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For understanding more about the water exchange between the Kuroshio and the East China Sea,We studied the variability of the Kuroshio in the East China Sea(ECS) in the period of 1991 to 2008 using a three-dimensional circulation model,and calculated Kuroshio onshore volume transport in the ECS at the minimum of 0.48 Sv(1 Sv ;106 m3/s) in summer and the maximum of 1.69 Sv in winter.Based on the data of WOA05 and NCEP,The modeled result indicates that the Kuroshio transport east of Taiwan Island decreased since 2000.Lateral movements tended to be stronger at two ends of the Kuroshio in the ECS than that of the middle segment.In addition,we applied a spectral mixture model(SMM) to determine the exchange zone between the Kuroshio and the shelf water of the ECS.The result reveals a significantly negative correlation(coefficient of-0.78) between the area of exchange zone and the Kuroshio onshore transport at 200 m isobath in the ECS.This conclusion brings a new view for the water exchange between the Kuroshio and the East China Sea.Additional to annual and semi-annual signals,intra-seasonal signal of probably the Pacific origin may trigger the events of Kuroshio intrusion and exchange in the ECS.  相似文献   
影像匹配是利用航空影像获取同名点和DEM的关键技术之一,而大倾斜影像的匹配问题也是目前匹配技术发展的难点。针对这一问题,本文研究了SIFT和ASIFT算法,并基于航空影像之间的摄影基线对ASIFT算法进行了改进,在成像模型中加入倾斜角度和平移变量,在一定程度上解决了大倾斜航空影像的自动匹配问题,并给出了试验结果。  相似文献   
A scheme for estimating tropical cyclone intensity using AMSU-A data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Brightness temperature anomalies measured by the Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit (AMSU) on the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) polar-orbiting series are suited to estimate tropical cyclone (TC) intensity by virtue of their ability to assess changes in tropospheric warm core struc-ture in the presence of clouds. Analysis of the measurements from different satellites shows that the variable horizontal resolution of the instrument has significant effects on the observed brightness temperature anoma-lies. With the aim to decrease these effects on TC intensity estimation more easily and effectively, a new simple correction algorithm, which is related to the product of the brightness temperature gradient near the TC center and the size of the field-of-view (FOV) observing the TC center, is proposed to modify the observed anomalies. Without other measurements, the comparison shows that the performance of the new algorithm is better than that of the traditional, physically-based algorithm. Furthermore, based on the correction algorithm, a new scheme, in which the brightness temperature anomalies at 31.4 GHz and 89 GHz accounting for precipitation effects are directly used as the predictors with those at 54.94 GHz and 55.5 GHz, is developed to estimate TC intensity in the western North Pacific basin. The collocated AMSU-A observations from NOAA-16 with the best track (BT) intensity data from the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) in 2002-2003 and in 2004 are used respectively to develop and validate regression coefficients. For the independent validation dataset, the scheme yields 8.4 hPa of the root mean square error and 6.6 hPa of the mean absolute error. For the 81 collocated cases in the western North Pacific basin and for the 24 collocated cases in the Atlantic basin, compared to the BT data, the standard deviations of the estimation differences of the results are 15% and 11% less than those of the CIMSS (Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies, Univ  相似文献   
西昆仑以其强烈的构造变形、频繁的岩浆活动、漫长的地质演化历史及特殊的大地构造环境而具有得天独厚的成矿地质条件。然而由于恶劣的自然地理条件所限,该区地质矿产工作程度一直较低。2002~2003年度,作者在野外调查过程中,在麻扎东陆续发现了三处五个以铜为主的多金属矿(化)体。它们与康西瓦—苏巴什构造带在空间、时间和成因上有着密切的依存关系,构成黑恰达坂多金属矿化带。虽然带内矿体品位较低,但规模巨大,具有较好的成矿地质条件和明显的化探异常显示,找矿前景良好。  相似文献   
刘勇  姚卓琳  李华军 《海洋工程》2015,29(6):793-806
The present study proposes a new semi-immersed Jarlan-type perforated breakwater including a perforated front wall, a solid rear wall, and a horizontal perforated plate connecting the lower tips of the two walls. An analytical solution is developed to estimate the hydrodynamic performance of the new breakwater. The analytical solution is confirmed by solutions for special cases, an independently developed multi-domain boundary element method solution and experimental data. Numerical examples based on the analytical solution indicate that compared with previous semi-immersed breakwaters, the new breakwater may have better wave-absorbing performance and smaller wave forces. Some useful results are presented for practical designs of semi-immersed Jarlan-type perforated breakwaters.  相似文献   
假玄武玻璃及其形成过程和机制综述   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对假玄武玻璃的概念和特征以及形成环境和产状作了综合性描述,并对其摩擦熔融成因进行了论证,对假玄武玻璃的形成过程和形成机制以及形成假玄武玻璃的地震断层的动力机制、活动方式和脉动性质进行了深入探讨;同时对母岩矿物性质和流体对假玄武玻璃形成的影响进行了分析,概述了假玄武玻璃形成过程中的化学成分变化,最后提出了有待进一步研究的几个问题。  相似文献   
基于栅格数字高程模型自动提取黄土地貌沟沿线技术研究   总被引:34,自引:2,他引:34  
闾国年  钱亚东 《地理科学》1998,18(6):567-573
从数字高程模型中提取具有精确定位特征的连续的沟沿线是构建黄土沟壑丘陵地区土壤侵蚀,泥沙搬运和径流过程的空间分布式机理-过程模型的关键技术。本文提出了基于地貌形态学特征的地貌提取技术,在提取具有代表性的黄土丘陵沟壑区山西离石王家沟流域汇流网络的基础上,自动提取了该流域完整的沟沿线,得到了满意的结果。  相似文献   
充足的物源是泥石流形成的三大基本条件之一,对物源动储量进行合理的评价,不仅可预测泥石流爆发的规模和频率,同时也是其治理工程设计的重要依据.本文从泥石流分类物源、全流域物源及震后物源三方面总结了目前动储量的评价方法,分析了各方法的评价原理,并指出各类方法存在的不足,得到以下结论:(1)物源总储量的评价方法较多,而动储量评...  相似文献   
根据测温孔在冻结壁温度场检测中存在的不足和高密度电阻率法勘探的特点,进行了高密度电阻率法检测冻结壁温度场的可行性探讨.在初始含水量和密度与原位土一致的情况下,采用高密度电阻率法中的温纳四极、温纳偶极和温纳微分3种装置,分别对上海地铁四号线的粉砂土进行了在30~-30℃条件下的导电性试验研究.结果表明,视电阻率随温度降低而增大,导电性随温度的降低而减弱,导电性与温度密切相关;在温度高于-4℃条件下,粉砂土的电阻率随温度变化相对较小,温度低于-4℃时,粉砂土电阻率随温度变化较明显;同时,在30℃≥t>-4℃、-4℃≥t>-10℃、-10℃≥t≥-30℃三个温度段分别拟合出相关度较高的温度-电阻率回归方程.试验表明高密度电阻率法检测冻结壁是可行的,可为今后上海乃至长江三角洲地区类似土层采用冻结法施工时检测冻结壁的发育状况提供参考.  相似文献   
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