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对哈萨克斯坦几次M≥6强震前动物行为异常的有关资料进行了研究,发现动物(20种)是通过其行为反应的变化对地震作出响应的。另外,在阿拉木图的山前地带(地震活动值大于9),对动物血液学和生物学指数上的动态变化进行了观察。  相似文献   
Six marine sediment cores from the Gulf of Lions continental slope (700-1700 m water depth) were analyzed for stable lead isotopes and (210)Pb geochronology in order to reconstruct lead atmospheric fallout pattern during the last century. The detrital lead contribution is 25 microg g(-1) and the mean sediment anthropogenic inventory is 110+/-7 microg cm(-2), a little bit higher than atmospheric deposition estimate. Anthropogenic lead accumulation in sediments peaked in early 1970s (1973+/-2) in agreement with lead emissions features. For the period 1986-1997, the sediment signal also reflect the decrease of atmospheric lead described by independent atmospheric fallout investigations. The anthropogenic Pb deposition in the late 1990s was similar to the 1950s deposition, attesting thus of the output of European environmental policies.  相似文献   
“景观”在地理学中,尤其在德国地理学科中一直是一个重要的研究课题。景观在美国地理学中也频有影响。最近十多年来,德国的哈德(Hara)在批判景观思想及其方法,然而荷兰的自然地理学家、生物学家和区域规划工作者却要求人文地理学家注意研究景观。二十世纪六十年代后,环境的研究再一次使景观成为大家感兴趣的问题。  相似文献   
一、制约沿海生产活动的因素人类生产活动和世界人口分布日益受到海洋的吸引看来是一个长期趋势,许多沿海国家都有这个倾向。生产活动和人口分布受海洋吸引的程度取决于不同时期海洋所起的不同作用。  相似文献   
Analysis of the global mean annual temperature anomalies based on land and marine data for the last 88 years (1901-1988) of this century has been carried out with a view to find any relationship with failures in Indian summer monsoon rainfall. On the climatological scale (i.e. 30 years) it has been noticed that there is an abnormal increase in the frequency of drought years during epochs of global warming and cooling, while it is considerably less when global temperatures are near normal. Results are unchanged even when the data are filtered out for ENSO (El-Nino Southern Oscillation) effect.It has also been noticed that during warm and cold epochs in global temperatures the amount of summer monsoon rainfall decreases as compared to the rainfall during a normal temperature epoch.  相似文献   
引言在我国及国外进行的实地及室验室研究证明了在地震破裂前的阶段形变场内存在异常变化〔1,2〕。但预报地震的现状离最终达到的目标还很遥远。从经常在震后回顾性分析中识别出前兆异常过渡到震前依据观测到的异常变化实施真实的地震预报是存在许多困难的。原因是对解题计算法的研究很薄弱,并缺乏可以判断某种预报计算法效能的准则。因此,为了客观评价前兆效应的信息量、揭示最稳定的证明地震孕育的标志、研究在各种观测条件下前兆的时空特征并编制预报计算法,就需要加工处理多年的动态观测资料,这已成为当前用形变方法预报地震的迫…  相似文献   
文章介绍在北意大利Ampezzan Dolomites的Upper Boite河的高山流域在山区水文学方面进行分布水文系统研究(Engelen和Vrnneker,1988,见本卷)的实例。文章对这个面积约200km^2、高程1800-3000m的范围作了概要的结论性分析。Upeer Booite流域的水文特征主要受较高部位的大片裸露的或植被稀少的白云岩和岩溶化的石灰岩分布区的控制。本区春及初夏形成融雪的洪水,由春到夏持续产生基流,夏秋的暴雨产生洪流,并在低处形成泥石流。较低区域(标高在1800-2000m以下)蒸散强烈而在水文上不敏感,只有在某些渗透性相当差的火山凝灰岩与泥灰岩坍塌出露区,随夏季洪流才产生大量悬浮物质。  相似文献   
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