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基于ECMWF再分析结果对LASG第三代全球海洋-大气-陆地耦合系统模式(GOALS)的两个版本和第四代耦合气候模式初始版(FGCM-0)所模拟的大气水汽输送与辐散辐合特征、海气间水通量交换,进行了评估分析.结果表明:(1)对垂直积分的水汽通量场的流函数及其对应的无辐散水汽通量矢量的模拟,三个耦合模式都能够较为合理地再现副热带大洋的涡旋结构、中纬度西风带的东向水汽输送、赤道东风带的西向水汽输送和东亚夏季风水汽输送等行星尺度特征及其季节变化,只是GOALS的涡旋位置、FGCM-0的涡旋中心强度,较之实际略有偏差.(2)反映在垂直积分的水汽通量场的势函数和对应的无旋水汽矢量上,对南北半球副热带大洋水汽辐散区、热带辐合带(ITCZ)、东亚夏季风区强烈的水汽辐合特征等的模拟,FGCM-0的结果相对合理.GOALS的热带辐合中心过于集中在印度尼西亚群岛附近,东亚夏季风水汽辐合中心偏南.(3)关于海气水通量交换,FGCM-0较为理想地再现了副热带的净蒸发、ITCZ和中高纬度的净降水特征以及夏季ITCZ的季节性北移,但对南太平洋辐合带(SPCZ)、副热带南大西洋的净蒸发特点,以及阿拉伯海和盂加拉湾季节变化的差异,模拟结果不理想.FGCM-0在模拟SPCZ上的偏差,是由海气耦合过程造成的.GOALS未能合理再现ITCZ和SPCZ降水大于蒸发的特点,其净降水集中在西太平洋暖池区;但对副热带南大西洋、北印度洋水通量季节变化的模拟相对合理.  相似文献   
在2007年7月份荷兰马赫尔登国际生态学大会上,有一个主题报告涉及到一些景观生态学和欧洲的空间规划的政策,其中强调了生物多样性和气侯变化等空间生态学对欧洲土地利用政策的重要性。景观生态学已经开始从学术或理论的层次上升到与政策、实践融合起来。  相似文献   
北太平洋副热带潜沉率及其变化中海面风的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用中国科学院大气物理研究所的高分辨率逐日风场驱动的全球海洋模式(LICOM1·0)对北太平洋海域的潜沉(Subduction)过程和副热带模态水形成区潜沉率的年际变化进行了数值模拟,并将模拟结果与同化的海洋模式资料(SODA)进行了比较。研究结果表明,该高分辨率的海洋模式对北太平洋的绝大部分海域晚冬混合层底水质点的运动方向和路径的数值模拟结果较好,模式模拟的副热带环流比SODA资料中的副热带环流流速强;模式模拟的混合层深度比SODA资料中的混合层深度深,更接近观测;模式中副热带海域的潜沉率大于SODA资料中的副热带海域的潜沉率。模式结果表明,副热带环流和副极地环流交界处是潜沉过程发生的最主要区,该区气候平均的潜沉率超过100m/a,最大为150m/a,海面风变异引起的海洋平流的年际和年代际变化,是该区潜沉率发生年际和年代际变化的主要原因;在太平洋副热带东部模态水形成区,气候平均的潜沉率超过50m/a,在该区潜沉率的年际变化中,局地风应力旋度决定的Ekman抽吸要比海洋平流效应更加重要。  相似文献   
对比两个同化资料GODAS(Global Ocean Data Assimilation System)和SODA(Simple Ocean Data Assimilation),考察中国科学院大气物理研究所大气科学和地球流体力学数值模拟国家重点实验室发展的气候系统海洋模式LICOM(LASG/IAP Climate system Ocean Model)模拟的北印度洋经向环流及热输送的气候态。LICOM能抓住北印度洋大尺度环流的季节变化特征,模拟的年平均越赤道热输送为-0.24 PW (1 PW=1015W),较之以往的数值模式结果更接近观测和同化资料。与同化资料的差异主要体现在季节变化强度,北半球夏季在赤道以南偏弱0.5 PW,这与模式夏季的纬向风应力偏弱,热输送中的大项Ekman热输送模拟偏弱,从而模拟的经圈翻转环流较浅有关。  相似文献   
介绍了自动制图综合中知识推理的研究现状及存在的问题,指出了借鉴人工智能优秀技术成果提升自动综合智能化水平是解决当前问题的重要途径之一。对ID3智能算法的基本原理进行了详细介绍,提出基于ID3决策树的知识推理模型。将该模型引入到道路网智能化选取当中。对该模型应用到道路网自动选取的合理性进行了论述,并进行了实验验证。在对实验结果进行详细分析的基础上,探讨了该算法应用于道路网选取的优势和不足,指出了进一步研究的方向。  相似文献   
引潮力对海洋环流模式的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
The eight main tidal constituents have been implemented in the global ocean general circulation model with approximate 1° horizontal resolution.Compared with the observation data,the patterns of the tidal amplitudes and phases had been simulated fairly well.The responses of mean circulation,temperature and salinity are further investigated in the global sense.When implementing the tidal forcing,wind-driven circulations are reduced,especially those in coastal regions.It is also found that the upper cell transport of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation(AMOC) reduces significantly,while its deep cell transport is slightly enhanced from 9×106m3/s to 10×106 m3/s.The changes of circulations are all related to the increase of a bottom friction and a vertical viscosity due to the tidal forcing.The temperature and salinity of the model are also significantly affected by the tidal forcing through the enhanced bottom friction,mixing and the changes in mean circulation.The largest changes occur in the coastal regions,where the water is cooled and freshened.In the open ocean,the changes are divided into three layers:cooled and freshened on the surface and below 3 000 m,and warmed and salted in the middle in the open ocean.In the upper two layers,the changes are mainly caused by the enhanced mixing,as warm and salty water sinks and cold and fresh water rises;whereas in the deep layer,the enhancement of the deep overturning circulation accounts for the cold and fresh changes in the deep ocean.  相似文献   
本文利用风廓线雷达数据反演了降水云体的大气垂直速度、雨滴下落末速度等云动力特征和云水混合比、雨水混合比等云微物理参数,并结合天气雷达、探空、自动站、雨滴谱仪和微波辐射计等数据对2020年5月7~8日发生在北京市海淀区的一次夏季降水过程进行垂直综合观测.结果表明:垂直探测仪器观测及其反演的数据可以获得降水云体的详细动力参...  相似文献   
为弥补、修正构建Landsat 8归一化植被指数(normalized differential vegetation index,NDVI)长时间序列中因云层覆盖、影像质量与重访周期导致的数据缺失问题,交互比较高分一号(GF-1)与Landsat 8两类传感器的植被探测能力,并对其植被指数的定量关系进行研究,探讨以GF-1局部镶嵌或全局替换Landsat 8缺失数据构建时序NDVI的可行性。结果显示,Landsat 8与GF-1具有NDVI差异性,具体表现为Landsat 8探测地物信号更强,而GF-1获取地物信息量更多;相同空间分辨率(30 m)下两传感器NDVI数据呈现高度线性相关,经方程转换后,GF-1的NDVI拟合数据与Landsat 8的NDVI关系增强;同时,两传感器的NDVI数据存在区域差异性,且拟合数据可以有效减少差异程度。实验表明,此方法可实现Landsat 8高分辨率时序NDVI的构建,具有一定应用价值。  相似文献   
Solar radiation penetration in the upper ocean is strongly modulated by phytoplankton, which impacts the upper ocean temperature structure, especially in the regions abundant with phytoplankton. In the paper, a new solar radiation penetration scheme, based on the concentration of chlorophyll-a, was introduced into the LASG/IAP (State Key Laboratory of Numerical Modeling for Atmospheric Sciences and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics/Institute of Atmospheric Physics) Climate system Ocean Model (LICOM). By comparing the simulations using this new scheme with those using the old scheme that included the constant e-folding attenuation depths in LICOM, it was found that the sea surface temperature (SST) and circulation in the central and eastern equatorial Pacific were both sensitive to the amount of phytoplankton present. Distinct from other regions, the increase of chlorophyll-a concentration would lead to SST decrease in the central and eastern equatorial Pacific. The higher chlorophyll-a concentration at the equator in comparison to the off-equator regions can enlarge the subsurface temperature gradient, which in turn strengthens the upper current near the equator and induces an enhancing upwelling. The enhancing upwelling can then lead to a decrease in the SST in the central and eastern equatorial Pacific. The results of these two sensitive experiments testify to the fact that the meridional gradient in the chlorophyll-a concentration can result in an enhancement in the upper current and a decrease in the SST, along with the observation that a high chlorophyll-a concentration at the equator is one of the predominant reasons leading to a decrease in the SST. This study points out that these results can be qualitatively different simply because of the choice of the solar radiation penetration schemes for comparison. This can help explain previously reported contradictory conclusions.  相似文献   
利用地理信息系统、洪水演进、遥感方法,通过对塔里木河干流灿木里克漫溢型生态用水调控的分析,建立了生态放水漫溢模型,动态模拟了生态放水的漫溢过程,分析了生态用水量与生态保护范围、放水淹没时间之间的定量关系,结果表明生态放水流量的大小和时间的长短对生态用水的效率影响很大,相同生态用水量按不同流量和时间供给其效果呈几何指数关系,地形起伏度在生态用水中也起到关键性作用,生态用水的调控不能等同于简单的农业灌溉系统,简单的放水会造成很大的浪费,且达不到预期的生态效应.优化放水可使生态用水的效率提高30%,这对于干旱缺水地区至关重要.  相似文献   
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