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引言雷德多姆(Red Dome)金矿床位于澳大利亚昆士兰州东北部的奇拉戈(Chillagoe)附近(图1),目前由Elders矿产有限公司以露天开采方式开拓中,其地质储量有含金2g/t的矿石1380万吨。估计其它有用元素还有银4.6g/t、铜0.46%和锌1.0%。贱金属和贵金属产于斑状流纹岩墙与以碳酸盐为主的沉积岩接触处形成的矽卡岩内。既有内  相似文献   
冰川槽谷横剖面形态特征探析   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:0  
李英奎  刘耕年 《冰川冻土》2000,22(2):171-177
基于对天山中、西部冰川槽谷的量算,并对比国内外不同匠研究成果,利用冰川槽谷横剖面的幂函数模型探讨了冰川槽谷的横剖面形态特征,研究表明,本区槽谷的b-FR关系并不完全符合Hirano和Aniya提出的山地冰川模式,而是有自身的形态特征,但槽谷剖面形态参数A、b之间具有明显的结性关系,并具有很强的普遍性,可以作为冰川槽谷横剖面形态的判别标准。  相似文献   
H. C. SZE 《地质学报》1942,(Z2):191-194
正 Mit 1 Tafel Uber die problematischen Reste Cycadolepis corrugata Zeiller aus dem Lias von Tonkin herrscht heute noch immer keine vollige Klarheit. Es sind stets nur  相似文献   
成像光谱遥感技术在岩石矿物识别和矿物填图方面发挥着越来越大作用,而成像光谱矿物填图的精度问题一直是研究的焦点。文章利用高光谱数据HyMap对新疆东天山地区的矿物填图结果,通过引入矿物填绘分布强度的概念,探索性的分析了成像光谱矿物填图与填绘矿物丰度的关系。  相似文献   
新疆伽师砂岩型铜矿区位于塔里木盆地西北缘柯坪古生代前陆盆地西南,北部以哈拉峻-阿合奇断裂为界,与南天山晚古生代陆缘盆地相邻,是塔里木北缘的一个陆内海盆。砂岩铜矿赋存于一套主要由褐红色-红色砂岩、粉砂岩、砂质泥岩及泥岩组成的红色砂岩建造中,其中夹有浅灰色砂岩层,铜矿化即发育于浅灰色砂岩中。含矿层长3km,厚4-6m,共发现有3条矿体。其中Ⅰ号矿体长650m,厚2.21~5.13m,平均厚度3.93m,Ⅱ号矿体长190m,厚2-4m;Ⅲ号矿体长100m,平均厚度3.37m。通过对矿区的地层、构造,铜矿体的规模、形态、产状的分析认为,古近系的浅灰色钙质砂岩为找矿的最有利层位;孔雀石化的含岩屑钙质细砂岩转石是找矿的直接标志;膏岩建造一般位于含矿层的底部,石膏层为明显的找矿标志。  相似文献   
对于召开《1985年电化学分析专业会》征文通知一、会议拟在1985年4月举行,地址待定。二、征文内容:电化学分析领域的最新研究成果(包括基础理论、新方法、新技术、新仪器的研  相似文献   
Cryogenic structure (patterns made by ice inclusions) in seasonally frozen and permafrost-af-fected soils result from ice formation during freezing. Analysis of cryogenic structures in soils is essential to our understanding of the cryogenic processes in soils and to formulating land use management interpretations. When soils freeze, the freezing front moves downward and attracts water moving upward resulting in mainly horizontal lenticular ice formation. Platy and lenticular soil structures form between ice lenses in upper active layer. The reticular soil structure usually forms above the permafrost table caused by freeze-back of the permafrost. The upward freeze-back resulted in platy soil structure and the volume changes following the annual freeze-thaw cycle resulted in vertical cracks. The combined result is an ice-net formation with mineral soils embedded in the ice net. The upper permafrost layer that used to be a part of the active layer has an ice content exceeding 50% due to repeated freeze-thaw cycles over time. The mineral soils appear in blocks embedded in an ice matrix. The permafrost layer that never experienced the freeze-thaw cycle often consists of alternate layers of thin ice lens and frozen soils with extreme hard consistence and has relatively lower ice content than the ice-rich layer of the upper permafrost. Ice contents and thaw settling potentials associated with each cryogenic structure should be considered in engineering and land use interpretations.  相似文献   
地矿部全国水分析学术讨论会,于一九八五年十月二十八日至十一月二日在石家庄市召开,来自全国各地质矿产局实验研究中心、测试中心、环境水文地质总站、水文地质工程地质大队,以及有关研究所(队)、地质院校实验室和两个仪器厂等105个单位126名代表参加了会议。地矿部科技司杨汝学副司长、水文地质工程地质研究所张宗祜所长、任福弘副所长、河北地矿局祁兰夫副局长等有关领导出席了会议,并作了重要讲话。会议除交流学术经验外,还讨论修改  相似文献   
Eighteen sandy beaches were sampled along the 1659 km of the Galician coast (NW Spain) six months after the Prestige oil-spill to study the impact of the fuel and the clean-up activities on the macroinfauna community. A transect was extended at each beach, from above the drift line to below the swash line at five sampled levels; at each level six 0.05 m2 replicates were taken to a depth of 30 cm and sieved through a 1mm mesh, and the organisms collected and preserved. Results were compared with previous data obtained using the same procedures. The macroinfauna was numerically dominated by the amphipod Pontocrates arenarius, the isopod genus Eurydice, the polychaete Scolelepis squamata, and the amphipod Talitrus saltator. As a result of the Prestige oil-spill and the clean-up activities, beach populations were reduced, with Eurydice and S. squamata as the most affected taxa.  相似文献   
According to the European Water Framework Directive, the ecological status (ES) of a water body is determined by comparing observation data with undisturbed Reference Conditions (RCs). Defining RCs is crucial when evaluating the ES of a water body as it strongly affects the final outcome of any index application. Identifying RCs by observing real sites is not feasible in many marine environments, such as the Emilia-Romagna coast (Italy, N-Adriatic Sea). We used a statistical approach on a large dataset to derive RCs for the application of the benthic index M-AMBI in this area. We then applied M-AMBI to samples collected along a gradient of presumed environmental disturbance. The results put 14.8% of the Emilia-Romagna samples in “High” ES, 60.2% in “Good”, 23.0% in “Moderate” and 2.0% in “Poor”, showing a spatial gradient of improving quality. These results are in agreement with the extensive ecological knowledge available for this area.  相似文献   
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