemical signals from ore bodies and are major obstacles to mineral exploration. There is a critical need to study the vertical distribution of elements in this regolith and to establish optimum sampling and analytical methods. The aim of this study is to understand the dispersion and variation of elements throughout the cover in a vertical profile. The results demonstrate that the main elements show a distribution pattern of enrichment in clay layers in the vertical profile, i.e., most elements tend to be enriched in the most upper part of the profile above the orebodies except for some elements like Cu, Ca and Ag. Meanwhile, both fine (-160 mesh) and coarse (+20 mesh) fraction samples from clay-rich horizons are favorable samples and selective leaching of the elements absorbed on clays or oxide coatings is effective for localizing buried deposits. The distribution of active Cu and Mo is quite different because chalcopyrite is weathered into Cu sulfate and CuCO3, and is precipitated in alkaline environments in a layer below close to the surface. Mo is soluble in the alkaline environment so it can penetrate the caliche layer and be enriched on the surface of soil enriched with weakly cemented clay.  相似文献   
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