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最近,提出了一种新的地幔对流模型,它与过去的标准模型相比要更接近实际一些。当然该模型还存在一些有争议的问题,不过我们认为,该模型可以调和不同研究领域矛盾的证据,因而为进一步研究对流提供一种新的构架。借助于我们最近的一些研究工作(Albarede,1998)以及其他人的一些研究工作,我们对由Kellogg等(1999)、van der Hilst和Karason(1999)提出的模型作了更深入的研究。新的观点认为,一个深地层大致位于地幔中较低的第三层,该地层的化学成分明显地与其上覆的地层不同。这样的一个深地层将决定地球放热元素的实际部分,并有助于达到一些临界同位素体系的热平衡。化学变化和热密度变化间微妙的平衡产生了明显的动态地形,这一过程使得地震波监测复杂化,但却有利于沉降板块的穿过。热柱将形成于对流地幔的地层边界与上覆部分的过渡带中。若割裂气体消失、气体不完全消失或气体逸出的地层与从地震学角度已被证实的、被660km间断面分开的上下地幔之间的关系,要协调其他矛盾的证据看来还要颇费一番功夫。  相似文献   
分析用方程Q(t)=Q(t1) A1-A2(tf-t)^m[1 ccos(2πlog(tf-t)/p-φ)]来模拟强震前地震能量释放过程的一些条件,式中的Q(t)是在时间t以前所累积的“贝尼奥夫”总应变,tf是主震的时间,A1,A2,c,m,p,ψ都是模型的参数,Q(t1)是已知量(t1≤tf时)。表明在一定假定条件下幂指数m=α(2-d) 1。这里d是主震周围地震潜在震源群震中的尺寸,参数α决定着幂律。根据这个规律,地震时释放的地震能量和总能量的比值随地震的震级而变化。模型可用于分析实验研究岩石破裂释放声能的动力学,也适用于对堪察加一些强震前地震活动性的回溯性分析。  相似文献   
1 INTRODUCTION Because of the large quantity of sand and gravel in their beds, rivers have always been considered as a major source of sand and gravel for civil works. Acceptable quality, ease of extraction and economy are some of the reasons could be mentioned. Unfortunately, specific laws and regulations regarding the safe in-stream mining have not been provided for users and officials. What should be taken into account are the effects of over-mining of sand and gravel, which can cause …  相似文献   
The reservoir quality of Jurassic and Triassic fluvial and lacustrine-deltaic sandstones of the Yanchang Oil Field in the Ordos Basin is strongly influenced by the burial history and facies-related diagenetic events. The fluvial sandstones have a higher average porosity (14.8%) and a higher permeability (12.7×10?3 ?m2) than those of the deltaic sandstones (9.8% and 5.8 ×10?3 ?m2, respectively). The burial compaction, which resulted in 15% and 20% porosity loss for Jurassic and Triassic sandstones, respectively, is the main factor causing the loss of porosity both for the Jurassic and Triassic sandstones. Among the cements, carbonate is the main one that reduced the reservoir quality of the sandstones. The organic acidic fluid derived from organic matter in the source rocks, the inorganic fluid from rock-water reaction during the late diagenesis, and meteoric waters during the epidiagenesis resulted in the formation of dissolution porosity, which is the main reason for the enhancement of reservoir-quality.  相似文献   
20 0 0年 4月 2 0日 ,乌兹别克斯坦卡什卡达林斯克区的岳尔捷帕发生了 M=5.4级强烈地震。对这次地震前后 (1 999年 1 0月 3 1日— 2 0 0 0年 4月 2 2日 )的地震序列进行了初步分析 ,并结合震区附近的《舒尔奇》和《朱玛巴扎尔》等综合预报台地下水观测参数 (流量、湿度、Eh值、p H值等 )的变化和震源机制解 ,分析了应力场的变化和迁移特征。最后认为 k≤ 1 2的地震可以引起应力场的变化 ,这种变化可通过综合观测台来跟踪研究 ;观测点彼此间距不应超过1 0 0— 1 50 km;每个观测点必须选配自己的一组最有信息量的观测方法  相似文献   
Converting farming slope land into artificial forestland or grassland is a major measure of soil/water conservation. Five conversion practices, namely, 1) a control plot still tilled with a crop (maize), 2) a folder grass-growing plot seeded with Lolium perenne , 3) a young alder tree-growing plot, 4) a pear orchard plot and 5)a bamboo plot intercropped with folder grass, were monitored to compare the soil conservation efficiency of those changes in Ya'an, Sichuan for 3 years between September 1998 and August 2001. Results showed that the 5 designed converting models functioned differently in erosion control. The most effective model was bamboo groves intercropped with folder grass (Lolium perenne). The folder grass (Lolium perenne) growing model was more effective than the pure pear orchard model. The least effective model was the young alder tree-growing slope, which was even less effective than the control (a slope without converted cultivation). Meanwhile, changes in the soil's physical properties r  相似文献   
随着近年来航空重力的发展,航空重力数据的精度和分辨率不断提高,其精度可达1 mGal,分辨率可达10km,这使得用航空重力数据计算精密大地水准面成为可能。本研究介绍利用满足一定条件的稳定、精确的航空重力数据计算大地水准面的一种新途径。它根据布隆公式,分离大地水准面与参考椭球,把航空重力观测值转换为大地水准面上的重力位,从而确定大地水准面。其具体步骤如下: 1.对重力扰动观测数据进行低通滤波,除去高频观测噪声; 2.利用全球重力场模型从低通滤波的重力  相似文献   
I.INTRODUCTIONReseri,oirsonoverloadedriverswillreachthestateofrelativeequilibriumwithcontinuousdevelopmentofsedimentation.Insuchcase,thereisdePOsitinfrontofthedam.Thereforethesiltpressureonthedambodyisconsiderablylarge.Sedimentationelevationinfrontofthedamisoneofthefactorsofcalculatingthesiltpressure.Inaddition,tokeeplong-termworkingstorageinreservoif,itisnecessarytoinstallbottomoutlets.Asthereisapressureconduitinfrontoftheoperatinggateofthebottomoutlet,thesedimelltenteredtheconduitwill…  相似文献   
地壳形变的研究在评估地震危险性和地震预报中具有重要的作用。哈萨克斯坦阿拉木图地震预报试验场地壳形变观测包括大地测量、GPS卫星观测、光测距仪、形变仪和倾斜。大地测量和卫星测量形变值为10-4~10-5单位,光测距形变为10-7单位,形变计达10-8单位。根据大地测量资料,预测卡什切克、契里克和扎拉纳什—丘普三个地区有地震危险。此地区地表垂直运动速度与过去比较现在达到了最大值,约5mm/a,而通常为2~3mm/a。1992~1995年GPS卫星测量资料也证实伊塞克湖南部的水平和垂直形变增高。根据土尔根站和伊日维什特科维依站形变观测资料的谱分析结构认为,形变值的周期成分既反映了外在因素(气压、气温、降水)又反映了内在作用的异常变化。1978年3月25日扎拉纳什—丘普地震时各条测线形变就出现异常高值。前兆异常可达10-5单位,震中距超过50km。异常时间表现在震前1个月内。  相似文献   
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