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挖掘可表征城市之间联系的信息并进行网络复现,已成为一种研究区域联系的重要研究范式。纪传文本地名的共现网络研究对深化理解历史地理要素、拓展城市网络分析的运用具有重要意义。本文基于对地名共现的空间网络的研究综述,提出基于地名共现词频进行网络分析的改进方法,纳入地名稀缺性及区域优势不对称性测算城市关联度,规避了现有测算方法中缺乏考虑地名稀缺性及边权不对称性所导致的信息失真。在网络复现算法检验上,使用《三国志》地名共现数据集,实现了三国时期州郡网络复现中的地理分布、层级结构表达,同时实现了州郡的区域优势识别。结果表明,新算法相较传统的地名共现算法,其计算结果反映了边权的不对称性,且在有限文本数的效度测试中区位推荐算法提高效度5‰,概率误差低于既有算法,复现地名词频的效果更为稳健。另外,既有算法计算结果均为对称联系,而由区位推荐算法得到的非对称性地域关联数据为判别区域体系的节点层级提供了统计依据。  相似文献   
计算机打印时出现划纸、字迹短笔划、断针等现象时 ,用如下方法清洗打印头效果较好。取一个干净的小盘子 ,倒入少量纯净酒精 ,取下打印头 ,把前部浸入酒精 (注意不要把电缆浸湿 )约1 0 min取出。装在打印机上 ,启动自检或打印一部分文字。这时打印机打印头前端喷出蓝黑色污物 ,其中有碎纸屑与油污形成的粘性颗粒 ,就是这些污物堵住打印头针孔出现故障。再换些干净酒精重复洗两次 ,打印机就可打出清晰的文字清洗打印头方法@成军生  相似文献   
FY-3C Microwave Temperature Sounder Ⅱ(MWTS-Ⅱ) lacks observations at 23.8 GHz, 31 GHz and 89 GHz,making it difficult to remove the data contaminated by precipitation in assimilation. In this paper, a fast forward operator based on the Community Radiative Transfer Model(CRTM) was used to analyze the relationship between the observation minus background simulation(O-B) and the cloud fractions in different MWTS-Ⅱ channels. In addition,based on the community Gridpoint Statistical Interpolation(GSI) system, the radiation brightness temperature of the MWTS-Ⅱ was assimilated in the regional Numerical Weather Prediction(NWP) model. In the process of assimilation,Visible and Infrared Radiometer(VIRR) cloud detection products were matched to MWTS-Ⅱ pixels for precipitation detection. For typhoon No. 18 in 2014, impact tests of MWTS-Ⅱ data assimilation was carried out. The results show that,though the bias observation minus analysis(O-A) of assimilated data can be reduced by quality control only with | O-B| 3 K; however, the O-A becomes much smaller while the precipitation detection is performed with F_(virr) 0.9(VIRR cloud fraction threshold of 0.9). Besides, the change of the environmental field around the typhoon is more conducive to make the simulated track closer to the observation. The 72-hour typhoon track simulation error also shows that, after the precipitation detection, the error of simulated typhoon track is significantly reduced, which reflects the validity of a precipitation detection method based on a double criterion of | O-B | 3 K and F_(virr) 0.9.  相似文献   
利用厦门新一代天气雷达资料对2004年8月2日午后发生在厦门同安区的雷雨大风和冰雹过程进行简要分析.结果表明,在50km的范围内环境风场具有风向和风速的辐合,强对流风暴相对应的流场具有中-γ尺度的气旋性辐合;回波发展快,强度强,属多单体强风暴.  相似文献   
泉州市肖厝经济开发区位于湄州湾南岸,是国家规划建设的现代化的化工港口城市,福建省制定的加快闽东南开发中发展以石化为龙头的支柱产业地带,泉州市的四大经济区域之首。随着新一轮的改革开放,肖厝人正在构筑着一幅建  相似文献   
选厂最终产物一般有三种:硫化矿物浮选石英尾矿,阶段混合浮选水力旋流器含金沉砂再浮选的最终尾矿,水力旋流器的最终溢流。溢流产率约有50%,并且含金量较高。 在分析研究尾矿含金的粒级分布时,可以明显看出(表1),在阶段混合尾矿中,  相似文献   
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