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This study focused on the influence of base metal mining on heavy metal levels in soils and plants in the vicinity of Arufu lead-zinc mine, Nigeria. Soil samples (0-15 cm depth) and plant samples were collected from cul-tivated farmlands in and around the mine, the unmineralized site and a nearby forest (the control site). The samples were analyzed for heavy metals (Fe, Zn, Mn, Cu, Pb, Cr and Cd) by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (AAS). The physical properties of soils (pH and LOI) were also measured. Results showed that soils from cultivated farm-lands have neutral pH values (6.5-7.5), and low organic matter contents (10%). Levels of Zn, Pb and Cd in culti-vated soils were higher than the concentrations obtained from the control site. These heavy metals are most probably sourced from mining and agricultural activities in the study area. Heavy metal concentrations measured in plant parts decreased in the order of rice leavescassava tuberspeelings. In the same plant species, metal levels decreased in the order of ZnFeMnCuPbCrCd. Most heavy metals were found in plant parts at average concentrations normally observed in plants grown in uncontaminated soil, however, elevated concentrations of Pb and Cd were found in a few cassava samples close to the mine dump. A stepwise linear regression analysis identified soil metal contents, pH and LOI as some of the factors influencing soil-plant metal uptake.  相似文献   
含氢地下水,即氢浓度增高的水(超过36爱曼),系矿水的一种,它可用于矿泉医疗。假如对地下水中氢的底数浓度和异常浓度的形成条件有正确的概念,那么这种水也能作为寻找放射性矿床的普查标志。促成地下水氢的富集的基本因素之一是被地下水冲洗的岩石中镭的绝对含量。但是,目前对岩石中放射性元素分布规律的知识尚很有限。尼柯诺夫认为,近十年来总趋势是:过去采用过的岩石中放射性元素含量值是下降,而且接近岩浆岩和沉积岩的平均值。从尼柯諾夫文章中借用的、并经维诺格拉多夫的资料加以补充的表l  相似文献   
华南地区栖霞组“菊花石”假象与海泡石矿成因关系探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据对华南地区二叠系栖霞组内菊花石假象的成因研究,结合对该组内燧石结核,菊花石内正延性玉髓和海泡石形成时代关系的现状关系的观察,认为华南地区栖霞组内的海泡石形成于早期成岩作用过程中,与该组内燧石结核和菊花石假象内的正延性玉髓同期形成,其成因既与高盐度的沉积环境或高盐度的成岩环境条件无关,也与热液活动无关。  相似文献   
引言雷德多姆(Red Dome)金矿床位于澳大利亚昆士兰州东北部的奇拉戈(Chillagoe)附近(图1),目前由Elders矿产有限公司以露天开采方式开拓中,其地质储量有含金2g/t的矿石1380万吨。估计其它有用元素还有银4.6g/t、铜0.46%和锌1.0%。贱金属和贵金属产于斑状流纹岩墙与以碳酸盐为主的沉积岩接触处形成的矽卡岩内。既有内  相似文献   
海——微生物栖息的特殊环境。特殊的盐类成分,低温,高压,低浓度的有机物质,植物及动物区系的稀少等组成了微生物生命活动的广阔海洋区域一些主要生态特征。 海洋中最初的微生物学研究,早在上一世纪就已进行了,但足它们局限于较狭小的任务——  相似文献   
Anthropogenic inputs of crude and refined petroleum hydrocarbons into the sea require knowledge of the effects of these contaminants on the receiving assemblages of organisms. A microcosm experiment was carried out to study the influence of diesel on a free living nematode community of a Tunisian lagoon. Sediments were contaminated by diesel that ranged in concentration from 0.5 to 20 mg diesel kg−1 dry weight (dw), and effects were examined after 90 days. Gradual changes in community structure were revealed depending on the quantity of diesel administrated. In the medium (1 mg diesel kg−1 and 5 mg diesel kg−1 (dw)) and high (10 mg diesel kg−1, 15 mg diesel kg−1 and 20 mg kg−1 (dw)) treated microcosms, most univariate measures, including diversity and species richness, decreased significantly with increasing level of diesel contamination whereas nematode assemblage from the low treated microcosm (0.5 mg diesel kg−1 (dw)) remained unaffected. Results from multivariate analyses of the species abundance data demonstrated that responses of nematode species to the diesel treatments were varied: Chaetonema sp. was eliminated at all doses tested and seemed to be intolerant species to diesel contamination; Pomponema sp. and Oncholaimus campylocercoïdes were significantly affected at all diesel contamination levels but they were not eliminated, these species were categorized as “diesel-sensitive”; Hypodontolaimus colesi, Daptonema trabeculosum and Daptonema fallax which significantly increased respectively at 0.5, 1 and 5 mg diesel kg−1 (dw) concentrations and appeared to be “opportunistic” species at these doses whereas Marylynnia stekhoveni which increased at all high doses (10, 15 and 20 mg diesel kg−1 (dw)) seemed to be a “diesel-resistant” species.  相似文献   
M.  Antolik  R  E.  Abercrombie  G.  Ekstroem  何振德 《世界地震译丛》2005,(4):46-57
3 体波反演:滑动分布 在本节,我们基于点源结果和观测的地表破裂几何形状研制了可可西里地震的滑动分布模型。类似于其他的研究(如Wald and Heaton,1994;Kaverina et al,2002:An—tolik and Dreger,2003),我们使用有限断层方法对远震P波的子集进行反演。  相似文献   
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