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为了解金虎杂交斑三倍体的生长与形态特征,利用金虎杂交斑三倍体(JH-3N)和二倍体群体(JH-2N),通过对比养殖试验分析了两种不同倍性杂交石斑鱼的生长性能,同时采用多元统计分析方法对JH-3N、JH-2N及母本棕点石斑鱼(EF)和父本蓝身大斑石斑鱼(ET)的形态特征进行统计分析.结果显示,经90 d对比养殖后,JH-3N的终末体质量较JH-2N提高9.59%.性腺组织学观察表明,JH-3N卵巢与同期JH-2N相比发育明显滞后.经卡方检验显示,JH-3N与JH-2N、父本和母本的7个可数性状都没有显著性差异.单因素方差分析显示,4个石斑鱼群体除M14(臀鳍前端基部至尾鳍长)外,其他18个比例性状差异显著(P<0.05).聚类分析显示,JH-3N为单独一支,与其他3个群体分离.主成分分析共得到累计贡献率达63.273%的3个主成分,差异主要体现在鱼体的背腹轴方向.判别分析显示,4个石斑鱼群体的判别准确率达100%,综合判别率为100%.研究结果表明,JH-3N具有生长速度更快、性腺发育滞后的优良性状,表型性状与JH-2N相比具有显著性差异,具备在生产上推广应用的前景,研究结果为金虎杂交斑倍性育种及种群鉴定提供了丰富的生物学基础数据.  相似文献   
徐跃通 《地质科学》1998,33(1):39-50
在信江盆地中存在数层和石炭纪海相火山岩及其海底块状硫化物矿层相伴生,与石炭纪地层整合产出的层状硅质岩。由对硅质岩常量元素、微量元素、稀土元素、硅和氧同位素等地球化学特征研究表明,本区硅质岩具有一定的热水沉积硅质岩地球化学特征。在Al-Fe-Mn和Fe-Mn-(Ni+Co+Cu)三角图上,本区硅质岩属热水沉积硅质岩。由硅质岩MnO/TiO2比值、δCe值和δ30Si值分析表明,信江盆地石炭纪硅质岩的沉积环境主要为浅海。  相似文献   
本研究采用全自动生长曲线分析仪Bioscreen C,比较了不同浓度的新琼四糖、新琼六糖、龙须菜发酵液、低聚果糖、低聚木糖、葡萄糖对乳酸菌Lactobacillus plantarum的促增长作用。结果显示,葡萄糖和龙须菜发酵液最佳的添加浓度分别为0.4 g/L和0.8 g/L,而新琼四糖、新琼六糖、低聚果糖、低聚木糖均为0.6 g/L。在各自的最佳浓度下,促生长效果最好的依次为新琼四糖、低聚果糖、新琼六糖、龙须菜发酵液、低聚木糖和葡萄糖。进一步比较在最佳添加量(0.6 g/L)和低浓度(0.2 g/L)条件下,新琼四糖和新琼六糖对乳酸菌Lactobacillus plantarum的转录组的影响,发现新琼四糖和新琼六糖在促乳酸菌生长的作用机理上有很大的相似性,当浓度升高时对细胞内的“转运活性”有更高的影响。  相似文献   
地应力大小和方向是干热岩开发中注采井网部署、水力压裂设计和诱发地震评估等方面的重要基础数据。本文利用非弹性应变恢复(ASR)地应力测试方法,实测获取了唐山市乐亭县马头营干热岩勘探区3~4 km深度范围的地应力状态。研究结果表明:(1)地应力量值随深度增加而加大,3139~3934 m深度范围内水平最小主应力介于59.0~90.7 MPa之间,水平最大主应力介于103.7~123.6 MPa之间。水平最大主应力方向介于N83°~114°E之间。(2)三向主应力总体表现为σHvh,表明研究区3~4 km深度构造应力占主导地位,该应力状态有利于走滑断层活动。(3)利用摩尔-库伦准则对邻区断层的稳定性进行分析,结果表明研究区3~4 km深度范围内的断层总体处于稳定的应力环境。(4)干热岩注水开发与断层稳定性分析表明,在统一的区域地应力场作用下,研究区3900~4000 m干热岩注水开发过程中,当地面持续注入压力达到或超过约28 MPa时,可能引起场区内断层的滑动失稳,导致中小地震的发生,在干热岩开发利用中需注...  相似文献   
山西平陆黄底沟入三门峡水库北侧发育了一级湖滨阶地(T3)和两级河流阶地(T2和T1)。阶地上覆黄土地层野外划分和室内磁化率测试结果与蓝田段家坡黄土地层的对比结果表明,T3上覆黄土地层最底部为古土壤层S2;T2最底部为黄土层L2中弱发育古土壤层L2-2;T1最底部为马兰黄土L1中弱发育古土壤层L1-4。根据黄土-古土壤年代序列及光释光(OSL)年龄测试结果,T3,T2和T1阶地分别于245kaB.P. ,149kaB.P.和50kaB.P. 前形成。其中,T3和T2阶地的形成时间,分别代表了山西平陆古三门湖开始消亡和最老黄河阶地形成的年代。古三门湖消亡与黄河贯通三门峡的时代是否一致,有待进一步研究。  相似文献   
基于Z-I关系和变分校正法改进雷达估测降水   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
将新回归系数估计法和新误差订正法应用于3 km的雷达CAPPI估测降水,首先用新的回归方法得出更合理的Z-I关系;再用基于变分技术的新的误差订正方法对估算出的降水进行订正,获得较好的估算结果,并且用2005年6月17~25日广东自动站降水和每6分钟一次的雷达基数据对新回归系数估计法和新误差订正法进行验证,结果表明:将新回归系数估计法和新误差订正法用于雷达估测降水,能更好地对雷达回波强度估算降水的一些常见误差进行校订.  相似文献   
以一个有限区域的中尺度模式为基础,采用伴随模式技术进行有限区域气象资料的同化。伴随模式的方法是以数值天气预报的动力模式作为约束条件的变分方法,比传统的变分方法有了很大的改进。本文初步探讨了伴随模式系统的设计方法,特别是伴随模式的构造问题;用共轭码的方法导出伴随模式;初步试验表明该系统有较强的同化能力。  相似文献   
Spatio-temporal distribution characteristics and variation trends of tropospheric NO_2 in Pearl River Delta(PRD) urban group and its adjacent areas were analyze from 2005 to 2013 based on remote sensing data from ozone monitoring instrument(OMI) satellite, and further explored the impact of human activities on NO_2. Compared with the ground observation data, the OMI NO_2 remote sensing data displayed high reliability. Due to active industrial production, high car ownership, great energy and power consumption, the average tropospheric NO_2concentration(7.4×1015molec/cm2) of PRD region is about 3 times of the adjacent areas. At the same time, the regional high pollution NO_2 in PRD region as a whole, the urban group effect is remarkable. Sinusoidal model can well fit the periodic variation of the NO_2 in PRD and adjacent areas. NO_2 concentration was highest in winter while lowest in summer. The concentration of NO_2 in PRD region is decreasing in recent 9 years, which has a significantly negative correlation with the second industry output and car ownership. This suggests that the nitrogen oxide emissions governance in PRD region had achieved initial results. The concentration of NO_2 increased significantly in the eastern and northern Guangdong Province, there are good positive correlations with the second industrial outputs and car ownerships, it is thus clear that industrial emissions and automobile exhausts are important sources of NO_2 in these regions. The concentration of NO_2 in western Guangdong area is stable.  相似文献   
In this study, we attempted to improve the nowcasting of GRAPES model by adjusting the model initial field through modifying the cloud water, rain water and vapor as well as revising vapor-following rain water. The results show that the model nowcasting is improved when only the cloud water and rain water are adjusted or all of the cloud water, rain water and vapor are adjusted in the initial field. The forecasting of the former (latter) approach during 0-3 (0-6) hours is significantly improved. Furthermore, for the forecast for 0-3 hours, the latter approach is better than the former. Compared with the forecasting results for which the vapor of the model initial field is adjusted by the background vapor with those by the revised vapor, the nowcasting of the revised vapor is much better than that of background vapor. Analysis of the reasons indicated that when the vapor is adjusted in the model initial field, especially when the saturated vapor is considered, the forecasting of the vapor field is significantly affected. The changed vapor field influences the circulation, which in turn improves the model forecasting of radar reflectivity and rainfall.  相似文献   
Regular and irregular observational data are used to analyze and simulate a torrential rain over the south of China on 18 – 24 June 2005. Since the regular data cannot depict the rainfall system fully, GRAPES model is used to simulate this process. Different data are assimilated for 12 hours by its simulating system and different analysis data are obtained. In order to analyze how well the model forecast has been improved with the addition of assimilated aircraft data, these different analysis data are used as the first-guess data to conduct two control numerical simulation tests. From these tests, it is proved that the model that adds aircraft assimilation data can simulate the main region of precipitation, which is more consistent with the observed precipitation than the model that does not, and that the accuracy rate is also improved. These numerical simulation tests not only show that it is necessary and capable to improve the modeling of this torrential rain process by using aircraft data, but also lays the foundation for forecasting heavy rains in the south of China based on aircraft data.  相似文献   
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