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Summary Granite-hosted tantalum mineralization was studied in the apical part of the Cínovec (Zinnwald) granite stock (eastern Kruné hory, Czech Republic). Samples of granite and greisen from drill hole CS-1 (1596m deep), situated in the centre of the granite body were analysed chemically and examined by electron microprobe. The apical, mainly lepidolite granite with 24 to 212 ppm Ta contains Ta-rich Mn columbite, uranmicrolite and strueverite (tantalian rutile). During greisenization the contents of Ta decreased or remained the same, but the newly formed cassiterite has elevated contents of Ta, probably due to remobilization from albitized granites. Niobium and tantalum mineralization can be linked with both magmatic and postmagmatic stages of granite evolution. Ta-rich columbite formed as a result of albitization dominant at the top of the granite cupola, whereas magmatic Nb-rich columbite is present throughout the entire profile of the granite stock.The Cínovec granite stock is similar to some Palaeozoic Ta-bearing granite stocks in the Far East of Russia (Vosnesenka, Pogranichnyi) which are characterized by a vertical sequence of lepidolite, zinnwaldite and protolithionite granites. It shows minor similarities with Mesozoic amazonite-bearing granites in Transbaikalia (Etyka, Orlovka) and differs petrologically and mineralogically from the Palaeozoic lepidolite granite of Beauvoir (Échassieres) in France.
Tantalvererzung im oberen Teil des Cínovec (Zinnwalder) Granitstocks
Zusammenfassung Eine granitgebundene Tantalvererzung wurde im oberen Teil des Cínovec (Zinnwalder) Granitstocks (östliches Erzgebirge, Tschechische Republik) untersucht. Granit- und Greisenproben aus der Mitte des Granitkörpers wurden chemisch und mittels Elektronenstrahl-Mikrosonde analysiert. Der apikale Lepidolitgranit mit 24-212 ppm Ta führt Ta-reichen Mangancolumbit, Uranmikrolit und Strueverit (Tantalrutil). Im Verlauf der Vergreisung wurden die Tantalgehalte erniedrigt oder blieben gleich. Nur der neugebildete Kassiterit zeigt, wahrscheinlich als Folge der Remobilisierung aus den albitisierten Graniten, erhöhte Tantalgehalte. Die Niob- und Tantalmineralisation ist an das magmatische und postmagmatische Stadium der Granitentwicklung gebunden. Tantalreiche Columbite wurden durch die Albitisierung im Apikalteil des Granitstockes gebildet, während die niobreichen Columbite des magmatischen Stadiums über das ganze Bohrprofil hinweg vorkommen.Der Zinnwalder Granitstock ist einigen paläozoischen Granitstöcken mit Tantalmineralisation im fernen Osten von Russland (Voznesenka, Pogranichnyi) ähnlich, welche durch eine vertikale Zonierung von Lepidolit-, Zinnwaldit- und Protolithionitgranit charakterisiert sind. Der Granitstock zeigt wenig ähnlichkeiten mit den mesozoischen Amazonitgraniten in Transbaikalien (Etyka, Orlovka) und unterscheidet sich petrologisch und mineralogisch vom paläozoischen Granit aus Beauvoir (Échassieres) in Frankreich.

With 11 Figures  相似文献   
The study deals with the theoretical approach to anthropoecological stabilization of landscape (ASL). It describes a method consisting of four stages including detailed differentiation from the viewpoint of aim, objectives of investigation, and means of evaluation and processing. Application of the method requires to provide: the preparatory, analytical ground — I. stage (analytical part), the structural — functional evaluation of the territory under solution — II. stage (analytical-synthetical part), the solution of ecooptimization relations and bonds by way of material and energy flows — III. stage (regulative part), the monitoring and signalling activities, determination of all-system biogeoindications — IV. stage (ensuring part).The results are exemplified by application to model territories in South Bohemia region.  相似文献   
Calculated mineral equilibria are used to account for the formation of sapphirine–plagioclase, spinel–plagioclase and corundum–plagioclase symplectites replacing kyanite in quartz–plagioclase–garnet–kyanite granulite facies gneisses from the Southern Domain of the Athabasca granulite terrane, a segment of the Snowbird tectonic zone in northern Saskatchewan, Canada. Metamorphic conditions of >14 kbar and 800 °C are established for the high pressure, garnet–kyanite assemblage using constraints from P–T pseudosections and Zr‐in‐rutile thermometry. Replacement of kyanite by symplectites reflects the reaction of kyanite with the matrix following near‐isothermal decompression to <10 kbar. The chemical potential gradients developed between the kyanite and the matrix led to diffusion that attempted to flatten the gradients, kyanite persisting as a stable phase while it is consumed by symplectite from its edge. In this local equilibrium model, the mineral and mineral compositional spatial relationships are shown to correspond to paths in μ(Na2O)–μ(CaO)–μ(K2O)–μ(FeO)–μ(MgO) in the model chemical system, Na2O–CaO–K2O–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2 (NCKFMAS), with SiO2 and Al2O3 taken to be completely immobile. The values of μ(Na2O) and μ(CaO) are constrained by fixing P–T conditions and choosing appropriate μ(Na2O) and μ(CaO) values that correspond to the observed plagioclase compositions. μ(FeO)–μ(MgO) diagrams show the corresponding spatial relationships with kyanite and the symplectite phases. These results demonstrate that the replacement of kyanite by sapphirine–plagioclase and spinel–plagioclase appears to be metastable with respect to replacement by corundum–plagioclase. Replacement by corundum–plagioclase does also occur, apparently overprinting pre‐existing symplectite and also kyanite. Ignoring corundum, the resulting diagrams account for the spatial relationships and compositions observed in the spinel–plagioclase and sapphirine–plagioclase symplectites. They are predicted to occur over both a wide range of P–T conditions (6–11 kbar, 650–850 °C) and plagioclase compositions (XAn = 0.5–0.9). The wide range of P–T conditions that may result in identical spatial and compositional relationships suggests that such reaction textures may be of limited use in accurately quantifying the P–T conditions of retrograde metamorphism.  相似文献   
The Southern Gemericum basement in the Inner Western Carpathians experienced a polyphase regional deformation. Differences in the pre-Alpine and Alpine events have been constantly discussed. To address this, monazites from metapelites and acid metavolcanic rocks were dated using the Th–U–Pb electron microprobe method. Three monazite generations, such as Precambrian, Early Paleozoic, and Alpine, have been recognized in the greenschist facies pelites and acid metavolcanic rocks of the Southern Gemericum basement. Both inherited magmatic monazite grains in metavolcanites and rare relics of detrital monazites within the polyphase monazite grains in metapelites yielded the Precambrian age in the time span of 550–660 Ma. They prove the provenance and derivation from deeper crustal Cadomian fragments. High-Y magmatic monazites of Early Paleozoic age (444 ± 13 and 477 ± 7 Ma) have been recorded in the acid metavolcanites and their metavolcaniclastics. These ages roughly fit within the previously published magmatic zircon age determinations (at 494 ± 1.7 and 464 ± 1.7 Ma) that clearly indicate two-phase volcanic activity in the Early Paleozoic Southern Gemericum basin. The Early Paleozoic magmatic monazites were partly overprinted by the low-Y Alpine monazites (133 ± 5 and 184 ± 16 Ma) at their rims. In Al-rich metapelites, the newly formed low-Y monazites of Alpine age commonly occur, reflecting the polystage compression geodynamic evolution with three distinct peaks at 100 ± 8, 133 ± 5, and 190 ± 16 Ma, respectively. No data as the evidence of the pre-Alpine metamorphic events were observed in metapelites. Only some monazites yield the age indications for the Permian extensional thermal re-heating (260–290 Ma). The monazite age data from the Southern Gemericum basement indicate the strong overprinting due to the polyphase Alpine deformation at least in the greenschist facies conditions.  相似文献   
Summary In order to evaluate the accuracy of measurements repeated by a set of gravimeters the semi-systematic errors 2 and 3 were introduced besides the random error 1 in[1]. It is shown that Eqs.(10) and(11), given in[1], should not be used to determine these errors, but Eqs.(8) and(9).  相似文献   
The main objective of this study was to identify the main sources and processes that control SO4 2? groundwater concentrations in the Jinghuiqu irrigation district of China using isotope analysis. Lysimeter irrigation experiments and numerical modeling were used to assess the impact of long-term irrigation practices on sulfate transport, when different sources of irrigation water were used. SO4 2? concentrations in the groundwater of the entire irrigation area increased significantly from the years 1990 (a mean value was 4.8 mmol L?1) to 2009 (a mean value was 9.84 mmol L?1). The δ34S-SO4 2? values (ranging from +5.27 to +10.69 ‰) indicated that sulfates in groundwater were initially predominantly derived from dissolution of minerals. However, no soluble sulfate minerals (gypsum and/or mirabilite) were detected after 1990. To better understand this seeming anomaly, water content and SO4 2? data were collected before and after the field irrigation experiment and analyzed using the HYDRUS-1D and HP1 software packages. The experimental data were also used to assess sulfate leaching when different sources of irrigation water were used under current irrigation practices. The dissolved sulfate concentrations in the soil profile increased significantly when groundwater was used for infiltration compared to the use of surface water. Irrigation water sources had a great impact on the increase of sulfate concentrations in the shallow groundwater, especially when groundwater with elevated concentrations was used for irrigation.  相似文献   
Borehole temperatures in the central and south Urals were analysed for the past ground surface temperature (GST) signal. 31 highquality temperature logs were selected for this purpose and inverted with algorithms based on the generalised least squares theory. The signal to noise ratio was improved by averaging the results of individual borehole inversions. No distinct regional trends were found in the studied region except for some indications of more pronounced warming in the south. The mean GST history (GSTH) was characterised by cooling down to –0.6 °C in the 18th century and subsequent warming to 0.5 °C above the longterm mean at the beginning of this century, and to 1 – 1.5 °C by 1980. The stability of the mean GSTH was tested in dependence on the number of holes used for the averaging. It showed that any subset of 15 holes yielded a GSTH similar to that obtained from the whole set. A surface air temperature (SAT) time series comprising the period 1832 – 1989 was combined from 17 meteorological records. Its least squares warming rate of 1.1 °C per 100 years is somewhat higher than that of the GST (0.7 – 0.8°C/100 years) in the same period.  相似文献   
The formation of baseflow and stormflow was examined in the 1.18 km2 part of the headwater catchment Uhlí?ská, Jizera Mountains, Czech Republic, over the period 2007–2011, by means of run‐off data and environmental tracers 18O and SiO2. The baseflow, computed using the digital filter approach BFLOW, contributes 67% to total streamflow and has a mean residence time of 12.3 months. It is formed by groundwater discharge from the valley deluviofluvial granitic sediments, in combination with soil water in weathered layers on hillslopes during rainfall and snowmelt periods. The prevailing source of the groundwater is the infiltration of snowmelt water. Analysis of 20 run‐off events and their hysteretic patterns demonstrated that the stormflow water has a residence time of about 4 months and is generated by preferential flow on hillslopes combined by soil matrix drainage. Because of slower flow in the soil matrix, the enrichment of pore water in SiO2 is more pronounced. The stormflow and snowmelt water flowing via preferential pathways of upslope minerals soils pushes the pre‐event groundwater through the pathways in wetlands to the stream, and the wetland can be therefore considered as groundwater supplied. This mechanism has been found to be typical for the groundwater‐supplied headwater catchments of the Jizera Mountains and can be also assumed in other mountainous headwaters of the granitic massif in Central Europe. The main methodological contribution of this study are the residence time calculations stratified by baseflow and event flow, identifying run‐off components of different travel times to streams and linking them with geochemical run‐off sources. This achievement was possible because of a comprehensive dataset on hydrology, stable isotopes and silica hydrochemistry in all relevant run‐off generation components. This concept indicates that a possible long‐term change in snowmelt may affect the run‐off regime of headwater catchments to climate or land‐use changes. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Floods are an important geomorphic agent that accelerate sediment supply from bank failures. The quantitative proportions supplied by lateral inputs and the transport conditions of the channel can create local or extended accumulation zones within the channel reaches. These accumulation zones play an important role in the geomorphic regime of the stream. Knowledge of long‐term history of sediment supply is necessary to determine how these input and deposition forms developed. This study introduces a new approach for the quantification of past sediment supply via lateral erosion (incised banks and individual bank failures), using a case study of the confluence of three partial tributaries in the accumulation zone in the Outer Western Carpathians. For each tributary, as well as the channel reach downstream of the confluence zone, we calculated the mean of the largest bed particles and the unit stream power as indicators of transport capacity. We found that two of the tributaries supply significant amounts of sediment to the accumulation zone because of their higher unit stream power related to their higher transport potential, and observed coarser bed sediment. Seventy‐three bank failures with a total volume 395.5 m3 were mapped, and the sediment supply volume was dated using dendrogeomorphic analysis of 114 scarred tree roots (246 samples). The total volume of the dated sediment supply in the individual tributaries was 193.9 m3, whereas the volume of erosion in the accumulation zone was only 4.9 m3 for a period of approximately 30 years. The period represented by the dated tree roots included 12 years in which erosion events occurred and impacted the total sediment budget in the study area. Although sediment supply was greater than erosion in the accumulation zone, there are no present‐day signs of accretion. The rupture of a dam in an old pond (which is situated approximately 50 m below the accumulation zone) probably increased the transport conditions in the accumulation zone so that it balanced the high sediment supply from individual tributaries. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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