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通过对额尔古纳八卡地区酸性侵入岩进行LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb定年研究表明,八卡区内5个代表性的酸性侵入岩体中的锆石大部分为自形-半自形晶,显示其为岩浆成因锆石;岩浆作用集中于3个阶段。其包括:1)新元古代早期岩浆活动,正长花岗岩加权平均年龄为798 Ma±6 Ma,其形成可能与Rodinia超大陆裂解的构造背景有关;2)晚二叠世-早三叠世的岩浆活动,岩石年龄介于238~267 Ma,结合花岗岩特征,反映其形成于古亚洲洋闭合后的造山后环境;3)花岗岩的138 Ma±1 Ma、137 Ma±2 Ma岩体年龄显示了早白垩世岩浆作用的存在,该岩浆事件与蒙古-鄂霍茨克缝合带的演化有关。  相似文献   
Seven growth-related traits were measured to assess the selection response and genetic parameters of the growth of Pacific white shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei, which had been domesticated in tanks for more than four generations. Phenotypic and genetic parameters were evaluated and fitted to an animal model. Realized response was measured from the difference between the mean growth rates of selected and control families. Realized heritability was determined from the ratio of the selection responses and selection differentials. The animal model heritability estimate over generations was 0.44±0.09 for body weight (BW), and ranged from 0.21±0.08 to 0.37±0.06 for size traits. Genetic correlations of phenotypic traits were more variable (0.51–0.97), although correlations among various traits were high (>0.83). Across generations, BW and size traits increased, while selection response and heritability gradually decreased. Selection responses were 12.28%-23.35% for harvest weight and 3.58%–13.53% for size traits. Heritability estimates ranged from 0.34±0.09 to 0.48±0.15 for harvest weight and 0.17±0.01–0.38±0.11 for size traits. All phenotypic and genetic parameters differed between various treatments. To conclude, the results demonstrated a potential for mass selection of growth traits in L. vannamei. A breeding scheme could use this information to integrate the effectiveness constituent traits into an index to achieve genetic progress.  相似文献   
湿地可持续经营认证可以提高湿地的经营水平,实现湿地资源保护与利用的有机统一。采用SWOT方法对中国开展湿地可持续经营认证的优势(S)、劣势(W)、机遇(O)和挑战(T)进行分析,为制定和实施湿地可持续经营认证提出相应的方法与途径。SWOT分析结果表明:目前在中国存在湿地资源丰富、各级政府高度重视湿地保护等优势,但我国在湿地可持续经营认证方面存在市场需求有限、管理水平低等劣势。这些优势和劣势给湿地可持续经营认证的推进带来了巨大的挑战与机遇。开展湿地可持续经营认证,需要充分评估湿地环境的基本状况、自我修复与维持能力以及人为生产经营管理过程的有效性和合理性,同时对湿地产品的品质与安全性进行检验认证,建议尽快启动湿地可持续经营认证工作。  相似文献   
Pacific whiteleg shrimp(Litopenaeus vannamei) is an economically relevant shrimp species in many Asian countries. The specific objective of the current research was to assess microsatellite markers in screening the fastgrowth of domesticated L. vannamei stocks to establish a founder population for breeding-selection plans. The postlarvae produced by the reproduction of second generation broodstock were cultured in the same conditions throughout a five months growing period. Ninety juvenile shrimp were selected from the slow-, medium- and the fast-growth groups, and ten microsatellite markers were used to investigate their genetic diversity, and to understand the improvement of a breeding-selection scheme. Ten polymorphic loci(markers)(M1–M10) were produced at ten loci in this sample, among them Primer M8 was the highest polymorphic locus and M7 was the lowest one. A specific locus was found in the fast-growth group using Primer M5. The longest genetic distance(0.481) was determined between the fast- and medium-growth groups and the shortest(0.098) was between the slow- and medium-growth groups; therefore, the largest genetic identity(0.946) was observed between the slowand medium-growth groups and the smallest(0.667) was observed between the medium- and fast-growth groups.The Unweighted Paired Group with Arithmetic Average(UPGMA) dendrogram based on Nei's genetic distances provided two different groups; the first consist of the slow- and medium-growth groups and the second the fastgrowth group. Selection response and realized heritability for growth were 11.55% and 31.26%, respectively.Therefore, this set of microsatellite markers would provide a useful tool in shrimp breeding schemes.  相似文献   
【目的】探讨高密度CO2(dense phase carbon dioxide,DPCD)在纵向溶解和扩散过程中虾肉糜凝胶强度的变化规律,并优化处理工艺参数。【方法】采用Box-Behnken响应面试验设计分析处理压强、温度和时间对虾肉糜凝胶强度的影响。【结果】建立了虾肉糜凝胶强度与DPCD纵向溶解和扩散处理压强、温度和时间之间的回归模型;纵向处理的压强、温度和时间以及它们之间的交互作用对虾肉糜凝胶强度均有显著的影响(P﹤0.05),影响的大小顺序为纵向处理压强﹥时间﹥温度;当纵向处理压强为30 MPa、温度为60℃和时间为60 min时,虾肉糜的凝胶强度达到了(180.63±1.53)N·mm,与模型预测值180.85N·mm之间无显著差异(P﹥0.05)。【结论】采用响应面法建立的回归模型能较好地描述和预测纵向处理压强、温度和时间对虾肉糜凝胶强度的影响。  相似文献   
基于标准化降水蒸散指数(SPEI),利用淮北地区108个气象站逐月气温、降水观测资料,采用线性趋势、M K突变检验等方法,从不同时间尺度(年、季)和干旱程度(轻旱、中旱、重旱和特旱)分析了淮北地区1961—2015年干旱频率和时空变化特征。结果表明:淮北地区1961—2015年总体呈干旱略加强趋势,其中1998—2001年干旱发生最频繁,干旱强度、极端干旱及中等干旱的频次均呈增加趋势。2011年淮北地区干旱程度发生了突变性增强;20世纪90年代起淮北地区夏季经历了先湿后干的转变,2013年是夏季转向干旱化的突变点。秋冬两季是淮北地区发生干旱频率较高的季节。秋季干旱分布广、旱情最为严重,淮北地区北部是秋季干旱的高发区;冬季发生中旱以上干旱的地区分布较广,主要位于淮北地区内的安徽片西部和江苏片中部。春夏季发生高频率干旱的区域相对较小。  相似文献   
无障碍设施的建设、管理和服务能力体现了城市对残疾人、老人、婴幼儿等特殊人群的人文关怀,是城市文明的标尺,也是一座城市现代化、国际化、精细化、人性化的标志。数据显示,上海有近554万老年人和近60万残障人士,对于这个庞大的群体来说,无障碍设施是出门的刚需。尽管相关部门一直在推动无障碍环境的建设,但随着残疾人就业、康复、社会保障等各项工作的展开,管理工作中也逐渐显现出一些力不从心的问题,如无障碍设施的数据准确性、现势性不高,位置信息不精确导致在实际生活和应用中很难被找到和有效使用等。随着上海全面推进数字化转型,利用数字化手段提升城市无障碍设施的管理和服务水平也提上日程,为应对数字化转型,探索了无障碍设施数据体系空间化、无障碍设施空间化管理能力建设等GIS赋能城市无障碍设施管理与服务的若干方法,并以上海为例对这些方法进行了应用实例的验证,旨在为无障碍需求者提供更加便捷的城市生活,使其与其他市民共享社会发展成果。  相似文献   
本文基于长度为18.61年(1992-10-03~2011-04-29)的TOPEX/Poseidon,Jason-1及Jason-2卫星高度计沿轨数据,选择全球海域48943个计算点进行调和分析,提取了四大分潮(M2,S2,K1,O1)的潮汐调和常数.与分布在不同水深下的162个验潮站分析结果对比,四大分潮的矢量均方...  相似文献   
武艳  孙建印  段培法  侯宜广  安迪  席琳 《气象科技》2014,42(6):1137-1142
为了提高人工增雨作业的作业水平和增雨效率,利用2010—2012年徐州市人工增雨作业中的多种观测资料,在分析徐州地区地形特征、增雨作业习惯的基础上,研究出适合本地区使用的人工增雨效果检验方法,建立人工增雨潜势分析模型,对未来12h的人工增雨潜势和临近增雨潜势进行逐步分级判断,将增雨潜势区分为两级:级别Ⅰ增雨潜势较小和级别Ⅱ增雨潜势较大,并指导人工增雨作业。2013年徐州人工增雨作业实践表明,人工增雨12h潜势预报模型和临近预报模型具有较高的准确率。以增雨潜势预报模型为基础,修改徐州地区人工增雨作业流程,提高指挥人员的工作效率,并提高人工增雨作业的效率。  相似文献   
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