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<正>Paleoenvironmental reconstruction is fundamental to understand the modern environmental changes and to predict future environment,which is especially critical to understand the evolution of land and sea during geological periods.However,the basic geological research on China’s muddy coastal zone is not enough to provide  相似文献   
陕北环境地质条件脆弱区某330kV变电站在大面积挖填方施工过程中,填方区内出现了多条拉张与剪切裂缝,工程被迫停工,需查明原因。通过大范围工程地质测绘、钻探、井探、槽探与多种方法的抗剪强度试验以及稳定性分析计算,查明该场地选在了一个稳定性程度不高、滑面呈直线形的大型古滑体上,滑面为黄土与砂泥岩接触面,滑面倾角与滑动方向同单斜构造的岩层产状(300°~310°∠8°~12°),场地前缘出露的砂泥岩非原状基岩而为滑坡堆积物。堆积物的存在阻断了坡体降水的排泄通道,致使滑面以上形成大范围的软弱土层,且工程施工时的大面积挖填方破坏了古滑坡的原有力学平衡,导致局部复活,形成了3个不稳的工程滑坡。得出了在环境地质条件脆弱区进行工程建设时应重视选址勘察,单斜构造上滑面呈直线形的黄土与砂泥岩接触面滑坡稳定性计算采用饱和残剪的抗剪强度参数(c=6.6kPa,φ=5.6°)是可行的,对剪出口在沟谷中的黄土滑坡采用既能增加耕地又能改善当地生态环境的淤地坝与局部支挡等综合治理方案有广阔的前景。  相似文献   
采用企业大数据、手机信令等多源数据,从城际间产业集群的潜在关联、实际关联2个维度,构建产业集群区域协同发展评价体系,以珠三角城市群新一代电子信息产业集群为例,研究发现:1)珠三角城市群以深圳、东莞、广州为核心,形成较为完善的新一代电子信息产业链网络,从潜在关联看:同质化水平较高且围绕着各都市圈表现出专业化分工趋势;从实际关联看:核心城市资金交往紧密、各都市圈内出行关联密切。2)珠三角新一代电子信息产业集群协同发展显著的是深圳与东莞、深圳与广州、珠海与中山、中山与江门,其中深圳与东莞表现为差异化强合作;珠三角核心城市间协同关系较好,但边缘城市有所不足,总体协同水平不高。该评价体系可用于测量城际产业集群的协同发展,有助于城市规划和政策制定,促进地区经济的可持续增长,并为其他城市群的产业协同发展提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   
谭维林  程海宇  谭琳  程胜 《吉林地质》2010,29(4):158-160
含铁地下水形成于中偏酸性的还原性水文地球化学环境中,人为活动也可引发含铁水的出现。含铁水进入水井附近后,有沉淀析出铁矿物从而堵塞水井附近含水层和滤水管的危险,也因为其偏低的pH值和可能含有硫化物而对金属水井管材具有腐蚀作用。防治含铁水对水井破坏作用的根本方法是采取改善地下水水质的现场处理技术。  相似文献   
Although great-progress has been made in the earth sciences,some fundamental problems of geodynamics remain unsolved.They are concerned with the whole earth as well as regional tectonics,such as the west Pacific and Qinghai-Xizhang plateau.The new generation of earth observation by space-based measurement will contribute to solving these problems of geodynamics.In this regard,some specific plans about application of these techniques are suggested in this paper.  相似文献   
Benthic ecosystem in Gwangyang Bay, a fast developing industrial area with steel production, port container handling, petroleum and other chemical processing in South Korea was studied. The average levels of polychlorinated biphenyls (ΣPCB) in the benthic components were: seawater 2.99 ± 0.13 (ng/L); sediment 294 ± 118 (ng/g TOC); [biota=ng/g lipid] starfish 92; prawn 131 ± 2; mussels 127 ± 22; crab 182 ± 114; clam 187; polychaeta 215; sea cucumber 497 ± 90; squill 603 ± 38; fish 396 ± 159. Levels in the inner bay samples were higher than the outer bay samples suggesting land based pollution. Good correlation (r(2)=0.79; p<0.05) existed between PCB concentration and lipid content indicating partitioning processes in action. PCB signature in the abiotic and biotic components shows enrichment of lower chlorinated congeners emitted by a unique source nearby, viz. steel manufacturing plant.  相似文献   
该书由地质矿产部海洋地质研究所谭启新、孙岩、韩春瑞、刘启荣等编著,全书约23万字,由青岛海洋大学出版社出版。 山东胶东地区具有丰富的原生金矿资源,目前其储量和产量均占全国各省之冠。区内砂金成矿条件良好,砂金开发历史悠久。该书是在“山东省胶东地区砂金找矿方向”课题研究的基础上撰写而成的。全书共分六章。  相似文献   
西藏羌塘盆地中部发现中高级变质岩   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
羌塘盆地至今没有片麻岩系基岩点位的报道,长期以来关于该盆地是否具有前古生代的结晶基底分歧较大。最近在羌塘盆地中央隆起带北缘兰新岭附近的俄久卖一带找到了具有中—深变质特征的片麻岩,追索确定片麻岩系沿逆冲断裂带出露,基岩出露宽度为50~200m,断续延伸长约4km。岩相学研究结果显示,片麻岩中含有典型的区域变质矿物矽线石和蓝晶石,结合附近发现的奥陶系仅经历了浅变质作用和新近的地球物理资料揭示盆地内可能有结晶基底,初步认为俄久卖片麻岩系为羌塘盆地的前奥陶系结晶基底岩片,羌塘盆地深部具有稳定的结晶基底。  相似文献   
Zheng TL  Su JQ  Maskaoui K  Yu ZM  Hu Z  Xu JS  Hong HS 《Marine pollution bulletin》2005,51(8-12):1018-1025
The effect of S10, a strain of marine bacteria isolated from sediment in the Western Xiamen Sea, on the growth and paralytic shellfish poison (PSP) production in the alga Alexandrium tamarense (A. tamarense) was studied under controlled experimental conditions. The results of these experiments have shown that the growth of A. tamarense is obviously inhibited by S10 at high concentrations, however no evident effect on its growth was observed at low concentrations. Its PSP production was also inhibited by S10 at different concentrations, especially at low concentrations. The toxicity of this strain of A. tamarense is about (0.95–12.14) × 10−6 MU/cell, a peak toxicity value of 12.14 × 10−6 MU/cell appeared on the 14th day, after which levels decreased gradually. The alga grew well in conditions of pH 6–8 and salinities of 20–34‰. The toxicity of the alga varied markedly at different pH and salinity levels. Toxicity decreased as pH increased, while it increased with salinity and reached a peak value at a salinity of 30‰, after which it declined gradually. S10 at a concentration of 1.02 × 109 cells/ml inhibited growth and the PSP production of A. tamarense at different pH and salinity levels. S10 had the strongest inhibitory function on the growth of A. tamarense under conditions of pH 7 and a salinity of 34‰. The best inhibitory effect on PSP production by A. tamarense was at pH 7, this inhibitory effect on PSP production did not relate to salinity. Interactions between marine bacteria and A. tamarense were also investigated using the flow cytometer technique (FCM) as well as direct microscope counting. S10 was identified as being a member of the genus Bacillus, the difference in 16S rDNA between S10 and Bacillus halmapalus was only 2%. The mechanism involved in the inhibition of growth and PSP production of A. tamarense by this strain of marine bacteria, and the prospect of using it and other marine bacteria in the bio-control of red-tides was discussed.  相似文献   
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