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厦门市轨道交通1号线某地铁车站站后设置停车线,依据工程图纸,左线隧道和停车线采用双线单洞大断面暗挖法施工(CRD工法),隧道直径11.53m,右线隧道采用盾构法施工,隧道直径6.2m,两隧道净距3.85m。本文应用三维动态数值模拟的方法,对不同断面、混合工法、小净距双线隧道的施工顺序进行了研究,并分析了两隧道净距对先行隧道的影响。研究结果表明:1)采用先小后大的施工顺序(即先采用盾构法施工右线隧道,后采用大断面暗挖法施工停车线)可有效减小地表沉降、邻近建筑物变形及隧道结构体系变形。2)当两隧道净距大于1.5D(D为大断面隧道直径)时,后行隧道施工对先行隧道影响较小,附加变形小于3mm。3)大断面暗挖隧道中隔墙拆除阶段对地表沉降量及邻近建筑物变形影响较大,对于此时的变化速率应加以重视。研究结果对相关工程的设计和施工具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
青藏高原土壤水热过程模拟研究(Ⅱ):土壤温度   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
模拟青藏高原土壤水分和热量迁移过程的连续变化对于全球变化研究具有非常重要的意义, 其准确模拟是提高陆面过程模拟精度的重要条件. 利用大尺度水文模型对沱沱河站点以1 h为步长, 共399 d的土壤温度模拟结果与观测结果的对比表明, 土壤中共11个不同深度的观测点的模拟温度总体的变化趋势与观测值一致, 可以进行长时间的模拟. 对于地表温度, 模拟的日变化幅度比实测的变化幅度大, 但均值一致, 原因在于模型的土壤参数中没有考虑有机质含量, 在计算能量平衡时需要增加该土壤参数. 对于土壤底部的土壤温度的连续模拟表明, 采用常数的土壤下界算法和倾斜的(damping)土壤下界算法均与观测值的变化具有一定的差别, 而常数的下界算法与观测值更为接近.  相似文献   
本文提出了一种利用结构光、C0单相机、双定向实现三维空间自动测量的新方法。利用CCD摄相机、计算机图像采集系统及软件进行空间目标的自动跟踪、自动实现从影像平面到三维空间的自动转换,为单相机实现三维空间物体自动量测提供了一种新途径。  相似文献   
The Okinawa Trough is a natural laboratory for the study of air-sea interaction and paleoenvironmental change. It has been demonstrated that present offshore export of particles in the bottom nepheloid layer occur primarily with downwelling from the northeast winter monsoon, which is inhibited by a transverse circulation pattern in summer. This current system was very different during the Last Glacial Maximum owing to low sea level(-120 m) and exposure of a large shelf area. We collected sediment core Oki01 from the middle Okinawa Trough during 2012 using R/V K exue No. 1 to elucidate the timing and cause of the current system transition in the East China Sea. Clay mineral, dry density, and elemental(Ti, Ca) composition of core Oki01 was analyzed. The results indicate that clay minerals derived mainly from the Huanghe(Yellow) and the Changjiang(Yangtze) Rivers during 16.0–11.6 ka, and the modern current system in the East China Sea formed beginning in the early Holocene. Therefore, mixing of East China Sea continental shelf, Changjiang River and partially Taiwan Island sediment are the major contributors. The decrease of log(Ti/Ca) and alternating provenance since the early Holocene indicate less sediment from the East China in summer because of resistance of the modern current system, i.e., a "water barrier" and upwelling. Conversely, sediment delivery persists in winter and log(Ti/Ca) indicates the winter monsoon signal since the early Holocene. Our evidence also suggests that sediment from Taiwan Island could be transported by the Kuroshio Current to the middle Okinawa Trough, where it mingles with winter monsooninduced export of sediment from the Changjiang River and East China Sea continental shelf. Although the present research advances understanding of the evolutionary history of paleoenvironmental change in the Okinawa Trough, more sediment cores should be retrieved over wide areas to construct a larger scenario.  相似文献   
提出一种适于多值图像层次表示的自适应空间索引结构,讨论了该索引结构的构造及检索算法。文中所列试验及分析表明,新提出的数据结构提高了多值图像的空间存贮与检索效率。  相似文献   
基于打印机和视觉模型的阶调误差扩散算法的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了一种基于打印机模型和视觉模型的阶调误差扩散算法。这种基于模型的半色调方法是利用打印机的特征和人类的视觉特性使打印图像的质量达到最佳。为了保证根据阶调不同获得最优矩阵,使用基于人眼视觉模型的误差算法对半色调结果进行评价。  相似文献   
The South Yellow Sea(SYS) is strongly influenced by the substantial sediment loads of the Huanghe(Yellow)(including the modern Huanghe and abandoned old Huanghe subaqueous delta) and Changjiang(Yangtze) Rivers. However,the dispersal patterns of these sediments,especially in the western SYS,have not been clearly illustrated. In this study,we have analyzed clay minerals,detrital minerals,and grain sizes for 245 surface sediment samples(0–5 cm) collected from the western SYS. The clay minerals,on average,consist of 67% illite,14% smectite,11% chlorite,and 8% kaolinite. Clay minerals,detrital minerals,and grain size analyses of surface sediments,combined with water mass hydrology analysis,reveal that sediments in the western SYS are mainly derived from the modern Huanghe River,the abandoned subaqueous delta of the old Huanghe River,some material from the Changjiang,and coastal erosion. The clay minerals(especially illite and smectite) and quartz/feldspar ratio distribution patterns,reveal that the influence of modern Huanghe sediments can reach 35°N in the northwestern part of the study area,an influence that can be enhanced especially in winter owing to northerly winds. Conversely,sediments along the Jiangsu coast are mixed,in summer,with material from the Changjiang arriving via northward flow of Changjiang Diluted Water. The Subei Coastal Current carries the refreshed sediments northward into the western SYS. Sediment distribution and transport in the western SYS are mainly controlled by the oceanic circulation system that is primarily related to the monsoon.  相似文献   
通过采用两种不同的粒度预处理方案,对南海南部表层沉积物进行了粒度分析,探讨了生物硅对南海南部表层沉积物粒度结果的影响。结果表明,生物硅无论是对粒度组分、粒度参数,还是对沉积物类型都有显著的影响。同时,结合显微镜镜下涂片鉴定的硅质生物碎屑含量,认为要获取有效的南沙陆坡区的陆源沉积物的粒度分布特征需去除掉生物硅。通过对比发现南海南部表层沉积物生物硅的主要粒级分布范围为8~90μm。  相似文献   
The East China Sea continental shelf is a unique area for the study of land-sea interactions and paleoenvironmental change because it receives a large amount of terrestrial material inputs. In recent decades, human activities and global climate change have greatly aff ected river discharges into the sea. However, changes in the deposition process caused by these factors in the East China Sea continental shelf are unclear. We collected eight short sediment cores from the East China Sea inner shelf(ECSIS) using a box core sampler in 2012 and 2015. The grainsize, 2 10 Pb, and 1 37 Cs of these cores were analyzed in order to reconstruct the deposition history since the 1950 s, and to reveal human activity and climate change influences on sediment deposition in the ECSIS. Results indicated that sediment grain size became finer after 1969, turned coarser after 1987, and then further coarser since 2003, corresponding well to the three steps of sediment load drop in the Changjiang(Yangtze) River, which are mainly caused by human activities(particularly the closure of the Three Gorges Dam). Simultaneously, the East Asian Monsoon influenced the deposition process in the ECSIS by changing the intensity of coastal currents. Mean grain size variations in the fine-grained population(divided by grain size vs. standard deviation method) coincided with that of the East Asian Winter Monsoon strength and reflected its weakness in 1987. Abrupt changes in sediment grain size over a short time scale in these sediment cores were generally caused by floods and typhoons. Spectral analyses of the sediment cores showed periodicities of 10–11 and 20–22 years, corresponding to the periodicity of solar activity(Schwabe cycle and Hale cycle). Mean grain size time series also displayed a 3–8 year periodicity corresponding to El Ni?o Southern Oscillation periodic change.  相似文献   
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