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一、前言本文仅涉及后成成矿作用,由来自热液的矿物其及脉石矿物在构造成因的破裂系统内或附近沉淀的结果。大多数矿带为板状,但也有的为曲面状,如褶皱脊部的鞍状矿脉,或者为线状,如断裂交叉部位形成的矿体。这里仅考虑了脉型金矿床。根据尺度显然可分为矿带几何特征(称为矿带“形状”(Shape))和组成矿带各部分的成矿几何特征(称为成矿“型式”(form))两个方面。脉型金矿的成矿型式是极其多变的。  相似文献   
The grazing pressure of the macrofaunal invertebrates associated with the biomass of Ulva rigida in the Venice lagoon, their species composition and relationship with environmental variables have been studied. Fifteen sampling campaigns were carried out during different seasons both in the central basin of the lagoon, dominated by macroalgae (especially U. rigida C. Ag.) and in the southern basin, prevalently populated by seagrasses (especially Zostera marina L.). Replicate experiments were conducted in the field by exposing Ulva fronds in net cages of 10 and 1 mm (control) mesh-sizes to allow or prevent grazer entrance. The grazing pressure was determined as Ulva growth rate difference in the cages. In the absence of invertebrate herbivores, Ulva exhibited per cent relative growth rates (%RGRs) ranging from 1.5 to 9.5% day(-1), whereas in their presence the %RGRs were significantly lower (from -2.5 to 3.4% day(-1)) and frequently negative, especially in the station dominated by macroalgae. In this area, peak grazing rates and macrofauna biomasses of up to 8.6% day(-1) and 1,480 g m(-2) fwt (84.4 ash-free dry weight), respectively, were found. On the whole, during in field experiments in the Ulva-dominated station, herbivores removed an amount of biomass whose percentage ranged from 59 to 165% (mean: 103%) of the biomass yield (grazers excluded) found in the cages. These results suggest the possibility that grazers could act as an important factor affecting Ulva production in the Venice lagoon. Macrofauna populations were analysed by means of multivaliate techniques applied to biological variables only and biological and environmental variables together. Data of individual abundance, after a log(x + 1) transformation and the calculation of the Bray-Curtis matrix, were classified using the Cluster Analysis and ordinated by means of the Non-Metric Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) technique, in accordance with the strategies used in the study of multispecies distributions. Finally, biological and environmental variables were analysed together by means of correlation matrices and the Principal Component Analysis.  相似文献   
Benthic biofilters were deployed under a cage fish farm and in two reference locations to assess the influence of the farm on the biofilters and the surroundings, as well as to verify the usefulness of this technology as a mitigation tool. The biofilters underneath the farm recruited a fouling community practically identical to that of the control biofilters, which included a variety of trophic strategies. The former showed a higher 15N enrichment, indicating that fouling beneath the farm was benefiting from the farm waste. The waste retention efficiency was low (0.02 g N m−2 month−1) beneath the farm. Benthic biofilters aggregated demersal wild fish around and within them. Pelagic wild fish also frequently used the biofilters beneath the farm, forming compact shoals around them. The increased complexity of the habitat below the fish farm enhanced biodiversity, but this improvement did not lead to the recovery of the sediments around the biofilters.  相似文献   
在冈瓦纳大陆裂解的同时及其后,出现了岩浆作用过程,它影响到远离安第斯山链的南美地台的大部分。这个岩浆作用过程构成了几种类型的记录:(1)拉斑玄武质侵入岩和喷出岩,如沉积盆地中的熔岩流、岩床、岩墙和基底中的岩墙。最大活动强度出现于中侏罗世至前阿普第阶早白垩世。在大陆的北部,出现局部的二叠—三叠纪拉斑玄武质岩墙。(2)碱性和过碱性镁铁质至长英质岩浆活动和共生的碳酸盐岩,它们出现于巴西Serra do Mar、巴拉那盆地周边以及在亚马孙地盾周边和玻利维亚,呈孤立的小面积出现,时代上大部分属后阿尔必阶。由于此期岩浆作用发生于南美和非洲移开之时,所以一直延续至中新世。少量的侵入岩是与侏罗纪—始自垩纪火山活动同时的。(3)在前寒武纪末期结束造山作用的地区以及在时代为中元古代的巴西克拉通区,已找到了几个金伯利岩体,少量的同位素资料指出其年龄属中生代。 地质构造影响了中新生代岩浆活动。玄武质熔岩流和岩床在克拉通内盆地中下沉较大的内部更常见,厚度也较大。许多前寒武纪断裂受到辉绿岩墙的影响,这些岩墙可以构成岩墙群。其它岩墙明显与古老断裂无关,但是它们位于大陆分离过程中遭受张应力的地区。巴拉那盆地周边的碱性岩浆作用通常受穹窿和断开的单褶的控制。相似的机制——也发现  相似文献   
文章介绍了日本地震学会1982年秋季大会简况,会上共宣读241篇论文,包括八个方面;本文重点介绍了有关地震活动与地震预报研究两方面的内容。  相似文献   
断层滑动分布通常是通过假设当地地壳是弹性、均匀、各向同性的半空间由大地测量数据恢复的。在过去的几十年里,空间密集的大地测量数据(如,DInSAR图像)同震形变突出的复杂图案,需要新的模拟工具,譬如能够代表地壳流变学和复杂几何关系的数值方法。在这种研究中,我们发展了一种能对当地地壳进行更加真实解释的有限元反演大地测量数据的方法。这种方法应用于2009年拉奎拉地震(MW6.3),使用了同震位移的DInSAR图形。结果突出了不可忽略的介质结构的影响:均匀和非均匀模型显示的差异占断层滑动分布值的20%。此外,非均匀模型中在震源的上方出现了一个新滑动区。我们对分辨率也进行了研究,显示出由大地测量数据恢复的有关断层滑动分布的信息应被认为是周围片区的平均。  相似文献   
The role played by Paleoproterozoic cratons in southern South America from the Mesoproterozoic to the Early Cambrian is reconsidered here.This period involved protracted continental amalgamation that led to formation of the supercontinent Rodinia.followed by Neoproterozoic continental break-up,with the consequent opening of Clymene and Iapetus oceans,and finally continental re-assembly as Gondwana through complex oblique collisions in the Late Neoproterozoic to Early Cambrian.The evidence for this is based mainly on a combination of precise U-Pb SHRMP dating and radiogenic isotope data for igneous and metamorphic rocks from a large area extending from the Rio de la Plata craton in the east to the Argentine Precordillera in the west and as far north as Arequipa in Peru.Our interpretation of the paleogeographical and geodynamic evolution invokes a hypothetical Paleoproterozoic block(MARA) embracing basement ultimately older than 1.7 Ga in the Western Sierras Pampeanas(Argentina),the Arequipa block(Peru),the Rio Apa block(Brazil),and probably also the Paraguaia block(Bolivia).  相似文献   
本文认真分析了地震破裂期间热迁移和流体流动对断层面热、水文学和力学响应的影响。采用数学模拟方法解释热、流体压力和应力场的耦合。结果表明,在地震期间,破裂面受热而达到孔隙流体热膨胀所需要的温度,热膨胀可抵消因流体流动产生的流体损失率和因孔隙膨胀产生的流体容积变化。这种条件一旦确立,孔隙流体增压和剪切强度迅速降低到足以将孔隙流体的热增压维持在岩石静压力值附近。如果初始流体压力是静水压力,那么破裂面上达到的最终温度将随深度而增加,这是因为达到接近岩石静压力值以前能够发生比较大的温度上升。热增压的速率主要取决于周围多孔介质的水力学特点、断层面的摩擦系数和滑动速度。如果渗透率超过10(-15)米~2,或多孔介质的压缩率超过10(-8)/帕,那么热增压起重大作用以前断层面上可能会发生摩擦熔融。如果摩擦系数低于10(-1);并且滑动速度低于10(-2)米/秒,那么在地震期间断层面上的热增压或摩擦熔融是否能引起断层动力剪切强度的降低尚不能确定。  相似文献   
F.J.TSENG  C.S.Ho 《地质学报》1949,(Z1):127-134,181,182
I. INTRODUCTION Bordering the SW margin of the Red Basin of Szechuan runs a roughly N-S mountain range which includes such mountains as Washan, Omeishan and Talliangshan (Pl. I) and for the sake of convenience is designated with the name of Liangshan Range. Among these mountains only the geology of the Omeishan region is fairly well known in consequence of the works done by many a geologist; of the Washan region, though had been visited by  相似文献   
The summer of 2003 was the warmest summer in Europe since the 16th century. Its consequences on the fauna of a transitional ecosystem were studied through biodiversity, functional and ecological indicators, from summer 2002 to winter 2005. The heatwave caused considerable changes in the benthic community structure and relative composition, persisting in 2005. Animal assemblages switched from mollusc- to annelida-dominated. Biodiversity and functional indicators captured changes in community structure and composition, proving to be powerful tools to detect responses related to global warming. Ecological indicators rendered a monotonic response oscillating between bad and poor ecological status across the study period. The resilience of mollusc biocoenosis resulted limited with respect to other taxa, posing concerns about their conservation if, as predicted, the frequency of summers as hot as that of 2003 will progressively increase to become the norm at the end of this century.  相似文献   
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