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Based on the Intensive Field Campaign(IFC-1)data of Boreal Ecosystem-Atmosphere Study(BOREAS).a three-dimensional meso-β scale model is used to simulate the effect of boreal forests onthe lower atmosphere.A fine horizontal resolution of 2 km×2 km is used in order to distinguish thevegetative heterogeneity in the boreal region.A total of 20×25 grid points cover the entire sub-modeling area in BOREAS' South Study Area(SSA).The ecosystem types and their coverage ineach grid square are extracted from the North American Land Cover Characteristics Data Base(NALCCD)generated by the U.S.Geographical Survey(USGS)and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln(UNL).The topography of the study area is taken from the Digital Elevation Map(DEM)of USGS.The model outputs include the components of the energy balance budget within the canopyand at the ground.the turbulence parameters in the atmospheric boundary layer and the wind.temperature and humidity profiles extending up to a height of 1500 m.In addition to the fine timeand spatial step,the unique feature of the present model is the incorporation of both dynamic andbiological effects of the Boreal forest into the model parameterization scheme.The model resultscompare favorably with BOREAS' IFC-1 data in 1994 when the forest was in the luxuriant growingperiod. 相似文献
随着公路工程施工工艺和措施的不断拓新 ,运用土工格栅处理软土路基在我国公路工程中正在越来越多地被采用。其良好的力学性能有力地保证了路基、路面的工程质量。1 概述早在 5 0年代的时候 ,西方较先进的一些国家已开始使用土工格栅 ,并逐步在公路工程建设中推广应用 ,取得了良好的效果。土工格栅代替传统的建筑材料能节省大量经费。在公路路基中使用能有效改善土的物理力学性质 ,特别是对特殊路基的处理具有增大土体内摩擦角 ,形成承重板体 ,阻止毛细水上升等功能 ,我处在临河西环线改建工程中针对该段位于城市郊结合处的特殊地理位置 ,其路基状况具有原路基边沟长期遭水浸泡而形成的湿软土壤、城市建设垃圾、生活垃圾及工业废渣等特点 ,我们在查阅大量文献的基础上 ,决定对局部特殊路段使用土工格栅处治软土路基 (包括建筑垃圾和工业废渣垃圾 )。2 现状分析本工程主要对原路基加宽 1 0 m,加铺基层和面层 (结构为 1 5 cm二灰土 2 0 cm水泥稳定石屑 5 .5 cm沥青碎石 )。而需要加宽的部分 ,多为原路基边沟。由于城市出入口排水不畅加之郊区农田灌水积存等原因 ,使边沟水长期浸泡路基 ,造成 5 0 -1 5 0 cm... 相似文献
栉孔扇贝[Chiamys farreri(Jones et Preston)]的人工育苗,在我国已经形成了一套较为完整的工艺流程,并进入了生产阶段。同时,采自然苗也在一些海区(山东长岛县)取得了很大地进展。但是,由于培育的扇贝种苗规格过小(壳高10mm左右),利用率和成活率都较低,养殖器材成本高,养殖周期长等因素的影响,目前扇贝养殖的发展仍甚缓慢。近年来,农牧渔业部多次组织召开有关技术协作攻关会议,提出提高成活率、降低养殖成本、增加经济效益、扩大养殖生产,作为扇贝养殖的发展方向。我们认为,实现上述目标,除了因地制宜、就地取材发展人工筏式养殖和底播养殖外,育成大规格扇贝种苗(壳高 相似文献
A multi-dimensional Lorenz system, which includes thirty-three amplitude equations describing time evolution of convection, is derived from two-dimensional Boussinesq equations by using the Galerkin method. Its transition is studied by numerical solution. It is found that, with Rayleigh number increasing from zero to one hundred, five different types of motion appear one after another as follows: stationary motion, periodic motion, quasiperiodic motion with two-fundamental frequencies, quasi-periodic motion with three fundamental frequencies, and chaotic motion. By comparing with the Lorenz model and Curry's fourteen-dimensional model, it is shown that as retained modes increase, the critical values of transition become larger and the types of bifurcation change. The results of dynamic behavior happen to be in agreement with the Ⅲa route of the Gollub and Benson experiments. 相似文献
八十年代,地理教学在英国学校中占有众所承认的地位,英国学校把地理教学纳入教程的方式因地方教育机构所管理的学校学制不同而异。最普遍的学制是5~11岁的儿童上小学,9—13岁的儿童上中学,这些学校均将地理纳入综合的教学课程中,或做为环境教育的部分内容。 相似文献
对矿产资源进行综合普查勘探,早已引起国内外重视。随着科技进步和生产水平不断提高,综合勘探一做为综合利用的基础,越来越显示出它的重要作用。据报导,苏联有色金属工业部门除生产12种有色金属外,还可提取62种元素;全部的银、铋和铂族金属,20%以上的金,大约30%的硫都是做为有色金属的副产品回收的。西方国家从天然气中回收硫,1976年产量达到1450吨,占各种形式硫总产量的43%。 相似文献