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月球轮廓是指投影在天球上的月球边缘平均形状。本文资料取自佘山天文年刊第十卷(1915年),这些月球照片系在1913年9月赤道仪(D=40cm,F=6.90m)所拍。本文求得月球轮廓的最或然形状是椭圆,长轴此短轴长1″.5,印扁率约为1/1150;长轴方向与自转轴的交角为2°(偏西)。看来,利用谐波分析方法来求椭圆参数,更为简单而不失其精确度。  相似文献   
世界气候图表集(Klimadiagramm-Weltatlas)第一部分,作者:华尔脱教授和莱斯博士(Heinrich Walter,Prof.Dr.,und Priv.-Doz.Dr.,Helmut Lieth,Botanisches Institut derLandwirtschaftlichen Hochschule Stuttgart-Hohenheim),出版者:Veb Gustav Ficher VerlagJena,1960年. 华尔脱教授和莱斯博士编著的世界气候图表集共分三部分,1960年已经出版了第一部分.这一部分包括西欧、印度、非洲、南美洲和澳大利亚洲的十二个地区.每个地区包括数以百计的台站气候图表.第一部分共计包括二千八百三十六个台站的气候图表.  相似文献   
1.制定查算图的根据和方法: 根据阿基米德原理,任何物體在水中将失去它同体积的水重;换言之原土样在水中称得之重量,等于其絕对干土在水中所称得的重量(因为土样中所含的水分已与水溶合)。  相似文献   
楊遵儀 《地质科学》1959,2(1):12-12
在全民干劲冲天、全国工农业正以一日千里的速度跃进再跃进的今天,为了满足工农业对于各种矿产资源日益增长的需要,地质工作者也没有例外地正在苦干和巧干,争取超额完成任务。这是多么振奋人心的一种形势! 地质工作者,不论在检查矿产的分布规律或者计算其储量时,都必须确定成矿时期;在从事区域地质研究时,尤须确定地层单位,搞清各单位的相对地质年代;总之,野外地质工作者必须具备鉴定一般地层时代的能力。  相似文献   
楊鍾健 《地质论评》1937,2(6):509-514
现在中國遭遇空前的國難,一切工作,均不能照预定計劃,按步就班的進行,乃是意料中事,我們地質界,當然也不能成爲例外。有許多人,值此緊張關頭,把握不住個人的意志,往往陷於過分的悲觀,情緒很緊張,乃至日常最低限度應作之事,亦不能好好的辦。我以為這是最不應該的。現在就鄙見所  相似文献   
楊鍾健 《地质论评》1937,2(3):267-272
(一)過去研究中國北方各地新生代後期各地層中,常有易見的一種化石,就是鸵鳥蛋。他的骨格雖也有發見,但至今所知尚少。獨其蛋皮,差不多每次旅行,都可以採得若干,但完全的究爲少數。安特生在他的中國北部之新生界一書中,有一篇文章,專門討論鴕鳥  相似文献   
楊鍾健 《地质学报》1936,15(2):189-193
Among a large collection of plants,insects,fishes,turtles andmammals recently collected by the author near Lingchühsien,Shantung,a well preserved fossil frog and numerous impressions of tadpoles are  相似文献   
On the whole the sequence of the Cenozoic formations in the Yangtzebasin and its provisional correlation with the Cenozoic sequence in North China,can be expressed in the following table: ON THE POSSIBILITY OF PREHISTORIC FINDS IN THE YANGTZE VALLEY (1) Generally speaking,possibilities of discovering traces of PalaeolithicMan in the Yangtze basin are rather limited,either on account of the poordevelopment of the Late Pleistocene beds,or on account of their unpromisingfacies(silt or mud). Nevertheless,methodical researches should be started in the extensivepits opened for brick industry in the lower terraces of the Yangtze,for instance,near Nanking in the Hsiasu Loam.Fig.12.An artifact collected on the ground west of Wanshien.Natural size. (2) An attractive field for the search of stony implements would bethe superficial deposits capping the 30-meter terrace developed so extensivelyalong the Yangtze.The Yuhuatai gravels,composing this terrace,contain alarge amount of siliceous pebbles remarkably fitted for the development of astony industry. (3) West of lchang,there is still a better material for stony implementsrepresented by the large pebbles of hard quartzite forming the gold-bearing gravel of the Yangtze.Most probably,if the Red Basin of Szechuan wascovered by loess,palaeolithic flakes would be common in its basal gravel.Un-fortunately,the Mesozoic ground is exposed almost everywhere,in a barrenand cultivated condition,this fact rendering researches difficult,and eventually,interpretation of finds rather difficult.Our figure 12 illustrates a retouchedflake of siliceous pebble collected along the Yangtze,some 10 kilometers westof Wanhsien(nght bank of the river).The specimen was picked up from theground,at a point a little higher than the loamy terrace 1 represented in ourfigure 11.The piece is distinctly incrusted,and differs by its shape from theNeolithic implements(mostly polished celts)commonly observed along theYangtze banks.But its pre-Neolithic age is impossible to prove. (4) As the most promising field for Palaeoanthropology still remainthe fossiliferous dissolution pits spread over the karstic plateaus of the Wanhsienarea.As observed by Granger,those pits have most been worked as naturaltraps,and never represented a dwelling place for animals.Yet the possibilityof discovering somewhere(as in Kwangsi,cf.Teilhard,...Chang,1935)anhabitated cave is not excluded. (5) A special re-investigation is necessary of the Tatsienlu area inwhich quartzite flakes associated with pot sherds have been collected in a kindof loess by Edgar and Bowles.Our own suspicion is that the Tatsionlu loessreally is Late Pleistocene,and the fragments of pottery secondary additions inthe deposits.  相似文献   
While on a trip to Szechuan in the spring of 1934,I spent a few days,together with Dr.G.B.Barbour and P.Teilhard de Chardin,at Wanhsien,inorder to visit the famous fossiliferous site of Yenchingkou.The latter site hadalready been visited and excavated in 1921-23 and 1925-26 by Dr.WalterGranger of the Third Asiatic Expedition of the American Museum of NaturalHistory~1.  相似文献   
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