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以单针藻Monoraphidium sp.FXY-10为研究对象,研究了黄腐酸对单针藻FXY-10生长、油脂及相关理化指标的影响,同时分析了黄腐酸对油脂生物合成相关的关键酶活性的影响。结果表明,添加25mg/L黄腐酸时,藻细胞总油脂含量比对照组提高了1.12倍,且最高油脂含量可达54.3%。藻细胞生物量、叶绿素含量无显著变化,蛋白质含量有所提升。此外,油脂生物合成相关的酶活性与油脂积累存在相关性,添加25mg/L黄腐酸诱导微藻细胞,乙酰辅酶A羧化酶(ACCase)和苹果酸酶(ME)的活性上调,而磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸羧化酶(PEPC)的活性下调。研究表明,黄腐酸作为一种外源诱导剂可促进微藻中油脂的合成,为提高微藻油脂积累提供了一种新的方法。 相似文献
12个U/Th年龄测试结果显示,黔西南普安县雾露洞长度分别为667mm和830mm的两支石笋覆盖了61~50kaBP时段。据两支石笋999个δ18O数据建立了平均分辨率达15年的亚洲夏季风强度变化序列。雾露洞δ18O记录揭示了4个振幅达1.7‰的千年尺度季风增强事件,对应于格陵兰冰心DO17—DO14事件。在总体特征上,该记录峰谷振荡特征及振幅与贵州董歌洞、南京葫芦洞记录一致,进一步证实亚洲季风区大气降水同位素组成变化在大范围空间内具有一致性。在百年尺度上,亚洲季风区石笋δ18O清晰记录了MIS3早期6个DO亚旋回事件,而且在更短时间尺度上具有类似高纬气温振荡特征。这种低纬季风系统与北高纬气候变化的耦合关系表明,大气环流快速重组和传输可能是连接高低纬DO旋回及亚旋回气候变化的主要纽带。 相似文献
以长江经济带127个市域为研究单元,结合地统计分析及空间变差函数,以1988、2001及2012年为研究截面,对长江经济带经济空间结构演变进行深入探讨,结果表明:(1)区域内经济发展水平总体呈现出两极分化现象、东西差异显著,高水平区于东部地带呈片状及散点状分布,而低水平区于西部地带形成环状集聚格局;(2)冷热点格局呈现明显的梯度推移性,泛长三角地区形成片状热点集聚区,中部地带形成以武汉城市圈及长株潭城市群为核心的次热点区,而西部边缘地带冷点区集聚;(3)空间变差函数显示长江经济带区域经济发展空间格局具有较好的连续性和较强的空间自组织性,并在全方位呈现出波动变化格局,高值区域具有明显的迁移现象。且文章尝试从成因层、效应层、结果层探讨区域经济格局演变机理。 相似文献
在深海沉积物岩心中保存的风成尘埃提供了以往大气循环和大陆古气候的有价值指标.早期深海表层沉积物研究利用粘土和石英成分及岩石学特征的变化来推断物质来源和搬运机制.Biscaye(1965)和Zimmerman(1975)研究了大西洋粘土矿物.结果表明流水动力是大西洋深海沉积物中最重要的搬运机制。相反, 相似文献
中医药植根于中国传统文化,中医药的发展离不开党和国家的大力扶持,中医药人才的培养需要继承与创新。将湖湘红色资源融入医学高校思想政治教育,有利于提升医学生的思想认同,而挖掘其中的红医资源,不仅能传承艰苦奋斗的红医精神,更能增强医学生的专业素养。目前湖湘红色资源融入医学高校思想政治教育存在认识度不高、形态单一的问题,可积极发掘湖湘红医资源,拓宽医学生的学习渠道、增强医学生的专业认同、培养医学生的高尚医德,引导医学生传承湖湘红色精神,培养具有医德仁心、不畏艰苦的医学人才,从而更好地发挥红色资源文化育人的作用。 相似文献
海洋上层暖水在热带气旋迅速增强中的作用:基于台风威马逊(1409)的个例研究 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4
在登陆海南岛之前,台风威马逊在南海北部从热带风暴级别迅速增强成为超强台风。观测数据的分析结果显示,海洋上层的异常暖水在威马逊的迅速增强过程中扮演了重要的角色。威马逊期间,南海北部的海表面温度相比于气候态海表面温度暖很多。这部分异常暖水为威马逊提供了更多的能量,从而导致了威马逊的迅速增强。数值模拟结果进一步证明,南海北部的暖水在台风威马逊的迅速增强过程中起重要作用。如果没有这团异常暖水的影响,威马逊只增强25 hPa,仅为有暖水影响条件下增强程度的58.1%。 相似文献
The purpose of this study was to examine the distribution, abundance and characteristics of plastic particles in plankton samples collected routinely in Northeast Pacific ecosystems, and to contribute to the development of ideas for future research into the occurrence and impact of small plastic debris in marine pelagic ecosystems. Plastic debris particles were assessed from zooplankton samples collected as part of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) ongoing ecosystem surveys during two research cruises in the Southeast Bering Sea in the spring and fall of 2006 and four research cruises off the U.S. west coast (primarily off southern California) in spring, summer and fall of 2006, and in January of 2007. Nets with 0.505 mm mesh were used to collect surface samples during all cruises, and sub-surface samples during the four cruises off the west coast. The 595 plankton samples processed indicate that plastic particles are widely distributed in surface waters. The proportion of surface samples from each cruise that contained particles of plastic ranged from 8.75 to 84.0%, whereas particles were recorded in sub-surface samples from only one cruise (in 28.2% of the January 2007 samples). Spatial and temporal variability was apparent in the abundance and distribution of the plastic particles and mean standardized quantities varied among cruises with ranges of 0.004-0.19 particles/m3, and 0.014-0.209 mg dry mass/m3. Off southern California, quantities for the winter cruise were significantly higher, and for the spring cruise significantly lower than for the summer and fall surveys (surface data). Differences between surface particle concentrations and mass for the Bering Sea and California coast surveys were significant for pair-wise comparisons of the spring but not the fall cruises. The particles were assigned to three plastic product types: product fragments, fishing net and line fibers, and industrial pellets; and five size categories: <1 mm, 1-2.5 mm, >2.5-5 mm, >5-10 mm, and >10 mm. Product fragments accounted for the majority of the particles, and most were less than 2.5 mm in size. The ubiquity of such particles in the survey areas and predominance of sizes <2.5 mm implies persistence in these pelagic ecosystems as a result of continuous breakdown from larger plastic debris fragments, and widespread distribution by ocean currents. Detailed investigations of the trophic ecology of individual zooplankton species, and their encounter rates with various size ranges of plastic particles in the marine pelagic environment, are required in order to understand the potential for ingestion of such debris particles by these organisms. Ongoing plankton sampling programs by marine research institutes in large marine ecosystems are good potential sources of data for continued assessment of the abundance, distribution and potential impact of small plastic debris in productive coastal pelagic zones. 相似文献
TheJiulongRiver,composedoftheWestStream,theNorthStreamandtheSouthStream(seeFig.1)isthesecondlargestriverinFujianProvince.ItsestuarineplainintervenesbetweenthetwqcitiesofXiamenandZhangzhou,withsouthern-subtropicoceanicmonsoonclimate-SofartherehasnotbeensystematicresearchontheLateQuaternarysea1evelchangesinthearea,andthispaperisintendedtodosomethingaboutit.DIAToMZoNESANDBIoFACIESOFZK5BoREHOLETheBoreholeZK5islocatedtothenortheastofHaichengTown,withcoordinateof24"24,32*N,ll7'5… 相似文献
中医药是中华优秀传统文化的典型代表,同时也是“中国古代科学的瑰宝”,成为人们治疗疾病、健体强身、养生延年的重要手段,千百年来为维护人民群众身心健康、促进中华民族繁衍生息作出了突出贡献,具有重要的历史地位和时代价值。在抗击新冠肺炎疫情中,中医医务人员发挥了重要作用,体现了责任担当,交出了让人民满意的答卷,进一步增强了中医药文化自信。当今世界处于百年未有之大变局,全球疫情仍在蔓延,如何做好常态化疫情防控工作并夺取抗疫斗争全面胜利,是每个中医人应该思考的问题。疫情防控常态化下,中医医院应当加强青年医务人员理想信念和初心使命教育,筑牢中华优秀传统文化根基,强化中医药文化传播体系建设,推进中医药文化宣传创新。中医医院青年医务人员作为传承发展中医药的重要力量,应当坚定中医药文化自信,自觉担负起促进中医药传承创新发展的光荣任务与神圣使命。 相似文献