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From the development of modern transportation to the current era of high-speed transportation networks, the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei(BTH) region has always played a national leading role in land transportation development of China. In order to explore the long-term evolutionary characteristics of land transportation in the BTH region, this paper utilized a temporal scale of 100 years to systematically interpret the development process of the land transportation network. Taking 13 cities within the BTH region as research anchor cities, we took into account "leaping" mode of transportation in order to investigate the evolution of accessibility. Our research shows the following results:(1) The land transportation network in the BTH region has undergone five stages of development: the initial period of modernization(1881–1937); the period of stagnation of transportation development(1937–1949); the network expansion period(1949–1980); the period of trunk construction(1980–1995), and the period of high-speed transportation network development(1995–present). The network structure centered around Beijing has existed from the outset of modern transportation development.(2) The accessibility spatial pattern of land transportation in BTH region has evolved from expansion along traffic corridors to the formation of concentric circles. The stratified circular structure of transportation in anchor cities has gradually developed into a contiguous development pattern.(3) There are clear hierarchical differences in the transportation structures of anchor cities. Beijing has always been at the top of this hierarchy, while the hierarchical position of Zhangjiakou has fallen noticeably since 1949. The Beijing-Tianjin region was the first region to form a short-duration transportation circle structure, while the transportation advantages of the central part of Hebei Province, which is located in the center of the BTH transportation region, have yet to be realized.  相似文献   
空间界面理论已显示出强大生命力,但其理论架构还不完善。现有研究基本上是建立在"空间界面确实存在"这一经验判断的前提下进行的,对于其存在性还缺乏理论验证。在提炼空间界面唯象理论的基础上,构建了空间界面的数理模型,并以城乡界面为例,以空间为内生变量,空间中的元素如经济、社会、文化等为外生变量,构建联立方程模型,以河南省108个县域为空间单元,采用三阶段最小二乘法和迭代三阶段最小二乘法进行参数估计,建构了城市系统和乡村系统的函数,并进行了数理推导与求解。研究表明,城市函数与乡村函数存在着交集,且其交集为无穷多个点组成的域面,即存在一个城市与乡村系统空间及其要素相互交织而成的独立系统,进而从理论上证明"城乡界面是存在的"。  相似文献   
在"一带一路"与"两洋战略"背景下,基于各种目标的战略与工程被大量提出,并进行了论证。其中关于开发克拉运河的提议,被认为具有破解"马六甲困局"的重大意义。对此,本文运用VRTS分析法,从战略价值、战略风险和开发时机、开发(时序)策略四方面进行综合分析,指出该提议存在战略价值高估、战略风险低估,以及战略时机误判和战略时序安排不够合理等问题,建议暂时搁置,并探索其他可行替代方案。本文关于开发克拉运河的分析,对于其他战略项目论证也有一定参考意义。  相似文献   
研究认为,Au、Ag、Cu、Pb、As和Sb是崤山金矿及外围异常检查、深部预测和找矿评价的指示元素。Au、Ag、As和Sb 4个元素是1号矿脉浅部矿体的特征指示元素。矿体浅部矿化样品、矿体中部矿化样品和矿体深部矿化样品的归类十分明确,可用作判断地表矿体的剥蚀程度及地表矿体向下延深情况。  相似文献   
基于生态系统能值理论与方法,分析巢湖湿地生态系统能值投入和产出构成特征,并对巢湖湿地生态系统可持续发展水平进行了评价。研究表明:巢湖湿地生态系统每年投入的总能值为3590.12×1018sej,自然资源、周围营养物和社会经济投入分别占39.3%、53.7%和7.0%,可更新资源和不可更新资源投入分别占25.6%和74.4%。巢湖湿地生态系统每年产出的总能值为3469.66×1018sej,其中鱼类产出比重最大,其次为水禽和底栖动物。巢湖湿地生物多样性保护的能量-货币价值是巢湖湿地生态系统年产出的1.76倍,在生物多样性保护方面有着巨大的作用。巢湖湿地生态系统的能值产出率、环境负载率、能值可持续指标(ESI)和可持续发展能值指标(EISD)分别为13.75、2.90、4.74和7.01,去除污染项重新计算,分别为13.75、0.81、17.07和25.27,这些指标表明巢湖湿地生态系统的产业较为单一,能值产出率、可持续性和未来竞争力较高,但不可更新的污染物投入过大,造成巢湖湿地生态系统的环境负载率升高,可持续性发展水平下降,严重制约巢湖湿地生态系统的可持续发展水平。  相似文献   
广州市2005年热岛强度变化特征   总被引:13,自引:12,他引:13  
分析2005年广州市市区和郊区的8个自动气象观测站气象资料得出,热岛强度(UHI)具有明显的日、月和季节变化。一般来说,广州市UHI夜间〉UHI白天;UHI干(10月-次年5月)〉UHI雨事(6-8月份);UHI春季〉UHI夏季。用不同的温度指标计算出的UHI略有不同:UHI最低气温为1.50℃、UHI平均气温为1.16℃、UHI最高气温为0.61℃。  相似文献   
我国双线偏振雷达探测理论及应用研究   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
刘黎平  王致君 《高原气象》1997,16(1):99-104
在1984~1995年期间,中国科学院兰州高原大气物理研究所研制完成了我国第一部C波段双线偏振雷达系统,并首先在国内开展了双线偏振雷达探测理论及应用研究,取得了一些成果,可供雷达气象及相关部门参考。  相似文献   
本文对6年春运期江苏附近几个经圈和纬圈850hPa温度格点序列, 分别计算15-25天带通滤波。结果表明110°E和35°N剖面的低频波与江苏连阴 雨(雪)天气过程有较好的对应关系。  相似文献   
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