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Based on the pollen spectrum characteristics of 46 surface samples collected in the western Tianshan Mountains of Xinjiang and a plant community quadrat survey, we analyzed the relationship between pollen assemblages and modern climate and vegetation distribution in the region. The results showed the surface pollen assemblages were consistent with the distribution of modern vegetation. Based on the results of cluster analysis, the study area could be divided into three pollen assemblage zones(mountain steppe zone, desert vegetation zone and typical desert zone). In general, pollen assemblage can roughly reflect the main characteristics of local vegetation, but there are significant differences in the percentage of some pollen types and the coverage of related plants. The pollen of Picea and Pinus in arbor plants, Ephedra in shrub plants, Chenopodiaceae and Artemisia in herb plants were high represented due to the influence of natural wind, water flow and their own pollen yield. While Rosaceae pollen in shrubs and Poaceae in herbs were less representative in a modern plant community with its own dominant species;The Artemisia and Chenopodiaceae(A/C)ratio can distinguish the desert zone from the mountain steppe zone, and could clearly reflect the aridity level. However, when using this indicator to reconstruct the climate environment, it is necessary to combine the characteristics of pollen assemblage and the influence of changes in vegetation composition and other factors to distinguish;Altitude, average annual precipitation, and average annual temperature all affect the distribution of surface pollen in the area. © 2022 The authors.  相似文献   
冰芯对于过去全球变化研究的贡献   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:14  
王宁练  姚檀栋 《冰川冻土》2003,25(3):275-287
系统地总结了冰芯在揭示过去气候环境变化、太阳活动、温室气体、火山活动、人类活动等方面研究所取得的成就,着重对一些有争议的重大问题(如Younger Dryas事件、温室气体与气候变化之间的关系、南北半球气候变化之间的关系等)进行了论述,并对其中个别问题提出了可能的解决途径.指出冰芯微生物、冰芯环境磁学将是冰芯研究的新方向.  相似文献   
基于青藏高原昆仑山玉珠峰冰川Core 1冰芯钻取过程中所获得的相关资料,揭示出在该冰芯钻取点处的冰川内部34.34~34.64 m深度段存在一个富含水冰层,其未冻水(液态水)具有承压性质,水头高度至少可达到8.54 m. 该富含水冰层的存在不仅对冰川温度场带来了极大的影响,而且使该层中δ18O记录趋于均一化. 通过分析,揭示出该富含水冰层中可溶杂质离子浓度明显高于其上部冰层中的可溶杂质离子浓度,这是富含水冰层在形成初期其上部粒雪层融水下渗所引起的可溶杂质离子淋溶的结果. 同时,研究表明玉珠峰冰川粒雪中可溶杂质离子的优先淋溶顺序为NO3-> Mg2+> Na+> Cl-> K+> SO42-> Ca2+> NH4+. 提出可利用最易淋溶离子的浓度与最不易淋溶离子的浓度之比值,来判断冰雪层中可溶杂质离子浓度峰值是否与淋溶有关. 结合青藏高原其他地点冰芯钻取过程中发现的富含水冰层状况,认为青藏高原冰川内部富含水冰层不是在整个冰川区域内呈层状分布,而是在冰川内部呈透镜状分布. 冰川内部富含水冰层的存在,表明其形成初期气候相对较暖. 最后,阐明了青藏高原冰川中富含水冰层的形成机理与演化过程,并预测了其潜在的灾害效应.  相似文献   
王宁练 《第四纪研究》2009,29(5):913-919
通过青藏高原可可西里马兰冰芯记录,重建了 1887~1998年时期的净积累量变化,揭示出在研究时段内其变化呈弱的上升趋势。谱分析结果表明,马兰冰芯净积累量变化存在10.8a的显著周期。这表明太阳黑子活动对马兰冰芯净积累量变化存在一定的影响。统计分析发现,在20世纪80年代中期之前马兰冰芯净积累量变化与太阳黑子相对数变化之间存在显著的负相关关系,而在20世纪80年代中期之后却呈正相关关系。  相似文献   
依据青藏高原目前所取得冰芯的尘埃分析结果,初步分析了近1000年来青藏高原南北大气尘埃载荷的时空变化特征。研究表明,高原南部达索普冰芯记录的高尘埃含量时期为1270s~1380s和1870s~1990s,而北部马兰冰芯记录的高尘埃含量时期为1130s~1550s和1770s~1940s。近1000年来青藏高原南北冰芯中尘埃含量呈现不同程度的增加总趋势,这可能指示了环境的变干趋势。青藏高原冰芯记录还反映出,高原北部地区大气中的尘埃载荷明显高于南部地区;高原北部地区大气尘埃载荷春季最大,而南部地区非季风季节最大。另外,通过对高原南北冰芯中尘埃含量记录与δ18 O记录之间相关关系分析,揭示出大气尘埃载荷变化与气温变化之间关系在高原北部地区呈显著负相关,而在南部地区却呈显著正相关。这说明青藏高原南北气候环境变化的差异性。  相似文献   
Glacial meltwater is an important freshwater resource in the Caucasus and is important for regional irrigation and hydroelectricity generation. This paper analyses the spatial and temporal patterns of glacier change in the Caucasus Mountains from 1960 to 2020 based on Landsat images, coherence images from Sentinel-1 image pairs, GLIMS glacier inventory and WGMS glacier mass balance data. The results of the study show that in 2020 there were 1912 glaciers in the Caucasus Mountains, with a total area of(1 087. 36±66. 44)km2. The total glacier area shrank by(587. 36±98. 66)km2(35. 07±5. 89%)between 1960 and 2020, with an average annual shrinkage rate of(0. 58±0. 10%)·a-1. The area shrinkage rates of Caucasian glaciers for 1960-1986, 1986-2000 and 2000-2020 are(0. 44±0. 20%)·a-1, (0. 66±0. 77%)·a-1 and(0. 96±0. 31%)·a-1, respectively, indicating that Caucasian glaciers in a state of accelerated retreat over the last 60 years. Analysis of mass balance information shows that both the Djankuat and Garabashi glaciers in the Caucasus have been in a strong negative equilibrium for nearly 60 years, with a significant acceleration of mass deficit after 2000. Analysis of climate data suggests that the strong warming is the main reason for the accelerated retreat of glaciers in the Caucasus mountains in recent decades. © 2022 The authors.  相似文献   
从祁连山七-冰川流域各介质中总共检测出2~7环的多环芳烃50多种,其中16种美国EPA优控物质中,只有二氢苊和二苯并[a,h]蒽没有被检测到.雪冰和冰川融水样品中相对富集3环和4环,雪冰不溶微粒和冰尘以及七-冰川周围表层土壤样品主要以4~6环为主,这是由PAHs自身的物理化学性质决定的.荧蒽/芘,菲/蒽比值表明,研究区检测出来的多环芳烃可能主要来自于化石燃料的高温燃烧,特别是煤的燃烧和机车尾气排放产生.大气污染传输与干湿沉降是七-冰川及其周围土壤中PAHs的主要输入途径.  相似文献   
以青藏高原为主体的第三极地区是中、低纬度最大的冰川作用区。冰芯记录可为该地区过去气候环境变化研究提供重要的信息。但在青藏高原地区尤其是高原南部印度季风影响区, 其冰芯稳定同位素记录的解释还存在着不确定性。本文整合青藏高原不同空间位置上的10支冰芯 δ18O记录, 以研究其空间集成的序列与区域温度的关系, 来论证青藏高原冰芯稳定同位素指标的温度代用性。将青藏高原北部和南部各5支冰芯及整个青藏高原面上的这10支冰芯 δ18O记录经Z-score标准化处理后, 与相应区域的器测气温标准化序列进行统计分析。结果发现, 无论是高原北部、高原南部还是整个高原面上, 冰芯 δ18O与气温的标准化序列均存在显著的相关关系。在此统计分析基础上, 将冰芯 δ18O标准化序列延伸至1900年, 从而重建了20世纪青藏高原地区气温变化, 该气温序列与北半球气温变化具有较好的相似性。如上分析表明, 青藏高原冰芯 δ18O记录是区域气温变化的良好代用指标, 多支冰芯 δ18O记录的综合集成能更好地揭示过去气候变化特征。  相似文献   
青藏高原达索普冰芯2 ka来温度与甲烷浓度变化记录   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
通过对喜马拉雅山达索普冰芯气泡中包裹气体的提取分析和对冰芯中氧同位素分析, 讨论了近2 ka来达索普冰芯记录的温度与大气甲烷浓度的变化. 结果表明, 该冰芯中d 18O记录所反映的温度变化事件与青藏高原北部的敦德冰芯记录的气候事件及中国东部乃至北半球的温度变化趋势十分相似, 近百年来的升温趋势同中世纪暖期时的升温趋势基本一致; 自工业革命以来, 达索普冰芯气泡中记录的甲烷浓度呈快速的增长趋势, 与全球大气甲烷浓度的变化趋势一致. 工业革命以前, 达索普冰芯记录的大气中甲烷浓度在825 nmol·mol-1上下波动, 是目前青藏高原大气中CH4浓度(2000±100 nmol·mol-1)的40%左右. 与南极及格陵兰同时代的冰芯记录相比, 达索普冰芯中记录的CH4浓度要高出15%~20%左右, 而且达索普冰芯甲烷浓度具有更强的波动性, 这种波动与温度变化关系紧密.  相似文献   
Temperature and methane records over the last 2 ka in Dasuopu ice core   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
High resolution δ18O and methane records over the last 2ka have been reconstructed from Dasuopu ice core recovered from the Himalayas. Analysis shows that the δ18O record correlates well with the Northern Hemispheric temperature, Dunde ice core record, and with temperature record in eastern China. The warming trend detected in δ18O record from the last century is similar to that during the Medieval warm period. There is a dramatic increasing in methane concentration in the Dasuopu ice core, which reached 1031 nmol ⋅ mol-1 in 1997. Moreover, methane concentration in the Dasuopu ice core is about 15%-20% higher than that in Antarctica and Greenland. There is a positive correlation between methane concentration and δ18O in Dasuopu ice core.  相似文献   
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