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根据超高压岩石的退变质反应20Jd 3Di H2O=12Ab 2An Tar 3Na2O和18Jd 3Di 2Aeg H2O=12Ab 2An Fe-Tar 3Na2O,利用拟合的绿闪石和铁质绿闪石的热力学数据,在平衡热力学原理的基础上,建立了两个反应的压力计表达式:p=0.001 6(t 273)-0.028lnK 0.321K = (aPlNaAlSi3O8)12·(aPlCaAl2Si2O8)2·(aTarNa2CaMg3Al2[Si6Al2O22](OH)2·(aSodNa2O)3/aNCpxNaAlSi2O6)20·(aCpxCaMgSi2O6)3·aWatH2O经中国安徽省潜山县双河和西阿尔卑斯高压超高压变质带的验证及与角闪石-斜长石温度计的对比,其计算结果基本合理,表明这一新的压力计具有较好的应用价值.  相似文献   
By a detailed investigation of geometry and kinematics of the Shangma (商麻) fault in Dabieshan (大别山),three different crust levels of extension movement have been recognized in sequence from the deep to the shallow:① low-angle ductile detachment shearing with top to the NW; ② low-angle normal fault with top to the NW or NWW in brittle or brittle-ductile transition domain; ③high-angle brittle normal fault with top to the W or NWW. Two samples were chosen for zircon U-Pb age dating to constrain the activity age of the Shangma fault. A bedding intrusive granitoid pegmatite vein that is parallel to the foliation of the low-angle ductile detachment shear zone of the country rock exhibits a lotus-joint type of boudinage deformation,showing syn-tectonic emplacing at the end of the ductile deformation period and deformation in the brittle-ductile transition domain. The zircon U-Pb dating of this granitoid pegmatite vein gives an age of (125.9±4.2) Ma,which expresses the extension in the brittle-ductile transition domain of the Shangma fault. The other sample,which is collected from a granite pluton cutting the foliation of the low-angle ductile detachment shear zone, gives a zircon U-Pb age of (118.8±4.1) Ma,constraining the end of the ductile detachment shearing. Then the transformation age from ductile to brittle deformation can be constrained between 126-119 Ma.Combined with the previous researches,the formation of the Luotian (罗田) dome,which is located to the east of the Shangma fault,can beconstrained during 150-126 Ma. This study gives a new time constraint to the evolution of the Dabie orogenic belt.  相似文献   
地矿部西南石油地质局05项目工程处与长春地质学院共同承担国家重点科技攻关专题——塔里木盆地震旦—泥盆纪沉积特征与储盖条件研究过程中,于1992年6月,在新疆地矿局第二地质大队协助下,在莎车县坎迪尔力克地区测制早古生代地层剖面时,于原划属志留系的买热孜干群下部灰黑色板岩中,首次发现奥陶纪及志留纪笔石,经野外鉴定、统计,计有:Clyptograptus(雕笔石)spp.,Amplexograptus(围笔石)sp.,Climacograptus(栅笔石)sp.,Dicellograptus(叉笔石)spp.,Dicranograptus(双笔石)sp.,以及Pristiograptus(锯笔石)sp.等属。 该笔石动物群的发现,对解决塔里木盆地西南缘奥陶系、志留系对比,沉积演化与构造发展,对油气选区评价,都具有重要意义。  相似文献   
王朴  王国灿  刘超  王岸  叶润青 《地球科学》2008,33(2):174-182
通过对商麻断裂的几何学和运动学的详细构造解析, 鉴别出呈先后依次发育层次由深到浅的3种不同构造层次的伸展性断裂构造活动, 从早到晚分别为: ①低角度向北西西方向滑脱的韧性剪切; ②西倾的低角度脆性、脆-韧性滑脱正断层; ③西倾的高角度脆性正断层.在构造年代学的基础上, 选择①末期与围岩同构造并顺围岩面理侵入结晶的花岗质伟晶岩脉和后期的花岗岩侵入体进行了锆石U-Pb年龄测试, 花岗质伟晶岩脉中13颗岩浆锆石给出了125.9±4.2Ma的年龄数据, 花岗岩中10颗岩浆锆石给出了118.8±4.1Ma年龄数据, 从而可以将商麻断裂带从伸展滑脱型韧性变形向脆性滑脱断层转换的时间很好的约束在126~119Ma之间.通过与前人研究结果的对比, 笔者将罗田穹窿形成的时间限定在了150~126Ma之间, 为研究整个大别山构造演化提供了新的年代学约束.   相似文献   
石膏是柴达木盆地油气圈闭的盖层之一。根据石膏层含量统计和石膏34SV-CDT分析,发现柴达木盆地古近系石膏主要分布于靠近阿尔金山的狮子沟凹陷和小梁山凹陷,石膏含量在垂向上具有旋回性。石膏的34SV-CDT值分布范围很大,为-23.3~71.4%,属国内外罕见。其原因是来自阿尔金山的硫酸盐34S值很低,而由盆缘向盆内随着还原环境的强化,细菌的分馏作用逐渐强烈,导致34SV-CDT值的巨大差异。石膏34SV-CDT值的主控因素为硫酸盐34SV-CDT初始值、硫酸盐补给速率和还原菌分馏作用的强度。形成石膏的硫酸盐来自阿尔金山,经由狮子沟凹陷进入盆地,然后向盆地其它方向扩散。  相似文献   
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