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利用Minolta CM-2002光谱光度计对南黄海陆架136个短柱样品20~25cm段的沉积物进行了颜色反射率数据测量,通过化学元素、粒度、磁化率等来确定影响沉积物颜色反射率变化的成分和因素,介绍了反射率光谱的一阶导数和因子分析的方法。分析结果表明,南黄海陆架沉积物颜色反射率受控于沉积物中的铁氧化物、有机质以及粘土矿物和钙质生物碎屑含量。主因子F1指示氧化环境,并与陆源物质相关,F2指示弱氧化环境,F3指示弱还原环境,主因子的波长范围分别是405~445 nm和495~595 nm,605~695 nm,445~485 nm。  相似文献   
强热带风暴“莲花”(0903)非对称降水结构分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用雷达回波和NCEP分析资料,本文从水汽条件、环境风垂直切变和风暴移动状态等方面诊断分析了0903号强热带风暴"莲花"非对称降水结构形成的可能机制。结果表明:"莲花"南侧充足的水汽输送为强降水的发生提供了基本的水汽条件,同时水汽通量在水平空间上的非对称分布也在一定程度上导致了降水的非对称分布。环境风垂直切变是导致"莲花"降水结构改变并最终形成一波非对称降水结构的主要动力因子。随着垂直切变的增强,同时配合风暴南侧充足的水汽条件,一波非对称降水结构逐渐形成,在较强垂直切变长时间的作用下,强降水最终集中于顺切变方向左侧。在较强垂直切变的作用下,逆切变一侧的下沉运动抑制了陆地摩擦和地形抬升所形成的对流的发展。相对于较强的垂直切变而言,"莲花"相对稳定的移速和移向条件难以主导强热带风暴降水的空间分布。  相似文献   
"大塘坡式"锰矿是南方重要的锰矿床类型之一,对其成因认识尚有较大分歧。在野外地质调查的基础上,分析了大塘坡组底部菱锰矿沉积及顶底板围岩的地质、地球化学特征,指出矿石的内碎屑结构及条带状构造、块状构造的配置规律是热水沉积的典型结构构造,是热水喷发旋回的产物。含锰岩系微量元素Sr/Ba值反映锰矿发育于滞留浅海环境,U-Th相关图、Fe-Mn-(Cu+Co+Ni)三角图、Co/Zn-(Co+Ni+Cu)相关关系图上显示其明显的热水沉积特征。球粒陨石标准化的稀土配分模式显示重稀土亏损、中等Eu负异常、弱Ce正异常的特点。矿区样品在北美页岩标准化稀土元素配分模式中,曲线呈基本平滑型,具弱的Ce正异常,反映还原的沉积环境。结论:千公坪锰矿属于海底热水沉积产物,区内找矿应沿北东向断裂及热水沉积盆地展开。  相似文献   
管道勘察中的分区数理统计是综合反映管道的地表植被、工程地质、地形地貌、岩性特征、不良地质作用等的一系列重要参数,它为管道的设计施工提供了具体翔实的基础资料。在编制输油管道勘察报告过程中,管道数据量庞大,地表植被分区、工程地质分区等数理统计工作占据很大的工作量。但就目前来看,人们普遍还是采用传统的人工计算器运算,这样既繁琐、费时,出错率还很高。本文根据现状,对于管道的数理统计方法进行了相应的分析研究,开发出基于测量平台并具本专业特色的统计软件,提高了数理统计效率,减少了工作量,降低了出错机率,取得了很好的效果。  相似文献   
作为中国第一台民用高分辨率测绘卫星,资源3号(ZY-3)卫星具有非常重要的作用。在国家1∶50 000立体测绘项目中,可以从ZY-3的三线阵列图像中生成高精度数字表面模型(Digital Surface Model,DSM),并且可以通过选择穿梭雷达地形任务(Shuttle Radar Topography Mission,SRTM)而不使用任何地面控制点(Ground Control Point,GCP)来生产中国的ZY-3 DSM和冰、云及陆地高程卫星。地球科学激光测高系统(ICESat/Geoscience Laser Altimeter System,GLAS)作为卫星测绘应用中心的基准参考,为了对我国ZY-3的DSM进行垂直精度评估,选择了3个代表性区域,并将结果与ICESat/GLAS数据进行了比较。实验结果表明,ZY-3 DSM的均方根误差(Root Mean Square Error,RMSE)的仰角精度优于5.0 m,在我国东部的第二个区域甚至达到了小于2.5 m。虽然这项工作仅仅提出了初步结果,但它却是将ZY-3卫星图像扩大到广泛地区应用的重要参考,并且卫星激光测高数据也可用作广域DSM评估的参考数据。  相似文献   
本文论述在新形势下地震台站体制、任务改革的必要性与可行性,认为地震台实行地震监测、科研、预报三结合和将单一观测型台站转化成观测--科研型台站系我国地震台站的发展方向。文中结合牡丹江等地震台的实践对三结合地震台站建设的实施办法和管理体制进行了讨论。  相似文献   
Daily average temperature data from 48 meteorological stations in Chinese oases that are within the distribution area of Populus euphratica were analyzed to determine the spatiotemporal responses of this tree to climate change. Specifically, the start and end date as well as the number of days that comprised the growing season were analyzed with a multi-year trend line and using the Mann-Kendall mutation test, inverse distance weighted interpolation(IDW) in the software Arc GIS, a Morlet wavelet power spectrum, and correlation analysis. The results of this study show that, over the last 56 years, the start date of the P. euphratica growing season has advanced, while the end date has been postponed, and the number of days that comprise the growing season have gradually increased. The changing trend rates recovered in this analysis for these three time slices are –1.34 d/10 a, 1.33 d/10 a, and 2.66 d/10 a(α≥ 0.001), respectively. Data show that while spatial disparity is extremely significant, it is nevertheless the case that along a southwest-to-northeast transect of Chinese oases, the later the start date of the P. euphratica season, the sooner the end data and the shorter the growing season. Mutations points in start and end date, as well as for the growing season overall were observed in 2001, 1989, and 1996, respectively, and the data presented in this paper show that, in particular, the date of this end of this period is most sensitive to climate warming. Growing season cycles for P. euphratica are between 3.56 years and 7.14 years, consistent with the periodicity of El Ni?o events, while a start date cycle between 3.56 years and 4.28 years is consistent with atmospheric circulation cyclicity. The causal analysis presented in this paper shows that the Asian polar vortex area index(APVAI), the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau index(TPI), the westerly circulation index(WCI), and carbon dioxide emissions(CDE) are the main factors influencing spatiotemporal changes in the growth of P. euphratica, the effect of latitude during the growing season is more significant than altitude, and the start date of the growing season is more significantly influenced by these factors than end date. In addition, data show that the start date, end date, and length of the growing season are all significantly correlated with their average corresponding monthly temperature(corre-lation coefficients are –0.875, 0.770, and 0.897; α≥0.001). Thus, if the average temperature in March increases by 1℃, the start date of the growing season will advance by 2.21 days, while if the average temperature in October increases by the same margin then the seasonal end date will be delayed by 2.76 days. Similarly, if the average temperature between March and October increases by 1℃, the growing season will be extended by 7.78 days. The results of this study corroborate the fact that changes in the P. euphratica growing are sensitive to regional warming and are thus of considerable theoretical significance to our understanding of the responses of Chinese vegetation to climate change as well as to ecological restoration.  相似文献   
水产膨化饲料   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王渊源  张敏  刘金才 《台湾海峡》2001,20(Z1):101-106
本文综述了水产膨化饲料的优势、加工原理、膨化对营养素的影响、投喂技术和投喂海水养殖鱼类的试验结果.  相似文献   
建立在地震作用下设置阻尼器的基础隔震结构在最大地震响应时刻的能量平衡方程,给出了结构隔震支座和阻尼器的能量表达式,演算了基于能量平衡的设置阻尼器的基础隔震结构的地震响应预测式.选用人工地震波和天然地震波,利用时程分析法的解析值验证了地震响应预测式的精度,比较研究了仅设置粘性阻尼器和同时设置粘性阻尼器和滞回阻尼器的基础隔震结构的抗震性能.研究表明:对于不同的输入地震波,能量法的地震响应预测值包络了多数时程分析的结果,能较好地预测基础隔震结构的地震响应值.在基础隔震结构设计中,建议在隔震层同时设置粘性阻尼器和滞回阻尼器,粘性阻尼器的阻尼比在0.3 ~0.4之间.  相似文献   
季节变化对全球气候变化的响应——以湖北省为例   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
陈正洪  史瑞琴  陈波 《地理科学》2009,29(6):911-916
根据湖北省10个代表站1951(或建站)~2006年逐日平均气温,计算分析了四季初日和长度及其变化趋势,以揭示气候季节对全球气候变暖的响应。结果表明:(1)湖北省平均春、夏、秋、冬四季初日分别为3月22日、5月27日、9月27日、11月27日,四季长度分别为65.7、122.8、60.9、115.6d,且时空差异明显;(2)56a来湖北省平均入春、入夏分别提前2.8、1.6d,入秋、入冬分别推后4.0、6.1d;(3)56a来湖北省平均冬季缩短8.9d,夏季延长6.3d,秋季延长2.0d,春季无变化;荆州夏季延长21.1d,武汉冬季缩短17.0d。  相似文献   
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