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  Objectives   China is one of the countries with the most severe natural disasters in the world. There are many types of natural disasters and high frequency of disasters. It often causes huge economic losses and casualties in the disaster area. Combining the key technologies of the internet of things(IOT), the Internet, and geographic information for surveying and mapping, so it is possible to grasp the disaster situation in a timely and efficient manner. Thereby we could scientifically and effectively formulate disaster prevention and mitigation strategies, and implement emergency rescue measures, which are of great significance to the safety of people’s lives and property.  Methods   The development of big data and disaster reduction technologies has brought new possibilities for disaster management and emergency response. Geographic information big data provides basic support for emergency rapid response, location and navigation big data provides location information of personnel and materials for emergency rescue. Two- and three-dimensional visualization technology more realistically restores the disaster environment, and disaster models scientifically simulate the process of disaster occurrence, internet public opinion big data in disaster assessment also plays an important role. Big data is profoundly changing emergency rescue and disaster management with its ability to visualize, analyze and predict disasters. The combination of disaster big data and surveying and mapping geographic information technology has become an important means to improve disaster prevention and mitigation capabilities.  Results   We analyze and summary the integrated and comprehensive disaster reduction technology in the context of big data. The characteristics of integrated and comprehensive disaster reduction technology are elaborated, including comprehensive and thorough perception, broadband ubiquitous interconnection, precise and fast integration, ubiquitous positioning, efficient and intelligent processing, and intelligent collaborative services. The progress of integrated comprehensive disaster reduction technology is reviewed, which includes indoor and outdoor high-precision integrated positioning, rapid integration of multi-source data, scene fusion and enhanced visualization, typical disaster model construction and management, integrated disaster reduction comprehensive services, and China’s disaster reduction service system platform. In addition, we introduced the integrated comprehensive disaster reduction intelligent service system platform, APP and its application services, and summarized and prospected the integrated comprehensive disaster reduction technology and services.  Conclusions   The continuous development of big data technology provides new ideas and methods for people to analyze and solve emergency response problems, and provides a very convenient way for the sharing, integration, analysis, mining, and decision-making of comprehensive disaster reduction services. However, with the in-depth application of new concepts, new technologies, and new methods such as   相似文献   
非均质土壤饱和稳定流中盐分运移的传递函数模拟   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
任理  王济  秦耀东 《水科学进展》2000,11(4):392-400
对室内人工构造的两种非均质土柱,以传递函数模型作为模拟手段,研究了稳定流场中饱和非均质土壤盐分优先运移的随机特征。首先计算了模型参数μ和σ2,获得了氯离子在非均质土壤中迁移时间的概率密度函数,然后应用传递函数模型对土柱中氯离子的出流浓度动态进行了随机模拟,并对非均质土壤中氯离子的均值和中值迁移时间及相应的运移体积与可动体积进行了分析和讨论,还依据质量守衡原理获得了土壤溶液中氯离子平均驻留浓度的变化。  相似文献   
主要从区域性的断块运动、深部构造特征及走滑断层的枢纽运动等方面对1850年西昌地震孕育和发生的地质构造条件进行研究。  相似文献   
1850年西昌地震地表破裂带   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
着重从1850年西昌地震的地表破裂带调查入手,通过对地表破裂的分布特征、几何特征以及与各次级断层的关系的研究,对这次地震的震级、震中位置和震源深度进行讨论。  相似文献   
基于CorelDRAW矢量地图产品,提出一种基于分层可缩放矢量图形(scalablevectorgraphics,SVG)组织、集成表达的技术方法,解决了高保真地图发布的问题。首先将CorelDRAW矢量地图高保真分层转换为多个SVG格式文件;然后对SVG文件中符号化信息进行批量处理;最后使用WebGIS框架库将各SVG地图加载到Web平台,实现CorelDRAW矢量地图的展示与交互。实验结果表明,该方法能将CorelDRAW矢量地图高效、高质量地发布到Web平台。  相似文献   
以浙江省水利专题数据为例,本文基于Vue.js框架和OpenLayers开源地图引擎,设计并实现了在线动态水利专题地图系统。该系统通过可扩展的专题制图模板提供清晰化的制图流程,通过可定制的水利专题符号库增强制图功能的个性化和制图效果,创新地将数据双向绑定和响应式视图更新机制引入专题地图的渲染,并基于底层Canvas实现了在线高清专题地图输出,对提升水利行业专题地图的定制能力和制图效率有一定的积极意义。  相似文献   
研究了灾害应急制图知识规则的形式化表达方法,并在此基础上深入分析了灾害应急制图规则和空间尺度之间的相互关系,初步探究了多尺度下的制图规则表达策略,并应用于系统设计的实例中,充分满足灾害应急制图的时效性需求。  相似文献   
低轨卫星简化动力学定轨中引入伪随机脉冲可有效提高定轨精度,但伪随机脉冲先验值(时间间隔、先验标准差)会影响伪随机脉冲估值大小,进而影响定轨精度。基于GRACE(Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment)卫星轨道分析伪随机脉冲先验值对单天解简化动力学定轨精度的影响,实验表明,时间间隔从240 min减至6 min,先验标准差从1×10-4mm/s增至1×10-1mm/s,伪随机脉冲总的估值大小由1×10-2mm/s增至1×101mm/s,定轨精度从几十cm提高到2 cm;当先验标准差大于1×10-1mm/s,继续增加先验标准差,伪随机脉冲估值不变,定轨精度不再提高。因此,对于单天解轨道,时间间隔减小至6 min,先验标准差增至1×10-1mm/s,伪随机脉冲估值增大,定轨精度提高;继续增大先验标准差,伪随机脉冲估值不变,定轨精度不再提高。利用不同高度的Swarm卫星验证了该结论的有效性。  相似文献   
鄂尔多斯盆地延长期沉积中心迁移及其动力学背景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
延长期(T3y)是鄂尔多斯盆地中生界优质烃源岩的主要发育时段。本文在大量钻井和测井等资料研究的基础上,结合露头剖面与岩心观察,建立了盆地延长组地层对比格架,综合最新沉积相研究成果,进一步发现在中-晚三叠世延长期盆地主体发生了两次明显的沉积中心迁移,形成了3个沉积中心。其中以长9期为代表的早期(长10—长8期)沉积中心位于吴起—志丹—富县—洛川一带,以长7期为代表的盆地发育鼎盛时期(长7—长2期)沉积中心位于姬塬—华池—宜君一带,以长1期为代表的湖盆萎缩期的沉积中心位于横山—子长之间。前两期沉积中心明显控制着盆地优质烃源岩的形成和分布,进而控制着盆地中生界常规和非常规油气资源的总体分布。结合周邻山系演化历史分析认为,晚三叠世初长9—长7期沉积中心向西南(向山)迁移,与扬子板块向华北板块俯冲汇聚、在秦岭造山带后陆(即华北仰冲板块南部)因汇聚的巨量物质部分上拱和能量释放而导致的沉降有关;至晚三叠世末长1期沉积中心转向北东(离山向陆)迁移,为华北与扬子板块间的有限洋消失及之后持续汇聚的结果,秦岭造山带挤压隆升增强引起北邻鄂尔多斯盆地南部抬升,致使盆地消亡,沉积中心相应向北东迁移。两次沉积中心迁移的动力学环境,主要受鄂尔多斯盆地南侧秦岭造山带形成演化的控制,沉积中心迁移是盆山耦合演化彼此响应的结果和记录。  相似文献   
杜乐天 《地质论评》2005,51(6):639,648-639
《深部流体成矿系统》是最近国家重点基础研究发展规划项目“大规模成矿作用与大型矿集区”重要课题之一完成后的问世专著。著者是该课题负责人毛景文以及李晓峰、赫英、张荣华、王义天、凌洪飞、胡华斌、张作衡等19位同行。他们是我国矿床学界主力部队的方面军之一。  相似文献   
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