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<正>Red clay type gold deposits,located in the south of China,are situated not only in orogenic belts,but also in inner cratons,where climate is tropical-subtropical with clear arid and humid.The lateritic weathering crust often can be divided into five zones,including topsoil,siliceous duricrust zone,multi-color zone(or red clay zone in some deposits),pallid zone and saprolite zone from surface to the base rock,several of which are absent in some deposits.The base rocks are composed mainly of carbonate rocks with minor clastic rocks,intermediate-basic volcanic rocks and intermediate-acid and alkalic intrusions.The orebodies are mainly located in the multi-color zone with part of them in the pallid and saprolite zones.The ore sources include orebodies of Carlin-type gold deposits and porphyry gold deposits,as well as gold-rich base rocks.The red clay type gold deposits experienced early-stage endogenic gold mineralization and laterization during the Tertiary and Quaternary.The areas with endogenic gold deposits,especially Carlin-type gold deposits and porphyry gold deposits in karst depressions on the plateau,structual erosional platforms in the middle-lower mountains,and intermountain basins in southern China are well worth studying to trace red clay type gold deposits.  相似文献   
Three hundred and six coal samples were taken from the main coal mines of twenty-six provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities of China. The method of Kjeldahl-Gunning Analysis was used to measure the nitrogen contents in the samples. Nitrogen in coals is principally of organic nature. A weak positive correlation between coal rank and nitrogen content is inferred in the study. The distribution of nitrogen in each geological age, coal-cumulating area and province's coals was studied. The contents of nitrogen in Chinese coals show approximately a normal distribution, and 90% of the values range from 0.52% to 1.41%, the average nitrogen content in Chinese coals is designated as the arithmetic mean, 0.98%.  相似文献   
l.IntroductionThebIueschistblocksextenddiscontinuouslyover3oOkintrendinginE-WinthecentTalnorthernTibetfromtheeastemQageIelatown,l3kmwestofShuanghu,XiyaergangineasternTibet,throughNaro,Jiaomuri,GuoganjianianShan(GuoganjianianMt.)towesternGangmarCo-LungmuCo.Theblueschistblocksoccurinasuiteofassemblageofclasticrock,basalticrock,diamictiteandpebblysandyslate(namedBulannisedimentsbefore).TheageisprobablytheMiddle-LateCarboniferous-LatePermianepochinthelightofthecoldwaterfauna-Eurydesmaan…  相似文献   
2004年1月到5月,METI/JOGMECMH21在日本南部南海海槽实施了天然气水合物的勘探计划,包括钻探、测井和使用DTS/FBG的长期温度监测。从A站位和T站位两个全取心钻孔中采集了约1000个水样,用于分析南海海槽增生楔中天然气水合物的分布和所含液态甲烷的地球化学作用。分析了从沉积岩心中取出的间隙水所含的氯化物,硫酸盐,Na、Ca和Mg离子的浓度。  相似文献   
Based on diagnostic results,a numerical study is made of the processes of Australian cold air activity affecting East Asian summer monsoon by using Kuo-Qian P-σ incorporated coordinate five-layer primitive equation spherical band model.Analysis is done of the response to the Southern Hemisphere circulation with and without cold air activity in Australia of the flow,rainfall and diabatic heating fields in the monsoon area of Asia,especially,East Asia,with special attention to the intensification and northward march of the monsoon due to the activity.It is found that the processes for the effect transmission are very analogous to the meridional propagation of quasi-40-day oscillation,together with the meridional wind disturbance showingsouth-north travel and the flow/rainfall fields exhibitirg corresponding movement in this direction,only with a 12-day lag.  相似文献   
Autumn living coccolithophores in the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An investigation was carried out on living coccolithophores(LCs) distribution in the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea from October 17 to November 24, 2011. A total of 223 samples from different depths were collected at 48 stations. Totally 18 taxa belonging to coccolithophyceae were identified using a polarized microscope at the 1 000× magnification. The maximum species abundance was found at the outside of Transect P. The dominated species were Gephyrocapsa oceanica, Emiliania huxleyi, Helicosphaera carteri, and Algirosphaera robusta. The abundance of coccoliths and cells ranged 0–2 965.73 coccoliths/mL, and 0–119.16 cells/mL, with the average values of 471.00 coccoliths/mL and 23.42 cells/mL, respectively. The LCs in surface layer were mainly observed on the coastal belt and middle part of the survey area. The comparison among Transects A, F, P and E indicated lower species diversity and less abundance in the Yellow Sea than those of the East China Sea. The highest abundance of LCs was found in transect F and P. The coccolith abundance increased slightly from surface to bottom in the water column, but the highest value of the cell abundance was observed in the depth of 10–30 m. Temperature, depth and nutrient concentration were suggested as the major environmental factors controlling the distribution and species composition of LCs in the studying area based on canonical correspondence analysis(CCA).  相似文献   
It is indicated by historical records and the exploratory trench on the Weihe fault that the Yaodian-Zhangjiawan segment of the Weihe fault zone has experienced a historical earthquake and 3 paleoearthquake events in the past 9110a. The historical earthquake, namely, event Ⅳ, occurred between 1487 and 1568 AD. The date of paleoseismic event Ⅰ is (9110 + 90) a, and the ages of events Ⅱ and Ⅲ are unknown. The coseismic vertical displacement of events Ⅰ, Ⅱ and Ⅲ is 0.5m, 0.5m and 0.2m, respectively. The exploratory trench also indicates that the Yaodian-Zhangjiawan segment of the Weihe fault was active in the Holocene.  相似文献   
In the Hunan-Guizhou-Guangxi area there have developed very thick bedded siliceous rocks of the late Sinian. The rocks have a fairly pure composition, with an average content of siliceous minerals exceeding 95%. They are relatively rich in Fe and Mn, and poor in Al, Ti and Mg. The Fe/Ti, (Fe+Mn)/Ti, Al/(Al+Fe+Mn) and U/Th ratios and the Al-Fe-Mn and Fe-Mn-(Ni+Co+Cu)×10 triangle diagrams all show that they are hydrothermal sedimentary siliceous rocks. In the rocks the total amount of REEs is low, the δCe shows an obvious negative anomaly and the 8Eu a weak anomaly, and LREE>HREE, all indicating that they are products of hydrothermal processes. The δ30Si and δ18O values, as well as the formation temperature of the rocks all clearly show that the silica forming the rocks comes from hot water. Besides, analyses of the depositional environment of the rocks using the MnO/TiO2 ratio and the δCe and δ30Si values yield the same conclusion that they are formed in environments from continental marginal slope  相似文献   
The signal excited by the airgun source is weak, and is easily affected by human motion noise, instrument failure, and earthquake and blasting events, resulting in insufficient utilization of the amplitude information of the airgun signal. The effective removal of interference and the preservation of true amplitude information of the signal is difficult in airgun signal processing. Based on the randomness of noise and the highly repetitive characteristics of airgun signals, we propose probability data screening method. The airgun data from experiments conducted in the Ansha Reservoir and Shanmei Reservoir in Fujian Province in June, 2017 are taken as the research object to assess the effect in practical applications. The results show that the probability data screening method can automatically reject multiple interferences and effectively preserve the amplitude information of the signal by screening out large amplitude records in appropriate proportions. Compared with direct linear superposition, the probability-related linear superposition method can effectively reduce the impact of abnormal interference, and significantly improve the quality of the observed data.  相似文献   
The Zunyi manganese deposits, which formed during the Middle to Late Permian period and are located in northern Guizhou and adjacent areas, are the core area of a series of large-medium scale manganese enrichment minerogenesis in the southern margin and interior of the Yangtze platform, Southern China. This study reports the universal enrichment of rare earth elements(REEs) in Zunyi manganese deposits and examines the enrichment characteristics, metallogenic environment and genesis of REEs. The ...  相似文献   
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