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海洋沉积物中痕量BHC、DDT的测定——汽相提取法及其机理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
环境沉积物和土壤中有机氯农药BHC(666)、DDT(滴滴涕)含量的测定,目前主要采用振荡提取法,索氏提取法,消煮提取法和柱提取法等。这些方法都是利用有机溶剂与沉积物样品直接接触,进行固-液分配而提取农药的。这样,只要能溶解在有机溶剂中的沉积有机物质,都可能被有机溶剂提取出来,从而造成了往下  相似文献   
本文利用常规的资料和加密观测资料对“94·6”致洪暴雨的天气进行了中尺度分析,由此揭示支配这次致洪暴雨过程的一些机制。  相似文献   
以2020年第6号台风“米克拉”为例,采集了5916条新浪微博作为数据源,综合应用隐含狄利克雷分布(Latent Dirichlet Allocation,LDA)主题模型、文本情感分析方法和空间分析技术,挖掘、分析台风的灾情时空过程。基于LDA主题模型建立了主题-词矩阵并进行隐含主题聚类,这些微博文本被分为灾损类信息、预警类信息、防御类信息和无关信息;从主题信息和文本情感值两个角度入手,对此次台风事件网络舆情的演化过程进行分析。结果表明:“米克拉”登陆前有大量积极情感的微博,主要包含渴望降雨、降温等信息,此类微博大量分布在漳州、厦门、福州等地区;在台风入境后消极情感的微博大量增多,主要描述道路、树木等受大风和大雨影响的灾损类信息,此类信息的空间位置主要分布在漳州和厦门,能较好地反映台风灾害影响的时空分布。通过对微博主题类别和情感极性进行时空分析,实现台风灾害事件发展趋势的监测,为防灾减灾提供参考依据。  相似文献   
大厂花岗岩年龄及成矿时代   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Dachang tin ore fields is one of the largest in China, where eassiterite-sulphide-type ore deposits occur. The ages of Dachang granites which are closely related to the ore deposits are discussed in this paper. Based on sixteen K-At biotite and one U-Pb zircon ages, it is suggested that Dachang granites were formed at 72--102 m.y.The cooling rates of Dachang granites have been estimated at 18.4℃/m.y. in the arly, 13.3℃/m.y. in the middle, and 4.5℃/m.y. in the late period.  相似文献   
湘西保靖县塘口湾水库岩溶渗漏分析   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
库区可能渗漏的岩溶形态,特别是岩溶负向形态的观测、钻孔和跨孔电磁波透视及CT层析成像揭示,库区的岩溶渗漏途径有所不同。根据控岩断裂的分布、岩溶发育强度和渗漏途径的变化特征,归纳为3种岩溶渗漏类型(方式): 断裂裂隙间溶裂系统(缝)渗漏,多发生在页岩与碳酸盐岩界面附近;小型溶隙(缝)孔洞渗漏,集中在500m 高程段上下;洞穴复合系统渗漏,主要在510m 高程上下。库区岩溶渗漏严重性由下而上增强。   相似文献   
An obvious structural transformation between the early and the late stages of the middle Eocene rifting in the ZhuⅠ Depression, which has a significant impact on the formation and evolution of the Paleogene source-to-sink system, has recently been found. Based on comprehensive analysis of seismic, drilling and logging data in the study area, we argue that the structural transformation controls the basic elements of source-to-sink system, such as basin landscape, material source supply, transportation direction and sedimentary style, and affects the deep Paleogene reservoir conditions. Under the restriction of structural transformation, there are two typical source-to-sink models: source migration and fault transformation. Hydrocarbon accumulation related to structural transformation is commonly interpreted by two typical source-to sink models: source migration and fault transformation. The main source of the source migration model migrates under the influence of structural transformation, and the sedimentary boundary, accommodation space and depositional style change accordingly, forming a favorable superimposed and contiguous reservoir target;the supply, transportation and accumulation of provenance in the fault transformation model change orderly in time and space, forming the compound of co-existing fan-delta-beach sedimentary system and reservoir conditions have strong zonation. It is of great significance to explore the characteristics of source to sink system and sand-controlling model under the control of structural transformation in order to find high-quality reservoirs in Paleogene. © 2021, Science Press. All right reserved.  相似文献   
高岭石的结晶有序度及其对纸张涂布粘浓度的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
周国平  林毓川 《矿物学报》1991,11(3):267-273
粘浓度是纸张涂布的一项重要指标,测定的变化范围从46.4—72%。用Hinckley方法测定了高岭石的结晶度指数,从0.57变化至1.40。当粘浓度>67%时,结晶度指数>1。粘浓度<67%,结晶度指数<1,有序高岭石有利于粘浓度提高。随着结构无序化,晶粒变小,晶片变薄,比表面增加,晶体边缘和角易破损,使粘浓度降低。结构无序化破坏了颗粒的均匀性,使颗粒长/厚比增加,粘浓度降低。高岭石八面体中Fe~(3+)的存在一定程度上影响了有序度。  相似文献   
多值图像的自适应空间索引结构研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
提出一种适于多值图像层次表示的自适应空间索引结构,讨论了该索引结构的构造及检索算法,中所列试验及分析表明,新提出的数据结构提高了多值图像的空间存贮与检索效率。  相似文献   
根据东湖实际,探讨了二维湖泊水质扩散模型及其定解。提出的二维交替算法,具有快速收敛及确保精度等特点;改进后的内插模型解决了流场和浓度场的初始值和边界条件问题,形成了全湖数字高程模型;在浓度等值线快速生成的基础上,通过接口自动形成信息系统空间和属性件,完成了专题自动分类。  相似文献   
依据《国际地层指南》有关生物地层单位定义、类型和命名等法规,对我国寒武纪第二世浅水地台相三叶虫动物群分带中所存在问题提出修订意见,同时也与该区深水斜坡相三叶虫带划分做了对比,为华南地区寒武纪生物带划分、对比和岩相古地理重建提供较重要依据。  相似文献   
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