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One of sea ice core samples was taken from Arctic by the First Chinese National Arctic Research Expedition Team in 1999. 20 vertical and 2 horizontal ice sections were cut out of the ice core sample 2.22 m in length, which covered the ice sheet from surface to bottom except losses for during sampling and section cutting. From the observation and analysis of the fabrics and crystals along the depth of the ice core sample, followings were found. Whole ice sheet consists of columnar, refrozen clastic pieces, granular, columnar, refrozen clastic pieces, granular, columnar and refrozen clastic pieces. This indicates that the ice core sample was 3-year old, and the ice sheet surface thawed and the melt water flowed into ice sheet during summer. Hence, the annual energy balance in Arctic can be determined by the ice sheet surface thawing in summer, and bottom growth in winter. The thickness of the ice sheet is kept constantly at a certain position based on the corresponding climate and ocean conditions; A new  相似文献   
对位于北极Svalbard群岛新奥尔松(Ny-lesund)的Austre Lovénbreen和Pedersenbreen冰川首个物质平衡年(2005/06年度)的冰川表面物质平衡及其运动特征进行研究,并阐述了Austre Lovénbreen冰川末端位置的变化状况。结果表明:(1)Austre Lovénbreen和Pedersenbreen冰川净物质平衡分别为-0.44和-0.20m w.e.,年消融量分别为0.99和0.94m w.e.,对应冰川零平衡线高度分别为478.10和494.87m。(2)两条冰川符合Svalbard地区跃动冰川运动的特征模式。运动速度矢量的水平分量表现为:向主流线辐合或平行于主流线。下游运动速度较慢,而在中上游运动相对较快。Austre Lovénbreen冰川表面各观测点的运动速度平均值为2.28m·a-1,运动速度最大值和最小值分别为3.91和0.81m·a-1;Pedersenbreen冰川表面观测点运动速度平均值为6.74m·a-1,运动速度最大值和最小值分别为8.13和5.49m·a-1。运动速度矢量的垂直分量表现为:消融区冰川消融量随海拔升高而减弱,Austr...  相似文献   
由极地冰芯记录、中纬黄土记录和深海沉积记录的对比可得,15万年以来全球变化的基本框架为:末次间冰期,从距今14万年开始到约12.5万年达鼎盛,可分为五个阶段,即冰芯中三次高温期夹两次低温期;黄土中三层古土壤夹两层黄土;深海沉积中三次高海面夹两次低海面。末次冰期,距今8万年到1万年,可分为三个阶段,早、晚冰段和中间的间冰段。早、晚冰段盛期气候寒冷程度相当,但晚冰段最低温持续期更长,造成海面比早期更低。中间的间冰段,至少可分为7个亚段,即4次暖期(4次弱成土古土壤)夹3次冷期。全新世与末次间冰期对比,总体气候变化较平缓。在上述基本框架中,近几年发现,在末次冰期存在许多短周期、高频快速变化事件。这些事件,温度变化幅度达7℃,变化速率为几年到几十年,对应的环境变化速率可能更快。这些事件的引发机理目前还不清楚,有待进一步研究。  相似文献   
通过对贡巴冰川岩屑(冰面、岩屑、剪切带岩屑和复冰层岩屑)的采样、分析,得出冰川岩屑粒度特征及沿冰川纵向分布特征以及与冰碛物关系,并通过这些特征的分析揭示了该冰川的部分蚀积过程与特点。  相似文献   
与传统的离子色谱相比较,讨论了目前分析化学的前沿技术毛细管离子分析技术,它具有分析快速、高效、分离度好、样品预处理简单、用样量少、维护方便、自动化程度高等特点,完全可替代目前在分析极地冰雪中所通用的离子色谱仪,成为极地冰雪化学分析强有力的新的分析工具  相似文献   
柯林斯冰帽两支冰芯层位记录证实了该冰帽主冰穹顶部(海拔约700m)属暖渗浸带,小冰穹顶部(海拔约250m)属渗浸带。雪、冰的层位分布和密度变化包含了一定的测年信息。主冰穹顶冰芯密度-深度曲线在表层呈现韵律性变化,与层位记录中的融化冻结现象相对应,据此粗略划分年层,断定当地年积累雪层厚度为3-3.5m,折合水当量1650-1925kg/m2a,年平均积累速率约为2.0m/a(冰当量)。主冰穹顶成冰深度为38-39m,此深度以上密度自上而下缓慢增加,但以下由于含水层的出现,密度迅速升高,在5-6m区间达到900kg/m3。小冰穹冰芯除表层外,密度基本在800-900kg/m3之间,冰芯中雪冰互层,存在污化面,40m以下发现很厚的火山灰沉积物。小冰穹平均年积累率约为0.7m/a(冰当量),成冰深度7-8m,成冰年限为10年左右  相似文献   
总结了南极冰盖中 nss SO4 2 - 和 NO3- 的主要来源 ,通过对南极冰盖中几种主要离子空间分布特征的分析 ,结合南极冰盖中不同区域火山活动记录的时间差 ,认为南极冰盖中的nss SO4 2 - 和 NO3- 很可能是通过远距离高空传输到极地冰雪中 ,具体过程为 :nss SO4 2 - 和 NO3-在对流层顶部平流层底部呈带状输送到极地上空 ,然后辐射下沉 ,再辐散到其他地区  相似文献   
中国东海海平面变化多尺度周期分析与预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海平面变化规律尤其是对海平面变化周期和上升趋势的研究,已成为国内外科学界研究的热点问题.使用1992-2009年海平面卫星测高仪数据资料,运用小波变换方法对中国东海海平面变化的周平均数据信号进行多尺度周期分析,并通过Winters指数平滑法对未来海平面变化进行预测,结果显示:①1992-2009年东海海平面呈现波动上升...  相似文献   
As an important part of global climate system,the Polar sea ice is ef fecting on global climate changes through ocean surface radiation balance,mass balance,energy balance as well as the circulating of sea water temperature and salinity.Sea ice research has a centuries-old history.The many correlative sea ice projects were established through the extensive international cooperation d uring the period from the primary research of intensity and the bearing capacity of sea ice to the development of sea/ice/air coupled model.Based on these rese arches,the sea ice variety was combined with the global climate change.All res earch about sea ice includes:the physical properties and processes of sea ice a nd its snow cover,the ecosystem of sea ice regions,sea ice and upper snow albe do,mass balance of sea ice regions,sea ice and climate coupled model.The simu lation suggests that the both of the area and volume of polar sea ice would be r educed in next century.With the developing of the sea ice research,more scient ific issues are mentioned.Such as the interaction between sea ice and the other factors of global climate system,the seasonal and regional distribution of pol ar sea ice thickness,polar sea ice boundary and area variety trends,the growth and melt as well as their influencing factors,the role of the polynya and the sea/air interactions.We should give the best solutions to all of the issues in future sea ice studying.  相似文献   
通过对南极乔治王岛柯林斯冰帽小冰穹冰心100个样品的分析结果进行R型因子分析,将主要环境信息归结到四个因子上解释总变量方差的99.17%,F1因子特征值为3.775,解释变量方差的41.95%,为K、Mg^2+、Ca^2+、SO4^2-组合,主要代表了陆源杂质的输入;F3因子特征值为3.338,解释变量方并的37.09%,为Na、Cl、Br组合,代表了海源杂质的输入;F2因子特征值为1.030,解  相似文献   
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