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To improve the capability of numerical modeling of climate-groundwater interactions, a groundwater component and new surface/subsurface runoff schemes were incorporated into the regional climate model RegCM3, renamed RegCM3_Hydro. 20-year simulations from both models were used to investigate the effects of groundwater dynamics and surface/subsurface runoff parameterizations on regional climate over seven river basins in China. A comparison of results shows that RegCM3_Hydro reduced the positive biases of annual and summer (June, July, August) precipitation over six river basins, while it slightly increased the bias over the Huaihe River Basin in eastern China. RegCM3_Hydro also reduced the cold bias of surface air temperature from RegCM3 across years, especially for the Haihe and the Huaihe river basins, with significant bias reductions of 0.80C and 0.88C, respectively. The spatial distribution and seasonal variations of water table depth were also well captured. With the new surface and subsurface runoff schemes, RegCM3_Hydro increased annual surface runoff by 0.11-0.62 mm d-1 over the seven basins. Though previous studies found that incorporating a groundwater component tends to increase soil moisture due to the consideration of upward groundwater recharge, our present work shows that the modified runoff schemes cause less infiltration, which outweigh the recharge from groundwater and result in drier soil, and consequently cause less latent heat and more sensible heat over most of the basins.  相似文献   
骤旱是一类特殊的干旱现象,以快速发展为主要特征。在全球变暖背景下,骤旱可能会成为干旱的一种"新常态",亟须开展深入研究。针对目前存在的骤旱定义争论,本文指出其本质为如何理解骤旱与传统干旱之间的区别与联系,并从骤发性、持续性、爆发和消亡过程等方面进行阐述,指出骤旱的典型时间尺度为次季节尺度,应纳入多尺度干旱体系中。在此基础上,回顾了极端个例诊断分析、人类活动检测与归因、生态环境效应等方面的研究进展。认为:未来应加强骤旱驱动机制(包括内部变率和外部强迫)、骤旱与生态系统之间的相互作用、骤旱可预报性来源以及预测方法等方面的研究;应从全球变化的视角,利用地球系统科学的研究方法,发展先进的监测和模拟预测技术,以应对日益增加的骤旱风险。  相似文献   
基于机器学习方法和多源数据构建高精度蒸散发(Evapotranspiration,ET)产品对研究气候变化背景下干旱、半干旱地区陆地水循环变化具有重要意义。本文利用西北地区12个草地通量站点与卫星遥感产品,基于随机森林、极端梯度提升、支持向量回归和人工神经网络4种机器学习方法构建ET估算模型,制作5 km分辨率ET产品,并分析ET的长期变化趋势。交叉验证结果表明,4种模型的均方根误差都低于0.57 mm·d-1,R2高达0.73~0.88。SHAP (SHapley Additive exPlanation)可解释性分析表明,4种模型均将净辐射、植被和土壤湿度作为ET估算的重要因子,也能刻画出土壤偏干时土壤水分对ET的限制作用,有较好的物理解释性。多模型集合的ET结果相比单一机器学习模型以及现有遥感产品误差分别降低7%~20%和45%~70%。趋势分析结果显示,西北地区非裸地下垫面在2001—2018年间整体呈现ET增加趋势,平均速率为19 mm/(10 a)。在河套平原和内蒙古中部和东北部地区,ET的增长速率超过降水,这可能会进一步加剧这些地区的干旱化。  相似文献   
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