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土地的科学规划,是合理利用和保护土地的基本依据,是城乡建设健康、有序进行的必要条件,是国家调控经济社会健康协调发展的重要手段.为了使规划更好地适应经济持续快速发展,基础设施投资力度不断加大,工业化、城市化进程进一步加快,生态保护要求进一步提高的新形势,我省按照国家的部署和省委、省政府的要求已着手启动新一轮地市级土地利用总体规划修编试点工作.  相似文献   
Now GIS is turning into a good tool in handling geographical, economical, and population data, so we can obtain more and more information from these data. On the other hand, in some cases, for a calamity, such as hurricane, earthquake, flood, drought etc., or a decision-making, such as setting up a broadcasting transmitter, building a chemical plant etc., we have to evaluate the total population in the region influenced by a calamity or a project. In this paper, a method is put forward to evaluate the population in such special region. Through exploring the correlation of geographical parameters and the distribution of people in the same region by means of quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis, unit population database (1km× 1km) is established. In this way, estimating the number of people in a special region is capable by adding up the population in every grid involved in this region boundary. The geographical parameters are obtained from topographic database and DEM database on the scale of  相似文献   
1StrongtideandastronomicalconditionsPartial solar eclipse occurred 4 times in 1964, 1982 and 2000 respectively. Time interval is about 3 Saros periods (one Saros period is 18 years and 10.33~11.33 days). Total lunar eclipse occurred 2 times in 1964 and 2000 respectively and 3 times in 1982. However, there was no lunar eclipse in 1966, 1984 and 2002. It seems that they had similar astro-nomical conditions and the best was in 1982. The studies about the effect of tide on the global climate…  相似文献   
新小行星命名:科学家和诺贝尔奖 在每次发布的小行星命名中,几乎都会出现著名科学家和诺贝尔奖获得者的身影。2002年11月发布的小行星命名中,英国的开尔文爵士的名字Kelvin被用于(8003)号小行星。开尔文爵士原名威廉·汤姆森(William Thomson,1824~1907),他在1848年提出、1854年修改了绝对热力学温标(现称开氏温度,绝对零度),  相似文献   
本文从农级别基准地价图编制的目的和原则入手,详细介绍了用MAPGIS软件编制农级别基准地价图的方法。  相似文献   
试论经济欠发达地区如何做到经济发展与资源保护并举   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
百色市地处广西西部,是全国有名的连片贫困地区,集老、少、边、山、穷为一体,发展经济、提高人民生活水平尤其紧迫。随着西部大开发战略的实施和工业化、城镇化的快速推进,百色市相继上马一批水利、交通、能源和扶贫等重大基础设施项目,对资源需求迅速增长。资源是经济发展的基础,影响和制约着经济的发展,而经济形  相似文献   
浚县黎阳工业集中区是该县工业兴县和招商引资的重要平台.近两年来,该县县委、县政府依据该工业区的实际情况,制定以地惠项、依项定地等各种措施,使该工业区的招商企业个个有惜地意识,家家有惜地行动,工业集中区变成了土地集约区.该工业集中区有关负责人说:集中区新入驻招商企业17家,共征用土地758亩,其中企业用地407亩,已节约土地500余亩.用地集约面积大于实际征用面积.  相似文献   
近几年,卫辉市国土资源局无论是在系统内,还是系统外,都小有名气.她像一颗冉冉升起的明星,吸引着人们的目光.几年来,该局先后荣获省级文明单位、省级卫生先进单位、《河南国土资源》组稿宣传先进单位、新乡市国土资源工作先进集体、新乡市"五型"机关党组织、新乡市社会治安综合治理工作先进单位等荣誉称号.在卫辉市委、市政府的各项工作考评中,更是奖项不断.谈起这些成绩,卫辉市国土资源局的同志们会自豪地说:"我们有一个好领导."卫辉市的领导也赞不绝口:"关键是老程这个局长当得好."  相似文献   
应用拉格朗日插值法拟合鱼类体长与体重之间的函数关系 ,使用计算机VB语言进行编写程序 ,与常用的线性回归法、Ricker法进行比较 ,得出体长与体重的关系式为Pn(x) =∑nk=0yklk(x)=∑nk=0(∏nj=0j≠kx-xjxk-xj)yk 。  相似文献   
Eighteen gametophytes including L.japonica ,L.ochotensis and L.longissima,were verified with random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) technique.Eighteen ten-base primers were chosen from 100 primers selected for final amplification test.Among the total of 205 bands amplified ,181(88.3%) were polymorphic ,The genetic distance among different strains ranged from 0.072 to 0.391,The dendrogram constructed by unweighted pair -group method with arithmetic(UPGMA) method showed that the female and male gamtophytes of the same cell lines could be grouped in pairs respectively,It indicated that RAPD analysis could be used not only to distin-gusih different strains of Laminariz ,but also to distinguish male and female gametophyte within the same cell lines,There is ambiguous systematic relationship if judged mereely by the present data It seems that the use of RAPD marker is limited to elucidstion of the phylogenetic relationship among the species of Laminaria.  相似文献   
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