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以构建高效信息传输网络为代表的全球信息化浪潮将极大地改变人类社会生产过程及生产力的空间布局形式。在传统的农业社会中,人类生产资料中起决定性作用的是土地资本。人类的社会生产过程以体能的发挥为主。在工业社会中,起决定作用的是反映生产力水平的设备资本。对经济发展起到关键作用的是资本的积累。人类的社会生产过程以技能的发挥为主。在即将来临的信息社会中,信息资源将成为人类生产资料的第一要素。人类的社会生产活动将以智能的发挥为主。届时人类生产力的空间布局形式也将呈现出新的特点。  相似文献   
淮河中下游洪泽湖湖泊沉积物粒度特征及其沉积环境意义   总被引:16,自引:5,他引:16  
以淮河中下游洪泽湖湖底沉积物为研究对象,将放射性核素计年与沉积物粒度分析、粒度平面分形研究以及历史文献资料相结合,初步探讨了洪泽湖湖底沉积物粒度特点及该区域近300年来的气候变化,为恢复百年尺度的气候干湿变化提供了一条新途径。研究发现,湖区气候的干湿变化大致可分为三个阶段。进一步说明沉积物粒度参数的变化不仅与自然环境改变有关,也与人类活动如黄河改道、湖泊周围建闸等关系密切。  相似文献   
近年来,随着我县经济社会的发展,用地历史遗留问题越来越多地浮出了水面,因时过境迁,政策变更,套用现有政策已无法解决大部分历史遗留问题,由此而引发的信访问题也屡见不鲜,无可置疑,历史遗留问题已成为我县当前国土资源管理工作的热点、难点.为维护群众利益,促进社会和谐建设,2007年以来,我局党委以开展"走进矛盾、破解难题"、"矛盾纠纷排解年"、作风建设年"、"树新形象、创新业绩"等活动为契机,将解决历史遗留问题列为各专项活动重点,克难攻艰.近两年来,共解决了11件涉及历史遗留、拆迁安置等民生实事问题,如三魁近100户农民用地补办、罗阳原屠宰场资产处置涉及的34户居民产权变更、公园路6户居民土地证办理、泗溪镇开发区历史遗留用地问题等,其中泗溪镇开发区历史遗留用地问题长达15年之久,均取得了较好的成效.  相似文献   
Using the composite field observational data collected in the area south of the Nanling Mts. and numerical modeling, the seasonal features of dense fog and visibility, fog drop spectrum and physical concept of fog forming have been analyzed. The occurring frequency of low visibility(≤200 m) is very high with a mean of 24.7%, a maximum of 41.8% from the end of autumn to winter and next spring. The fog processes that occur in the area south of the Nanling Mts. in spring and winter result from the interactions of complicated micro-physical processes, the local terrain, water vapor transportation and the influencing weather system. The fog processes are arisen from advection or windward slope, which is much different from the radiation fog. Cooling condensation due to the air lifted by the local mountain plays an important role in fog formation. Windward slope of the mountain is favorable to the fog formation. Dense fog can occur at lower altitudes in the windward slope of mountain, resulting in the lower visibility. The fog is mainly of small-drop spectrum with smaller number-density than that of urban fog, and its drop spectrum has descending trend in the section of smaller diameter. The inverse relationship between fog water content and visibility is the best among several relationships of micro-variables. In addition to micro-physical processes of fog body itself, the motion of irregular climbing and crossing over hillside while the fog body is being transported by the wind are also important reasons for the fluctuation of micro-physical parameters such as fog water content.  相似文献   
察尔汗盐湖地下晶间卤水蕴藏了宝贵的盐湖矿产资源,如何确定地下卤水的赋存规律以制定科学合理的卤水开采和补给方案,正成为盐湖资源大规模可持续利用亟需解决的重要问题。本文以察尔汗盐湖西北部的典型采卤区作为研究区域,1)利用新型的地面核磁共振找水仪,通过在研究区布设两条十字交叉的测线,探测并反演解译测区地下60米深度内的卤水静态赋存形式,2)结合OpenGeoSys(OGS)多物理场耦合地下水数值模拟软件,对测区地下卤水的动态运移形式进行数值模拟计算。地面核磁探测结果表明研究区含水量整体偏低,最大含水量约0.8%,平均含水量约0.4%。测点结果给出的含水层位分界面与邻近钻孔的地层层位分界面的一致性较高,浅部的层位误差在10%以下,达到了0.5米的精度。考虑到测区南北两边均有采卤渠正在汲取地下卤水,且在测区中心存在两条废弃的采卤渠,OGS地下水数值模拟研究结果表明采卤渠造成测区浅部卤水较大空缺,与研究区浅部含水量总体偏低的探测特征一致。研究结果表明地面核磁共振技术能准确探测卤水当前的赋存状态,地下水运移模拟技术可以深入认识采补活动引起卤水赋存状态的变化规律。探测和模拟结合的联合研究是确定卤水赋存规律的重要手段,研究成果可为盐湖资源合理开采高效利用提供基础资料和相关科学支撑。  相似文献   
讨论了不同温度的有机溶剂分级提取对鳀鱼鱼油得率、脂肪酸组成及EPA、DHA含量变化的影响。经15℃干法分级提取的液态鳀鱼鱼油,在设定的4种温度下,液态鳀鱼鱼油得率均随溶剂量的增加而提高;在相同溶剂量的情况下,随着分级提取温度的降低,液态鳀鱼鱼油得率呈下降的趋势。有机溶剂分级提取对14碳短碳链的饱和与不饱和脂肪酸及16碳、18碳的饱和脂肪酸的脱除效果是明显的,但对脱除20碳、22碳的长碳链饱和脂肪酸的效果不明显。在4种试验温度下,EPA和DHA的总量分别为29.88%、31.74%、35.27%和41.80%,高出美国阿拉斯佳深海鱼油对应总量(28.76%)的1.12%~13.04%。  相似文献   
分别叙述了激光干涉技术和雷达差分干涉技术的原理及应用. 采用激光实时干涉计量技术实验室观测试样在加压过程中的形变,研究不同破裂孕育区所表现的不同应变异常场特征. 采用雷达差分干涉技术可以测量地形及地表形变,并且有西藏玛尼、张北——尚义等地震前后的形变测量结果. 指出激光实时干涉计量技术与雷达差分干涉技术相似,都是以条纹变化图研究形变异常场特征. 因此, 对雷达差分干涉技术测量的孕震过程中的形变场,特别是临近大震发生前的形变场特征进行观测和以激光干涉技术进行实验及对比研究均将很有意义.   相似文献   
This paper investigates processing of fast-response data and corrections of turbulent fluxes obtained by using eddy covariance method based on data collected at an offshore observation tower during three Cold-intrusion(CI)events in the South China Sea in 2010. This study presents the data processing procedure in detail and compares frictional velocities(u*), sensible heat fluxes(H) and latent heat fluxes(LE) yielded by using different averaging periods and different coordinate rotation methods; evaluates the sonic temperature correction for sensible heat flux and the Webb correction for latent heat flux as a function of 10 m wind speed(u10) during the CIs. The results show(1) that the different averaging periods of 30 min and 10 min cause biases of u*(H, LE) within 5%(15%, 62%). The values of u*(H,LE) averaged from 30 mins are mostly larger than those averaged from 10 mins. We suggest that the averaging period of 10 min is not sufficiently long to capture all scale eddies and recommend 30 min averaging period in calculating turbulent fluxes using eddy covariance method during CIs;(2) that the values of u*(H, LE) obtained from double rotation(DR2) and those obtained from planar fit rotation(PF) have good agreements and correlation coefficients between them are larger than 0.99. Because PF method requires unchanged environment and it is easier to apply DR2 method, we suggest DR2 coordinate rotation method in processing fast-response data; and(3) that the median values of frictional velocity(sensible heat flux and latent heat flux) binned according to 2 m s~(-1) intervals of u_(10) increase(decrease,increase) by less than 9%(4%, 10%) by Coriolis corrections(sonic temperature corrections, Webb corrections), which decreases(decreases, increases) with increasing u10 when u10 are 5-17 m s~(-1).  相似文献   
Climate change is a global phenomenon but is modified by regional and local environmental conditions.Moreover,climate change exhibits remarkable cyclical oscillations and disturbances,which often mask and distort the long-term trends of climate change we would like to identify.Inspired by recent advancements in data mining,we experimented with empirical mode decomposition(EMD) technique to extract long-term change trends from climate data.We applied GIS elevation model to construct 3 D EMD trend surface to visualize spatial variations of climate change over regions and biomes.We then computed various time-series similarity measures and plot them to examine spatial patterns across meteorological stations.We conducted a case study in Inner Mongolia based on daily records of precipitation and temperature at 45 meteorological stations from 1959 to 2010.The EMD curves effectively illustrated the long-term trends of climate change.The EMD 3 D surfaces revealed regional variations of climate change,while the EMD similarity plots disclosed cross-station deviations.In brief,the change trends of temperature were significantly different from those of precipitation.Noticeable regional patterns and local disturbances of the changes in both temperature and precipitation were identified.The trends of change were modified by regional and local topographies and land covers.  相似文献   
毛广陵 《探矿工程》2008,35(2):34-36
结合深圳地区多年来施工房屋建筑桩基础的经验,讨论了有关深圳地区房屋建筑桩基础桩端持力层的选择和入岩深度问题,并提出了相关建议.  相似文献   
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