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There is a severe phenomenon of blowing snow by wind in winter in Mayitas area of Xinjiang. Road traffic interruptions and casualties caused by wind and snow disasters often occur. The existing engineering measures can alleviate the problems of low visibility and problems with accumulating snow on pavement caused by wind and snow to a certain extent, but cannot completely eliminate the impact. Aiming at the problem that the blowing snow disaster difficult to be completely cured under strong wind conditions, a shed tunnel engineering treatment scheme is proposed, and a wind tunnel simulation experiment is carried out on the shed tunnel form and snow prevention scheme at the entrance of the tunnel. The wind tunnel experimental section is 8 m long, 1. 3 m horizontally wide and 1 m high. The shed tunnel model is made by 1:60 scale 3D printing method, the snow barrier model is made of wooden strips, and the simulation medium is made of fine sand, refined salt and sawdust. Firstly, three kinds of shed structures, including fully enclosed, overhanging and ventilated, were simulated under the condition of 90° wind direction, and compared with the form of blowing snow stacking. Three parameters for similarity were used:density, particle size and stacking shape. The similarity is determined by weighted Euclidean distance between simulation medium and blowing snow, the similarity of the slump angle of the predecessors is verified, and the most suitable medium for simulating blowing snow is deduced. According to the experimental results, combined with the actual situation of wind blowing and snow disasters in Mayitas, flow field of the closed shed tunnel by a wind direction angle of 30° has been separately conducted with or without protective measures. The results show that when the wind tunnel stacking experiment is used to study the deposition state of blowing snow under non-low temperature conditions, the sawdust has good similarity with the blowing snow in the process of wind and snow movement. A large amount of medium was poured into the ventilated shed during the experiment, which proved that its anti-wind and snow performance was not ideal. By contrast, the closed shed and the overhanging shed have better wind and snow prevention effects. The snow barrier has a good blowing snow inhibition function at the entrance. From the stacking experiment, in the comparison with and without snow barrier, volume of the medium in the shed is very different, which proves that the snow barrier can effectively prevent the blowing snow from entering the shed. Among them, the difference in wind speed inside and outside the shed is obvious, which proves that snow barrier can significantly reduce the wind speed outside the shed and has the function of inhibiting the formation of weak wind areas inside the shed. The study has confirmed that the shed tunnel project with suitable snow barrier layout plan for tunnel entrance protection is an effective means to control wind and snow disasters. For highway traffic in Xinjiang, it is a feasible solution to use shed tunnel engineering to control blowing snow disasters. After dealing with the snow deposition at the entrance of shed tunnel, the shed tunnel engineering form of low-cost environment integration and the vehicle operation safety guarantee measures of long-distance shed tunnel are the problems that need to be solved in the future. © 2022 Tianjin Press of Chinese Herbal Medicines. All rights reserved.  相似文献   
沧东断裂是渤海湾裂谷盆地西侧规模最大的正断层,也是沧县隆起与黄骅坳陷的分界断裂,其活动和发展直接控制了沧县隆起和黄骅坳陷的发育与演化。采用近三十年来横跨沧东断裂不同段落获取的5条浅层地震勘探成果资料,并结合测线附近的钻孔资料,深入研究沧东断裂的第四纪活动性及深部构造特征。浅层地震勘探结果发现,沧东断裂上断点埋深从南至北由深变浅,但集中在埋深118~300 m范围,错断的最新地层为中更新统,推断其最新活动时代为中更新世,而且断裂的活动时代未发现具有分段性特征。进一步综合深地震反射、大地电磁测深、沧州地区小地震分布与中强地震震源机制等资料,对沧东断裂的深部构造特征分析后发现,沧东断裂具有典型的铲状正断层特点,在深度10 km左右转为了近水平延伸,沧东断裂并非区域上主要控震断裂,或者只是低风险活动断裂,未来发生中强地震的风险可能相对较低。  相似文献   
针对隐伏断裂的特点,在前人研究成果的基础上,充分利用唐山活动断层探测成果,进行野外调查;依据相关规范,结合环境条件、自然条件,对6个场地进行了综合分析,优选出适宜于跨断层流动形变监测的场地。  相似文献   
浅层人工地震方法是针对厚覆盖区探测断裂的一种不可替代的技术。为查明夏垫断裂西南段的空间位置、性质及其活动性,2016年底对跨夏垫断裂西南段进行了高分辨率的浅层人工地震探测,获得三条480 m深度范围内地下结构图像的地震剖面,揭示了夏垫断裂西南段的形态\,特征以及空间位置。  相似文献   
与叠后波阻抗反演相比,叠前AVO反演能获得较为丰富的信息,因此利用叠前反演提取地层弹性参数并进行流体识别是目前的研究热点.考虑到基于Aki-Richard近似式的三参数反演不稳定性较突出,文章拟从减少参数维数入手,提高反演结果的稳健性.本文首先从宗兆云等人推导的基于纵横波模量的Zeoppritz近似公式出发,合理地对公式中的纵波模量与密度进行幂指数拟合,推导出直接反演纵波模量(M)、横波模量(U)的两项式反射系数近似方程并进行反演.其次,建立纵横波模量与高灵敏度流体识别因子的联系,并求取高灵敏度流体识别因子.模型试算和实例应用均表明,新方法能较好地识别储层内的流体性质.  相似文献   
为提高行人航迹推算(PDR)的定位精度,首先利用K最近邻法(KNN)对智能手机采集的6种行人运动模式数据进行识别,再与基于支持向量机(SVM)和高斯朴素贝叶斯(GNB)的运动模式识别方法进行对比,最后在实际环境下进行运动模式辅助的PDR实验。结果表明,KNN方法不仅比SVM和GNB方法易于实现,而且具有更高的识别正确率。在识别行人运动模式的前提下,PDR的室内定位效果比传统PDR方法定位效果更好。  相似文献   
贺军亮  关子琼  张振冉  李仁杰 《测绘科学》2022,(12):105-111+164
针对不同数据源所提取的城市空间形态特征的差异,该文以郑州市主城区为研究对象,基于2000—2018年全球“类NPP-VIIRS”夜间灯光遥感数据,运用参考比较法,剖析郑州建成区扩展的时空变化特征,并进一步结合全球城市边界(GUB)数据开展对比分析研究。结果表明,“类NPP-VIIRS”数据提取的建成区及“GUB”数据均可反映郑州市主城区发展趋势,前者主要反映城市的经济发达程度,后者主要反映土地开发建设情况。2000—2018年,郑州市建成区及“GUB”重心主要向东南方向转移,面积均逐年增加,但各年“GUB”范围均大于“类NPP-VIIRS”数据提取的建成区范围。郑州城市形态的离散程度持续增加,“GUB”所反映的城市空间形态更易受外界干扰。建成区城市边界形状日益复杂,而“GUB”边界形态不规则程度无明显变化。  相似文献   
在第四系覆盖区工程场地地震安全性评价近场工作中,活动断层的探测是一项重要工作,在目标层埋深几十米的情况下,地震映像勘探是进行断层探测的有效物探手段,结合唐山北郊热电2×300MW机组建设场地、沽源电厂建设场地的地震安全性评价中的应用实例,表明该方法进行断层探测具有明显的效果。  相似文献   
在内蒙古中东部荒漠草原浅覆盖区1∶5万填图试点工作基础上,对内蒙古敖汉旗北部波罗和硕-萨力巴-步登皋一带原划分为二叠系额里图组火山岩进行了岩石学、地球化学及同位素年代学研究。岩石学特征表明这套火山岩以玄武岩和流纹岩组合为主,局部发生弱变质作用,两者呈相间或互层出露。地球化学成分上由基性和酸性两个岩石端元组成,在中性岩的范围出现了明显的间断,表现出典型的"双峰式"火山岩组合特征。选取4件代表性流纹岩样品开展了LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb测年研究,分别获得了(361±2) Ma、(359±2) Ma、(350±28)Ma和(338±1)Ma的成岩年龄,时代上属于晚泥盆世末期-早石炭世,根据区域对比应将其划为朝吐沟组(D3-C1ch)。流纹岩表现出高硅富碱贫铝铁的地球化学特征,属于高钾钙碱性系列,与典型的A型花岗岩或碱性流纹岩平均成分接近,属于造山后火山岩。玄武岩相对低MgO、高FeO,具有板内玄武岩的特征,成因上可能与弧陆碰撞后伸展造山环境有关;结合区域已有研究成果及认识,认为华北板块北缘赤峰地区晚泥盆世伸展作用持续到早石炭世,根据本文获取的最近年龄结果,将该期伸展作用的时间上限确定为3...  相似文献   
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