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2004年12月26日,由于欧亚板块的碰撞,40年以来最大的地震灾害发生在印度洋。地震诱发的海啸影响到Nangroe Aceh Darussalam省的许多城市,包括省会城市班达阿齐。在这地区共有超过12万人死亡,100万人无家可归。基于遥感数据的分析表明,有12万亩的土地受到了灾害。在班达阿齐市,鱼塘、住宅用地和保护区的变化是这一地区最显著的土地利用/覆盖变化,受灾前后这些用地类型的面积相应的变化了61.5%、57.8% 和77.6%。目前,印度尼西亚中央政府正在计划一个新的海岸带土地利用规划,在原来密集的海岸带建立一个缓冲区(约距海岸带2 km)。政府已经要求许多海岸带的社区代表与非政府组织参与到决策的过程中。 为了选择并采取最佳的土地利用方式,海啸灾害后的海岸带规划应该包括一些重要的基本要素。本研究主要关注作为该省社会经济活动中心的班达阿齐市。检测了由于海啸灾害造成的土地利用/覆盖变化(包括物理破坏),特别是农业用地和居住区用地的变化,并且分析了受灾村落的不同类型及灾害对社会经济活动造成的影响。此外,还为政府以及当地居民在灾后的规划中选择更为可持续的空间布局方案提出了建议。  相似文献   
<正> 本书论及了近年来近景摄影测量重大发展的状况。近景摄影测量并不仅仅涉及地形测图,而是有着广泛应用领域的测量技术。本书在向从事测量和数据获取的专业人员讲述近景摄影测量原理及用途。第一章概述近景摄影测量的起源,早期模拟方法的应用和近期解析技术的发展。当读者将注意力转向实用领域时便知,过去在近景摄影测量精度方面的研究限多,而对时间和费用两个“参数”的考虑则不足。为此,作者强调指出,要使近景摄影测量普遍用于生产过程,则应把研究重点转到时间和  相似文献   
1.引言飓风中心通常被人们认为是在雷达屏面上出现的圆形或椭圆形的几何中心。为了揭示不同的风暴特征,例如飓风眼大小、椭圆率、回波运动和风暴运动等,许多研究者研究延时电影胶片(time-lapse film)的飓风照片。为了研究风暴路径细节和论证风暴的陀螺形的运动,需要更多的眼中心定位资料。在从地面雷达照片中收集定位资料时,作者观测到飓风眼经常既不是圆形的,也不是椭圆形,而似乎是六角形的、四方形的或三角形的。这些多角形结构虽不太完整,但其直线轮廓却是难以否认的。 2.资料和分析本文所研究的观测资料有:1)平面位置显示器(PPI)显示的16毫米和35毫米延时电影片记录,2)为计算机使用而经过数字转换的雷达反射率的  相似文献   
1988年5月11—15日斯坦福大学地质系教授 Krauskopf在我校详细介绍了目前在美国、西欧国家利用地球化学原理处理日益增多的放射性核废料的方法,这一新的地球化学应用研究在我国尚未开始.本文拟将Krauskopf教授的主要讲学内容整理介绍给同行,为我国放射性核废料处理的地球化学研究早日开始抛砖引玉.  相似文献   
In southern Rocky Mountains, catchments characterized by acidic, metalliferous waters that are relatively unaffected by human activity usually occur within areas that have active or historical mining activity. The US Geological Survey has utilized these mineralized but unmined catchments to constrain geochemical processes that control the surface- and ground-water chemistry associated with near surface acid weathering as well as to estimate premining conditions. Study areas include the upper Animas River watershed, Lake City, Mt. Emmons, and Montezuma in Colorado and Questa in New Mexico. Although host-rock lithologies range from Precambrian gneisses to Cretaceous sedimentary units to Tertiary volcanic complexes, mineralization is Tertiary in age and associated with intermediate to felsic composition, porphyritic plutons. Pyrite is ubiquitous. Variability of metal concentrations in water is caused by two main factors: mineralogy and hydrology. Parameters that potentially affect water chemistry include: host-rock lithology, intensity of hydrothermal alteration, sulfide mineralogy and chemistry, gangue mineralogy, length of flow path, precipitation, evaporation, and redox conditions. Springs and headwater streams have pH values as low as 2.5, sulfate up to 3700 mg/L and high dissolved metal concentrations (for example: Al up to 170 mg/L; Fe up to 250 mg/L; Cu up to 3.5 mg/L and Zn up to 14 mg/L). With the exception of evaporative waters, the lowest pH values and highest Fe and Al concentrations occur in water draining the most intense hydrothermally altered areas consisting of the mineral assemblage quartz-sericite-pyrite. Stream beds tend to be coated with iron floc, and some reaches are underlain by ferricrete. When iron-rich ground water interacts with oxygenated waters in the stream or hyporheic zone, ferrous iron is oxidized to ferric iron, which is less soluble, leading to the precipitation of iron oxyhydroxides.  相似文献   
当前,在许多国家和地区古生物工作者十分重视研究古老的微植物化石,特别对于晚元古代及早古生代的微古植物化石的研究,取得了显著成绩。根据外貌特征,微古植物可以分成六个主要群落:球状藻(Sphaeromorphida),棱状藻(Scaphomorphida),多面藻(Edromorphida),刺球藻(Sphaerohystrichomorphida),卵形藻(Ooidomorphida)及椭状藻(Ellipasoidomorphida)。并包括几个亚群落和很多  相似文献   
The determination of boundary points and their correlation are prerequisites for defining the PrecambrianCambrian boundary and the intercontinental correlation. A large number of good Precambrian-Cambrian boundary sections in South Asia not only possess the conditions for selection of a boundary stratotype, but also provide the basis for the long-distance correlation of those boundary sections.Through a detailed study of the latest data obtained from the typical sections in South China, the Lesser Himalaya Mountains and the Alborz Mountains. the locations of boundary points have been defined, and a correlation scheme is proposed, which contributes to the solution of the problem of worldwide correlation of boundary sections.  相似文献   
The effectiveness of fertilizers for crude oil bioremediation in sub-Antarctic intertidal sediments was tested over a one-year period in a series of ten (10) experimental enclosures. Chemical, microbial and toxicological parameters demonstrated the effectiveness of various fertilizers in a pristine environment where hydrocarbon degrading bacteria (HDB) had not been stimulated by previous accidental spills or human activities. The low temperature of seawater (3-4 degrees C) had no obvious effects on the HDB community and the bioremediation process. Over 90% of n-alkanes were degraded in the first six months and most light aromatics (2-3 rings) disappeared during the first year of observation. The toxicity of oiled residues (Microtox(R) SP) was significantly reduced in the first 6 months of the process, but it increased again in the last months of the experiment. One of the fertilizers containing fishbone compost enriched with urea, inorganic phosphorus and a lipidic surfactant reduced significantly the toxicity of oil residues in the last 3 months of the experiment. Interstitial waters collected below the oil slicks during the remediation showed no toxicity, and even stimulated Vibrio fischeri. When comparing all fertilizers to the control plots, a good correlation (r(2)=0.82) was found between the growth rate of HDB and the degradation rate of n-alkanes in the first 90 days of the experiment only indicating that fertilizers were efficient for at least 3 months but their beneficial effects were lost after 6 months.  相似文献   
四、在天气和气候中吸引子的研究确定吸引子的Hausdorff-Besicovit-ch维数具有极其重要的意义。因为一个吸引子无论是否为分形,其维数表示在相应的动力学系统演变过程中出现的最少变量个数(亦即吸引子必须嵌入一个至少等于其自身维数的状态空间)。所以,吸引子的Haus-dotff-Besicovitch维数(亦或任何其它广义维数的问题)的测定,也就给出了预测系统演变的模式所必须满足的一些约束条件。如果给出动力学系统的数学表达式,那  相似文献   
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