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干湿气候区划研究进展   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
干湿气候区划是气候学、地理学、生态学和农学等学科的重要内容.自1900年以来,国内外学者在干湿气候等级、干湿气候区划指标及其计算方法等方面取得了长足的进展.本文综述了近100多年来国内外学者关于干湿气候区划指标、潜在蒸散量计算方法、干湿气候等级及其命名方法等方面的研究成果,提出了目前该领域存在的科学问题.  相似文献   
水声网络已在海洋信息立体化获取、传输、感知领域中得到广泛研究和应用,水声网络节点的位置是水声网络协议设计、多样化应用中常常需要的重要信息。依托全球定位系统定位、采用常规水声定位技术获取水声网络节点位置等解决方案存在着无法直接水下应用、多节点需多次定位效率低、需要精确时间同步等问题。提出一种水声组网定位一体化方案,该方案利用水声网络运行过程中网络节点互联互通进行的交互可以直接通过应答测距方式进行节点位置解算,从而实现在不影响网络通信的情况下,无需精确同步的通信定位一体化功能。给出了系统组网通信、测距、定位、误差校正等核心环节的设计过程,设计了一套小规模水声网络通信定位试验系统,并开展湖试试验。湖试试验结果初步表明了该系统组网、定位一体化的有效性。  相似文献   
龙须菜在鱼藻混养系统中的生态功能   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
近年来 ,随着海水养殖产业的迅速发展 ,养殖规模的不断扩大 ,养殖区的自身污染问题也日益显露 ,以人工投饵和网箱养殖方式为主的浅海鱼类养殖 ,残饵和鱼体的代谢产物往往导致水体的富营养化和底质的有机污染 ,既影响周围环境 ,又不利于鱼类的生长和健康 ,长远意义上还会制约整个鱼类养殖业的持续发展。怎样减轻海水养殖造成的自身污染和对生态环境的破坏 ,已成为人们日益关注的问题 ,国内外学者已提出多种解决这一问题的途径 ,其中一条重要途径是通过优化养殖结构 ,实施综合养殖 ,发展生态养殖技术 (杨圣云等 ,1 996;杨红生 ,2 0 0 0 ;阎希…  相似文献   
长白山天池火山——多成因中央式火山   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
长白山天池火山属新生代多成因中央式火山,也是我国最大的一座具潜在危险的活火山。火山主体由早期玄武岩盾、中期粗面岩锥和晚期伊格尼姆岩席组成。天池火山布里尼喷发柱高度最高达25 km,柱体最大宽度为半径12~13 km。天池破火山口塌陷过程可以分为四期,分别位于造锥喷发阶段和造伊格尼姆岩喷发阶段。本文对天池火山未来可能的火山灾害类型及范围也作了初步预测。  相似文献   
The global climate is intimately connected to changes in the polar oceans. The variability of sea ice coverage affects deep-water formations and large-scale thermohaline circulation patterns. The polar radiative budget is sensitive to sea-ice loss and consequent surface albedo changes. Aerosols and polar cloud microphysics are crucial players in the radioactive energy balance of the Arctic Ocean. The main biogenic source of sulfate aerosols to the atmosphere above remote seas is dimethylsulfide (DMS). Recent research suggests the flux of DMS to the Arctic atmosphere may change markedly under global warming. This paper describes climate data and DMS production (based on the five years from 1998 to 2002) in the region of the Barents Sea (30–35°E and 70–80°N). A DMS model is introduced together with an updated calibration method. A genetic algorithm is used to calibrate the chlorophyll-a (CHL) measurements (based on satellite SeaWiFS data) and DMS content (determined from cruise data collected in the Arctic). Significant interannual variation of the CHL amount leads to significant interannual variability in the observed and modeled production of DMS in the study region. Strong DMS production in 1998 could have been caused by a large amount of ice algae being released in the southern region. Forcings from a general circulation model (CSIRO Mk3) were applied to the calibrated DMS model to predict the zonal mean sea-to-air flux of DMS for contemporary and enhanced greenhouse conditions at 70–80°N. It was found that significantly decreasing ice coverage, increasing sea surface temperature and decreasing mixed-layer depth could lead to annual DMS flux increases of more than 100% by the time of equivalent CO2 tripling (the year 2080). This significant perturbation in the aerosol climate could have a large impact on the regional Arctic heat budget and consequences for global warming.  相似文献   
应用1971~2000年长春气象站10月至次年3月的逐日降水量、气温资料以及相应的NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,通过对资料的统计分析,给出了确定长春市发生强冰雪冻害天气的标准;根据对36个历史个例的高低空环流形势的分析,建立了4种强冰雪冻害的天气概念模型:冷涡型、深槽型、浅槽型、锋区平直型;进一步分析了长春市冰雪冻害天气的物理量场、要素场的特征。  相似文献   
新疆乌什6.2级地震的中期预测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了利用地倾斜资料和中国地壳运动网络工程GPS复测资料对新疆地区震情进行跟踪研究的基本依据、方法和过程,对2005年2月15日发生的乌什Ms6.2地震给出了较好的年度预测意见。  相似文献   
Ever since the disastrous floods of 1998, the Chinese government has used the Natural Forest Protection and Sloping Land Conversion Programs to promote afforestation and reforestation as means to reduce runoff, control erosion, and stabilize local livelihoods. These two ambitious programs have been reported as large-scale successes, contributing to an overall increase in China’s forest cover and to the stated goals of environmental stabilization. A small-scale field study at the project level of the implementation of these two programs in Baiwu Township, Yanyuan County, Sichuan, casts doubt upon the accuracy and reliability of these claims of success; ground observations revealed utter failure in some sites and only marginal success in others. Reasons for this discrepancy are posited as involving ecological, economic, and bureaucratic factors. Further research is suggested to determine whether these discrepancies are merely local aberrations or represent larger-scale failures in reforestation programs.  相似文献   
日本刺沙蚕的性信息素研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
日本刺沙蚕(Nereis japonica)广泛分布于中国沿海,是鱼、虾的优良饵料,冬末春初敏殖时离开河口向盐较高的海区移动。与多齿围沙蚕,褐片阔沙蚕等其它沙蚕不同,日本刺沙蚕在繁殖过程中不出现完全变态,但是与其它沙蚕一样,其繁殖过程也受一组性信息素控制。从雌性熟的日本刺沙蚕体腔液中提取并鉴定出一种有生物活性的挥发性物质-辛二烯-[3,5]-酮-[2],这种化合物可以增加群浮个体在配子释放之前婚舞  相似文献   
青藏高原东南部山地垂直自然带的几个问题   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
青藏高原东南部包括横断山脉中北段及雅鲁藏布江流域东端的林芝、波密一带,行政区划上主要指西藏东部、四川西部及滇西北地区,是青藏高原上的一个自然区域——藏东川西山地针叶林地带。由于高原山地的抬升和河流的强烈下切,形成高差悬殊的高山  相似文献   
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