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2-D crustal structure and velocity ratio are obtained by processing S-wave data from two wide-angle reflec-tion/refraction profiles in and around Jiashi in northeastern Pamir,with the result of P-wave data taken into con-sideration.The result shows that:1)Average crustal velocity ratio is obviously higher in Tarim block than in West Kunlun Mts.and Tianshan fold zone,which reflects its crustal physical property of “hardness“and stability.The relatively low but normal velocity ratio(Poisson‘s ratio)of the lower crust indicates that the “downward thrusting“ of Tarim basin is the main feature of crustal movement in this area.2)The rock layer in the upper crust of Tian-shan fold zone is relatively“soft“,which makes it prone to rupture and stress energy release.This is the primary tectonic factor for the concentration of small earthquakes in this area.3)Jiashi is located right over the apex or the inflection point of the updoming lower crustal interface C and the crust-mantle boundary,which is the deep struc-tural background for the occurrence of strong earthquakes.The alternate variation of vp/vs near the block bounda-ries and the complicated configuration of the interfaces in the upper and middle part of the upper crust form a par-ticular structural environment for the Jiashi strong earthquake swarm.vp/vs is comparatively high and shear modulus is low at the focal region,which may be the main reason for the low stress drop of the Jiashi strong earthquake swarm.  相似文献   
长白山天池火山区基底结构研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
利用在长白山天池火山区布设的 4条深地震测深剖面和 1个三维地震透射台阵的Pg波资料 ,用有限差分方法反演了该地区的基底速度结构。对该地区的基底速度结构特征及P波速度5 9~ 6 0km/s所对应的结晶基底的界面形态、深度等进行了讨论。反演结果表明 ,长白山天池火山区基底深度变化不大 ,一般为 2 .0~ 3.0km ,最深处位于天池火山口下和二道白河 -池西之间 ;最浅处位于松江附近 ,约为 1.5km。同时发现天池火山口下及二道白河 -池西保护站之间是两处低速区 ,结晶基底深度为 4 .0km ,其中二道白河 -池西保护站之间的低速区对应于地质构造上的地堑构造。提出基底速度横向变化剧烈和基底深度突变的特征可以作为断层存在的一种标志  相似文献   
IntroductionBetween January and April of 1997, 7 earthquakes with M(6.0 occurred successively in Jiashi, Xinjiang. The continual occurrence of strong earthquakes within such a small area and in such a short period of time is exceptional for intraplate earthquakes. The Jiashi earthquake swarm took place on the northeast side of the Pamirs, where the Tarim basin, South Tianshan and West Karakoram meet (HU, et al, 1989). This is also a place where a number of active faults develop, so it is…  相似文献   
伽师-阿图什震区地壳深部结构特征的探测与研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过对两条测深剖面资料的处理计算和综合研究后发现,研究区壳幔结构具有明显的分层性。不同的地质构造块体在速度结构,构造特征上显示出较大差异。上,下地壳的分界C界面和M界面是具有较大起伏变化的界面,由伽师下方最浅的30.0km(C界面),45.5km(M界面)向西昆仑山区急剧加深至44.0km和70.0km;塔里木块体较高的速度结构意味着地壳结构和对“稳定”的特性;根据伽师地区震源深度大多分布在20-40km这一现象,可以认为,C,M界面的局部隆起,低速异常体和深大断裂的存在对于伽师强震群的孕育和发生具有一定的控制作用。  相似文献   
Introduction Zhangjiakou-Bohai seismic zone is a major active seismic zone that passes through the north-ern part of North China. Zhangjiakou-Beijing area, the northwest part of North China, is located at the intersection position of Yanshan, Taihangshan uplift, and Shanxi down-faulted zone, and the geological structures in this area are extremely complicated. Many researchers in the geoscience circle always pay close attention to this region because Yanqing-Huailai region is located in th…  相似文献   
在青藏高原东北缘,穿过阿尼玛卿缝合带东端完成了一条637 km的近南北向深地震宽角反射/折射剖面.获得的地壳结构剖面表明,该地区Moho界面埋深48~51 km,北浅南深,横向变化不大,而地壳内部构造在不同的地质构造块体差异明显.在下地壳内出现的两组能量较强的P3、P4波组,反映了研究区下地壳的反射性质和多层结构特征.阿坝弧形断裂以南和阿尼玛卿缝合带附近壳内界面变形强烈,壳内低速异常结构明显,特别是在缝合带下方20 km以下的中下地壳异常的低速结构可以解释为存在延伸至中下地壳的破碎带构造特征.在剖面南段反映西秦岭褶皱带至松甘块体相应的地震记录出现复杂、强烈的中下地壳反射和相对较弱的Moho反射震相是该地区地壳结构的明显特征.  相似文献   
渤海湾西北缘及其邻近地区地壳结构与构造特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
对塘沽—玉田地震测深剖面资料进行二维处理、计算和综合解释研究,获得了渤海湾西北缘及其邻近地区二维地壳速度结构和构造的基本特征、断层的空间展布特征,得知深浅部地质构造环境剖面具有层状结构特征,地壳厚度由南向北逐渐加厚,不同区域的地壳速度结构在纵向和横向上均具有明显的非均匀性.在渤海湾附近塘沽至宁河之间M界面有一斜坡带,地壳深度由塘沽的28 km向北至宁河附近逐渐加深至31 km.  相似文献   
武清—北京—赤城二维地壳结构和构造   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
对武清—北京—赤城剖面段的人工地震测深资料,利用常规地震测深方法进行处理与计算,目的是查明该地区二维地壳速度结构和构造的基本特征、断层的空间展布特征和深浅部地质构造环境等.结果表明,不同区域的地壳速度结构在纵向和横向上均具有明显的非均匀性.地壳呈层状结构,地壳厚度由武清的31.0 km向北西至延庆逐渐加厚为40.0 km.在北京下方壳内界面起伏较大,莫霍面在北京的北西方向有一急剧加深,在约20 km范围内M面起伏变化达5.0 km. 根据地震波动力学与运动学特征,以及二维地壳速度等值线和地震界面起伏变化等特征,沿剖面推测了5条地壳浅部断裂.  相似文献   
华北东北部裂陷盆地与燕山隆起地壳结构   总被引:17,自引:5,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
天津—北京—赤城深地震测深剖面采用密集炮点和接收点距设计构成了较为完整的观测系统,利用该剖面地震测深资料研究华北东部裂陷盆地与燕山隆起地壳结构及构造耦合.结合该区域已有研究成果,进一步分析了张渤地震带东段的地震构造环境.结果显示,华北克拉通东部裂陷盆地结晶基底构造形态和界面结构性质与新生代以来的地壳构造运动密切相关,北侧燕山隆起区高速稳定和南侧裂陷盆地低速松散截然不同的地壳结构,使宝坻-桐柏、宁河-昌黎断裂构造分区线和燕山隆起之间的中间过渡带为张渤地震带东部平原区地震的孕发提供了良好的构造环境.  相似文献   
IntroductionThe Changbaishan-Tianchi volcano, located in Jilin Province, northeast of China, is one of the well-known active volcanoes in China. In the year 1 215(15, the volcano underwent an eruption that is believed to be one of the greatest explosive eruptions on earth in the past 2000 years with regard to its scale and violence. The eruption amounted to over 100 km3, and the eruption cylinder reached a height of more than 30 km, the volcanic ashes floated and fell south of Hokkaido, Jap…  相似文献   
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