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天体测量学是天文学的一个分枝.天体测量学是研究测量天体在天空的方向的方法,是研究测定天体的位置和运动的方法.目视天体测量的主要困难是如何将所有的量度测定到尽可能的精确,这些量度都是对起始方向和起始平面而言的.起始方向和起始平面就是地轴和二分点平面,因此,我们所采用的方向和平面就得彼此完全平行.这样我们才能进行绝对坐标和恒星自行的测量.  相似文献   
Planktonic bacteria are abundant in the Chukchi Borderland region. However, little is known about their diversity and the roles of various bacteria in the ocean. Seawater samples were collected from two stations K2S and K4S where sea ice was melting obviously. The analysis of water samples with fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) showed that DMSP-degrading bacteria accounted for 13% of the total bacteria at the station K2S. No aerobic anoxygenic phototrophic (AAP) bacteria were detected in both samples. The bacterial communities were characterized by two 16S rRNA gene clone libraries. Sequences fell into four major lineages of the domain Bacteria, including Proteobacteria (Alpha, Beta and Gamma subclasses), Bacteroidetes, Actinobacteria and Firmicutes. No significant difference was found between the two clone libraries. SAR11 and Rhodobacteraceae clades of Alphaproteobacteria and Pseudoalteromonas of Gammapro-teobacteria constituted three dominant fractions in the clone libraries. A total of 191 heterotrophic bacterial strains were isolated and 76% showed extracellular proteolytic activity. Phylogenetic analysis reveals that the isolates fell into Gammaproteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Actinobacteria and Firmicutes. The most common genus in both the bacterial isolates and protease-producing bacteria was Pseudoalteromonas. UniFrac data showed suggestive differences in bacterial communities between the Chukchi Borderland and the northern Bering Sea.  相似文献   
Hydrophobic contaminants, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) readily adsorb to organic matter. The aim of this study was to determine the importance of the quality of sedimentary organic matter for the uptake, biotransformation and toxicity of the PAH, fluoranthene (Flu), in the infaunal brittle star Amphiura filiformis. Brittle stars were exposed to a base sediment covered by a 2 cm Flu-spiked top layer (30 microg Flu/g dry wt. sed.), enriched to the same total organic carbon content with either refractory or labile organic matter. The labile carbon source was concentrated green flagellate: Tetraselmis spp. The refractory carbon source was lignin from a paper mill. Tissue concentrations of Flu both in disk and arm-fractions were determined as total Flu, parent Flu (i.e. untransformed), aqueous Flu-metabolites, polar Flu-metabolites and tissue residue Flu (i.e. unextractable). Our results showed that sediment particle ingestion is a pathway by which Flu can enter benthic food webs. Flu toxicity (measured as arm-regeneration), but not net accumulation, was dependent on the nutritional quality of the ingested sediment particles. Flu bioaccumulation could not be attributed solely to equilibrium partitioning between organism lipid content and organic content of the sediment. Biotransformation of Flu by brittle stars was very limited and unaffected by organic matter quality. A. filiformis contributed to the downward transport of Flu from the surface sediment to the burrow lining. The limited breakdown of parent Flu by brittle stars and/or microorganisms was relatively higher in burrows compared to surface sediment, and highest in the presence of labile organic matter. Tissue concentrations were higher in disk than in arms, but the proportion of metabolic products relative to parent Flu was higher in arms than in the disk fraction. We estimate that the yearly mobilization of sediment-associated Flu by arm-regeneration in A. filiformis is in the range of 3.8-29.4 microg total Flu eq. m(-2) year(-1) at a sediment concentration of 30 microg Flu/g dry wt. sed.  相似文献   
Heat shock proteins 70 (hsp70) are known to be induced by a great variety of chemical stressors. The effects of different environmental contaminants, which were identified in sediments of the North Sea and the Baltic Sea as main contaminants or as contaminants of special toxicological interest, on the extent of expression of hsp70 in a permanent cell line Epithelioma papulosum cyprini (EPC) were investigated. Concentrations of the single contaminants leading to elevated hsp70 levels were compared to the respective concentrations of these contaminants encountered in the sediment extracts thus allowing an assessment of their contribution to the toxicity of these sediments. Analysis of hsp70 was performed using western blotting techniques with subsequent comparative quantification by densitometry. Eleven of thirteen contaminants have shown a dose-dependent increase in hsp70 levels. An expression of hsp70 was observed in most cases between 0.1 and 10 microg/mL test solution. Some of the investigated stressors led to extremely high hsp70 contents even at low concentrations. However, in most cases contaminant concentrations in sediments were too low to cause an effect. For this reason, effects of the tested sediments are attributed to other contaminants or rather to mixtures of stressors.  相似文献   
In an attempt to learn more about the cytochrome P450 (CYP) system of mussels, we used protein databases and alignment software to extract highly conserved CYP sequences. From these alignments synthetic peptides were produced and used for rabbit immunisation, which yielded polyclonal antibodies against the CYP families 2 and 4. The antibodies were evaluated with Western Blot and ELISA assays, using digestive gland microsomal samples from the mussel Mytilus edulis. Western Blots revealed immunoreactions for both antibodies. The anti-CYP2 sequence rendered one major immunopositive protein of approximately 49 kDa size, and weak signals for proteins of approximately 41 and 56 kDa size. The anti-CYP4 sequence rendered two major bands of approximately 56 and 59 kDa size, and also a weak immunoreaction with a protein of approximately 43 kDa size. ELISA rendered only weak signals even with a 1:50 dilution of IgG-purified serum. A 10-day exposure to Aroclor 1254 did not appear to affect any of the immunopositive proteins, while total PCBs in soft bodies increased from 14-40 ng/g DW in controls to 373-638 ng/g DW in exposed mussels.  相似文献   
Under the action of marine currents, non-cohesive sediments evolve by bed-load, by saltation or suspension depending on their granulometry. Several authors have considered that the movement of sediment...  相似文献   
自末次冰期最盛时(LGM)以来 ,大约距今20ka时南极西部冰盖(WAIS)的基线已后退了近1300km ,那时罗斯海海湾的搁浅冰几乎延伸到了库尔曼岛。南极西部冰盖的完全崩塌可能会导致海平面上升5~6m。总质量平衡的不确定性和有关冰盖对海平面或气候变化的动力响应的不确定性阻碍了对冰盖现今稳定性进行评价。据判断 ,南极西部冰盖经过扰动之后可能需要10ka达到平衡状态 ,但由于现今冰盖的动力学是以冰川为主 ,因而难以对此做出精确估算。急流冰川快速排空了内陆冰 ,但是野外证据表明过去发生过冰川由急流到慢流的急剧变…  相似文献   
Wang  H 朱儒弟 《海岸工程》1998,17(4):87-97
引言在过去的几十年间,已经从试验研究和现场测量中收集了有关海滩剖面的性质变化及引起海滩剖面变化的各种物理因素的大量资料信息。根据许多波浪槽试验以及现场观测来看,一般公认的有两种代表性的海滩剖面--阶梯式和沙坝式。Johnson(1952)给阶梯式取名为夏季海滩,沙坝式  相似文献   
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