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将细基江蓠繁枝变型在铁限制条件下连续培养60天,分析海藻体内铁、色素、各种元素(N、P、C等)及总氨基酸水平的变化特征、铁限制对细基江蓠繁枝变型光反应系统的影响以及铁限制的细基江蓠繁枝变型对N、P和Fe^3 的吸收动力学特征。结果表明,在铁限制培养60天过程中(海水中铁的总浓度为451mol/L),细基江蓠组织中铁的含量和色素水平均随着铁限制时间的延长极显著地呈现指数下降。组织铁含量仅为对照组的5.26%,叶绿素和藻红素含量分别为对照组的7.9%和33.8%。在铁限制培养过程中,组织中的N:P比由起始的29.53降低到23.68,而C:N比值几乎保持恒定。比生长率与组织中铁含量呈显著的正相关,铁限制使完整组织低温下的荧光发射强度受到不同程度的影响,荧光发射峰位蓝移,光系统Ⅰ与光系统Ⅱ的荧光发射强度之比PSⅠ:PSⅡ降低。在适度铁限制条件下(铁限制培养30天),细基江蓠对Fe^3 的还原和吸收能力都明显增强,铁限制海藻铁吸收速率的大小与铁限制的培养过程中以及铁吸收实验过程中介质的氮源种类有关,即在以NO3^-—N为惟一氮源进行铁限制培养后,在以NH4^ —N为氮源的介质中铁的吸收速率远大于在以NO3^-—N为氮源的介质中铁的吸收速率。铁限制在不同程度上影响了细基江蓠对氯、磷的吸收能力,尤其对NO3^-—N的吸收影响较大,其最大吸收速率(Vmax)降低为对照组的33.4%。  相似文献   
养虾围隔中无机氮浓度与放养密度及环境因子的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
于1998年6 ̄9月间在鱼虾混养围隔中,研究了在全封闭条件下,水体中总无机氮9TIN,表示3种无机氮之和)及其的浓度以及3种组分相对含量的变化与鱼虾放养密度及其他环境因子(叶绿素、化学耗氧量(COD)、溶解氧(DO)、水温、盐度、pH等)的相互关系。结果表明:TIN及其组分的绝对含量与地虾和罗非鱼的放养密度呈极其显著的正相关,且这种负相关组分的绝对含量与水温有正相关性,但相关性不显著,而与pH、盐  相似文献   
对虾池封闭式综合养殖的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在国家自然科学基金(重点项目,编号39430150)、国家攀登计划B(编号PDB673)、山东省科委(鲁科计93第42号)及国家九五攻关计划(编号969220202,由李德尚、董双林两位教授共同主持)等多方面的支持下,自1994年起,主要用围隔实验法,对以对虾为主的封闭式综合养殖进行了深入、系统的研究。该研究依据的原理是通过不同食性经济生物的合理混养,增加对投入物质的有效利用层次,并以不换水的封闭式养殖来保证投入物质在池内的再循环,籍以增加其被有效利用的次数。以此达到减少投入物质在池内的有害积累,维持虾…  相似文献   
本文以江淮地区典型场地资料为原型,将土层剪切波速实测值按照一定比例进行增减,构造多种场地土层地震反应分析模型,选择Taft、E1centro 和Kobe 三条强震记录作为地震输入,采用一维频域等效线性化波动方法进行了土层地震反应分析。研究结果表明,剪切波速的变异性与场地地表地震动的影响程度与输入基岩地震动的频谱特性、幅值、土层结构等因素有关。地表峰值加速度随着剪切波速的增大而逐渐增大,地表加速度反应谱的特征周期随着剪切波速的增大而逐渐减小。  相似文献   
Estivation, hibernation, and starvation are indispensable inactive states of sea cucumbers Apostichopus japonicus in nature and in culture ponds. Generally, temperature is the principal factor that induces estivation or hibernation in the sea cucumber. The present study provided insight into the physiological adaptations of A. japonicus during the three types of inactivity (hibernation, estivation, and starvation) by measuring the oxygen consumption rates (Vo2) and biochemical compositions under laboratory conditions of low (3°C), normal (17°C) and high (24°C) temperature. The results show that the characteristics of A. japonicus in dormancy (hibernation and estivation) states were quite different from higher animals, such as fishes, amphibians, reptiles, and mammals, but more closely resembled a semi-dormant state. It was observed that the shift in the A. japonicus physiological state from normal to dormancy was a chronic rather than acute process, indicated by the gradual depression of metabolic rate. While metabolic rates declined 44.9% for the estivation group and 71.7% for the hibernation group, relative to initial rates, during the 36 d culture period, metabolic rates were not maintained at constant levels during these states. The metabolic depression processes for sea cucumbers in hibernation and estivation appeared to be a passive and an active metabolic suppression, respectively. In contrast, the metabolic rates (128.90±11.70 μg/g h) of estivating sea cucumbers were notably higher (107.85±6.31 μg/g h) than in starving sea cucumbers at 17°C, which indicated that the dormancy mechanism here, as a physiological inhibition, was not as efficient as in higher animals. Finally, the principle metabolic substrate or energy source of sea cucumbers in hibernation was lipid, whereas in estivation they mainly consumed protein in the early times and both protein and lipid thereafter.  相似文献   
April to October, 1997 comparative studios on the nitrogen budgets of closed shrimp polyculture systems showed that, in all the studied polyculture systems, nitrogen from feeds and fertilizers were the main input items, which comprised 70.7% - 83.9% of the total input nitrogen, 3.2% - 7.4% of which was provided by nitrogen fixation. It was in monoculture enclosures (Y-4, Y-11 and Y-12) that the percentage reached the maximum value. The output nitrogen in harvested products comprised 10.8% - 24.6% of total input nitrogen, and the highest percentage, 24.6%, was found in shrimp-fish-tagelus polyculture systems. In shrimp monoculture and shrimp-fish polyculture systems, they were 19.1% and 21.9%, respectively. The nitrogen utilization efficiency was different and varied from 12.2% to 20.1%. The highest, 20.1%, was found in shrimp-fish-tagelus polycultttre systems, and the average of 20.0% was found in shrimp-tagelus polyculture systems. The lowest, 12.2%, was found in shrimp monoculture systems.All the nitrogen utilization efficiencies in shrimp-fish systems or shrimp-scallop systems seemed to be higher than that of the monoculture system, but they showed little statistical difference. The main outputs of nitrngen were found in sediment mud, and comprised 48.2% -60.8% of the total input, the lowest percentage was found in shrimp-fish-tagelus polyculture systems, and the highost percentage in shrimp-scallop systems.During the experiment, nitrogen lost through denitrification and ammonia volatilization comprised 1.9% - 6.2%, averaged 2.8%, of the total input, and the loss through seepage comprised 5.9% - 8.9% of the total.The estimated nitrogen attached to the enclosure wall comprised 3.7% - 13.3% of the total, and was highest in shrimp monoculture systems. Compared with the classic shrimp farming industry, the closed shrimp polycul-ture systems may improve the nitrogen utilization efficiency, and hence reduce the environmental impacts on coastal waters. The nitrogen discharging rates for all the studied polyculture systems ranged from 3.0% to 6.0% of total input nitrogen.  相似文献   
气象场的几种中尺度分离算子及其比较   总被引:15,自引:5,他引:15  
本文根据选择滤波原理,设计了几种高通滤波器。连同求滑动距平的方法一起,通过理论分析和个例计算,比较了它们的中尺度分离功能。结果表明,我们设计的选择滤波算子(2.5)式的中尺度分离功能最佳。  相似文献   
为探究大西洋鲑(Salmo salar)幼鱼的适宜投喂频率和胃排空规律,进行了养殖实验和胃排空实验.养殖实验设置了1次/天(F1组)、2次/天(F2组)、3次/天(F3组)、4次/天(F4组)和连续投喂(C F组)共5种投喂频率.胃排空实验采用连续测定胃含物的方法,用数学模型对胃含物数据进行拟合.研究表明:F1组日摄食...  相似文献   
一种新型对虾多池循环水综合养殖模式   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
11对对虾虾养养殖殖模模式式现现状状的的简简介介我我国国对对虾虾养养殖殖业业已已经经有有几几百百年年的的历历史史 ,,其其发发展展过过程程伴伴随随着着养养殖殖模模式式的的演演变变。。最最初初在在港港湾湾进进行行粗粗放放的的鱼鱼养养殖殖和和港港养养。。大大规规模模修修建建池池塘塘进进行行对对虾虾养养殖殖 ,,只只是是近近3300aa在在各各种种适适合合的的养养殖殖种种类类的的人人工工育育苗苗获获得得突突破破之之后后才才发发展展起起来来 ,,并并在在9900年年代代初初达达到到高高峰峰。。9900年年代…  相似文献   
赵文  董双林  张兆琪 《湖泊科学》2002,14(2):159-165
于1997年4月5日至1998年9月1日对山东高青赵店乡渔场34个盐碱池浮游动物群落演替及其多样性进行了研究,采集了389个浮游动物定量水样。结果表明,轮虫主要是在夏秋高温季节占主导地位,桡足类在春季和秋末冬初在大部分养鱼池和所有无鱼对照池中占绝对优势,原生动物在养鱼池浮游动物中占相当比重,浮游动物生物量的冬季变动一般都有放养早期的春季生物量峰值和盛夏至初秋的生物量高峰,浮游动物多样性指数的季节变动形式与浮游动物生物量的季节变动不尽相同,其季节变动的总趋势是,冬季最低,春季开始上扬,夏季最高,秋季又开始下降;浮游动物多样性指数在浮游动物生物量峰值时多是低谷,而生物量下降时多样性指数又上升,无鱼对照池和新挖池塘的浮游动物多样性指数和生物量均较一般养鱼池塘的高。  相似文献   
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