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Garnet growth in high‐pressure, mafic garnet granulites formed by dehydration melting of hornblende‐gabbronorite protoliths in the Jijal complex (Kohistan palaeo‐island arc complex, north Pakistan) was investigated through a microstructural EBSD‐SEM and HRTEM study. Composite samples preserve a sharp transition in which the low‐pressure precursor is replaced by garnet through a millimetre‐sized reaction front. A magmatic foliation in the gabbronorite is defined by mafic‐rich layering, with an associated magmatic lineation defined by the shape‐preferred orientation (SPO) of mafic clusters composed of orthopyroxene (Opx), clinopyroxene (Cpx), amphibole (Amp) and oxides. The shape of the reaction front is convoluted and oblique to the magmatic layering. Opx, Amp and, to a lesser extent, Cpx show a strong lattice‐preferred orientation (LPO) characterized by an alignment of [001] axes parallel to the magmatic lineation in the precursor hornblende‐gabbronorite. Product garnet (Grt) also displays a strong LPO. Two of the four 〈111〉 axes are within the magmatic foliation plane and the density maximum is subparallel to the precursor magmatic lineation. The crystallographic relationship 〈111〉Grt // [001]Opx,Cpx,Amp deduced from the LPO was confirmed by TEM observations. The sharp and discontinuous modal and compositional variations observed at the reaction front attest to the kinetic inhibition of prograde solid‐state reactions predicted by equilibrium‐phase diagrams. The PT field for the equilibration of Jijal garnet granulites shows that the reaction affinities are 5–10 kJ mol.?1 for the Grt‐in reaction and 0–5 kJ mol.?1 for the Opx‐out reaction. Petrographic and textural observations indicate that garnet first nucleated on amphibole at the rims of mafic clusters; this topotactic replacement resulted in a strong LPO of garnet. Once the amphibole was consumed in the reaction, the parallelism of [001] axes of the mafic‐phase reactants favoured the growth of garnet crystals with similar orientations over a pyroxene substrate. These aggregates eventually sintered into single‐crystal garnet. In the absence of deformation, the orientation of mafic precursor phases conditioned the nucleation site and the crystallographic orientation of garnet because of topotaxial transformation reactions and homoepitaxial growth of garnet during the formation of high‐pressure, mafic garnet‐granulite after low‐pressure mafic protoliths.  相似文献   
Digital elevation models of the area around the Solway Lowlands reveal complex subglacial bedform imprints relating the central sector of the LGM British and Irish Ice Sheet. Drumlin and lineation mapping in four case studies show that glacier flow directions switched significantly through time. These are summarised in four major flow phases in the region: Phase I flow was from a dominant Scottish dispersal centre, which transported Criffel granite erratics to the Eden Valley and forced Lake District ice eastwards over the Pennines at Stainmore; Phase II involved easterly flow of Lake District and Scottish ice through the Tyne Gap and Stainmore Gap with an ice divide located over the Solway Firth; Phase III was a dominant westerly flow from upland dispersal centres into the Solway lowlands and along the Solway Firth due to draw down of ice into the Irish Sea basin; Phase IV was characterised by unconstrained advance of Scottish ice across the Solway Firth. Forcing of a numerical model of ice sheet inception and decay by the Greenland ice core record facilitates an assessment of the potential for rapid ice flow directional switching during one glacial cycle. The model indicates that, after fluctuations of smaller radially flowing ice caps prior to 30 ka BP, the ice sheet grows to produce an elongate, triangular-shaped dome over NW England and SW Scotland at the LGM at 19.5 ka BP. Recession after 18.5 ka BP displays a complex pattern of significant ice flow directional switches over relatively short timescales, complementing the geomorphologically-based assessments of palaeo-ice dynamics. The palaeoglaciological implications of this combined geomorphic and modelling approach are that: (a) the central sector of the BIIS was as a major dispersal centre for only ca 2.5 ka after the LGM; (b) the ice sheet had no real steady state and comprised constantly migrating dispersal centres and ice divides; (c) subglacial streamlining of flow sets was completed over short phases of fast flow activity, with some flow reversals taking place in less than 300 years.  相似文献   
Testate amoebae are abundant and diverse in Sphagnum peat bogs and have been used extensively as indicators of past water table depths. Although these unicellular protists are widely dispersed with globally similar hydrological preferences, regional variations in communities demand region‐specific transfer functions. Here we present the first transfer function for southern Patagonian bogs, based on 154 surface samples obtained from transects in five bogs sampled in 2012 and 2013. Significant variance was explained by pH, electrical conductivity and, in particular, water table depth. Transfer functions for water table were constructed using weighted averaging and evaluated by cross‐validation and independent test sets. The optimal transfer function has predictive ability, but relatively high prediction errors given the wide range in sampled water tables. The use of independent test sets, as well as cross‐validation, allows a more rigorous assessment of model performance than most previous studies. For a subset of locations we compare surface and subsurface samples to demonstrate significant differences in community composition, possibly due to vertical zonation. Our results provide the first quantification of hydrological optima and tolerances for several rare species, which may include Southern Hemisphere endemics and pave the way for palaeohydrological reconstructions in southern Patagonian bogs.  相似文献   
A peculiar facies of the Norian–Rhaetian Dachstein‐type platform carbonates, which contains large amounts of blackened bioclasts and dissolutional cavities filled by cements and internal sediments, occurs in the Zlatibor Mountains, Serbia. Microfacies investigations revealed that the blackened bioclasts are predominantly Solenoporaceae, with a finely crystalline, originally aragonite skeleton of fine cellular structure. Blackening of other bioclasts also occurs subordinately. Solenoporacean‐dominated reefs, developed behind the platform margin patch‐reef tract, were the main source of sand‐sized detritus. The blackened and other non‐blackened bioclasts are incorporated in automicrite cement. Radiaxial fibrous calcite cements in the dissolutional cavities are also black, dark grey or white. Reworked black pebbles were reported from many occurrences of peritidal deposits; in those cases, the blackening took place under pedogenic, meteoric diagenetic conditions. In contrast, in the inner platform deposits of the Ilid?a Limestone, the blackening of bioclasts occurred in a marine–meteoric mixing‐zone, as indicated by petrographic features and geochemical data of the skeleton‐replacing calcite crystals. Attributes of mixing‐zone pore waters were controlled by mixing corrosion, different solubility of carbonate minerals and microbial decomposition of organic matter. In the moderate‐energy inner platform environment, large amounts of microbial organic tissue were accumulated and subsequently decomposed, triggering selective blackening in the course of early, shallow burial diagenesis. The δ18O and δ13C values of the mixing‐zone precipitates and replacive calcite do not produce a linear mixing trend. Variation mainly resulted from microbial decomposition of organic matter that occurred under mixing‐zone conditions. The paragenetic sequence implies cyclic diagenetic conditions that were determined by marine, meteoric and mixing‐zone pore fluids. The diagenetic cycles were controlled by sea‐level fluctuations of moderate amplitude under a semi‐arid to semi‐humid climate.  相似文献   
Field research on Phippsøya, the largest island in the Sjuøyane archipelago, defines the course and timing of postglacial emergence, documents past-glacier movements, and reinterprets deglacial sedimentary sequences. Previously described tills were not identified in sections exposed along the northeast shore of Phippsøya, but instead sublittoral sediments with rock-fall concentrations derived from the adjacent slope. A glacio-isostatically higher sea level >40 ka deposited sublittoral sediment and is possibly correlative to a deglacial event in oxygen isotope stage 4 or 5 identified at other sites on Svalbard. The postglacial marine limit is 22 ± 1 m aht and occurs as an escarpment or washing limit into a stony drift. This drift contains granite and quartzite erratics from Nordaustlandet that indicate coverage by a northward flowing ice sheet during the Late Weichselian. Datable material on the raised-beach sequence was rare and a 14C age of c. 9.2 ka on an articulated Balanus balanus from 10 m aht provides a minimum constraining age on the marine limit. A mild transgression occurred by 6.2 ka, with sea level falling close to present levels by c. 5.0 ka. The zone of zero emergence (hinge line) lies 10 to 20 km north of Sjuøyane and is approximately coincident with the last glacial maximum limit on the continental shelf. There is an approximately 75 to 100 km offset between observed and modelled zone of zero emergence, indicating a need to refine earth rheology-based ice-sheet models.  相似文献   
Striberger, J., Björck, S., Ingólfsson, Ó., Kjær, K. H., Snowball, I. & Uvo, C. B. 2010: Climate variability and glacial processes in eastern Iceland during the past 700 years based on varved lake sediments. Boreas, 10.1111/j.1502‐3885.2010.00153.x. ISSN 0300‐9483. Properties of varved sediments from Lake Lögurinn in eastern Iceland and their link to climate and glacial processes of Eyjabakkajökull, an outlet glacier of the Vatnajökull icecap, were examined. A varve chronology, which covers the period AD 1262–2005, was constructed from visual observations, high‐resolution images, X‐ray density and geochemical properties determined from X‐radiography and X‐ray fluorescence scanning. Independent dating provided by 137Cs analysis and eight historical tephras verify the varve chronology. The thickness of dark‐coloured seasonal laminae, formed mainly of coarser suspended matter from the non‐glacial river Grímsá, is positively correlated (r=0.70) with winter precipitation, and our 743‐year‐long varve series indicates that precipitation was higher and more varied during the later part of the Little Ice Age. Light‐coloured laminae thickness, controlled mainly by the amount of finer suspended matter from the glacial river Jökulsáí Fljótsdal, increased significantly during the AD 1972 surge of Eyjabakkajökull. As a consequence of the surge, the ice‐dammed Lake Háöldulón formed and recurrently drained and delivered significant amounts of rock flour to Lake Lögurinn. Based on these observations, and the recurring cyclic pattern of periods of thicker light‐coloured laminae in the sediment record, we suggest that Eyjabakkajökull has surged repeatedly during the past 743 years, but with an increased frequency during the later part of the Little Ice Age.  相似文献   
We present ample evidence for the presence of continuing gaseous infall to the Galactic plane, and then show how interaction of this gas with the disc gas yields a warp of the observed amplitude and direction. The mechanism works for galaxies in general, predicting a small proportion of U-shaped warps, as observed. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The feasibility and success of a forecasting system depend on many factors. Although the models may be of the highest accuracy, they cannot make a forecasting system effective without a well organized database and interpretable output. The interaction between the processes of data management, computation and output presentation should be dynamic. A complete river forecasting system for IBM (or compatible) personal computers aimed at meeting the above demands has been developed at the Department of Hydrology of Uppsala University. The program package sets up the river network, stores a database for it, supplies the appropriate data for a wide choice of forecasting models, and gives interpretable output. The functions are supported by screen graphics. The paper presents this system, the most important points of the algorithms, and an example application.  相似文献   
A first evidence of severe turbulence in the lower stratosphere during easterly tropospheric flow over Greenland is presented. A numerical simulation shows the turbulence to be associated with gravity wave breaking and that simulating with a horizontal resolution of 3 km gives substantially greater and more realistic turbulence than at a 9 km horizontal resolution. It is concluded that real-time simulations at high resolutions would improve aviation forecasts. As the atmospheric flow impinges on South-Greenland a barrier jet, a reverse tip jet and amplified mountain waves with secondary wave breaking are generated at the same time.  相似文献   
The offshore sector around Shetland remains one of the least well-studied parts of the former British–Irish Ice Sheet with several long-standing scientific issues unresolved. These key issues include (i) the dominance of a locally sourced ‘Shetland ice cap’ vs an invasive Fennoscandian Ice Sheet; (ii) the flow configuration and style of glaciation at the Last Glacial Maximum (i.e. terrestrial vs marine glaciation); (iii) the nature of confluence between the British–Irish and Fennoscandian Ice Sheets; (iv) the cause, style and rate of ice sheet separation; and (v) the wider implications of ice sheet uncoupling on the tempo of subsequent deglaciation. As part of the Britice-Chrono project, we present new geological (seabed cores), geomorphological, marine geophysical and geochronological data from the northernmost sector of the last British–Irish Ice Sheet (north of 59.5°N) to address these questions. The study area covers ca. 95 000 km2, an area approximately the size of Ireland, and includes the islands of Shetland and the surrounding continental shelf, some of the continental slope, and the western margin of the Norwegian Channel. We collect and analyse data from onshore in Shetland and along key transects offshore, to establish the most coherent picture, so far, of former ice-sheet deglaciation in this important sector. Alongside new seabed mapping and Quaternary sediment analysis, we use a multi-proxy suite of new isotopic age assessments, including 32 cosmogenic-nuclide exposure ages from glacially transported boulders and 35 radiocarbon dates from deglacial marine sediments, to develop a synoptic sector-wide reconstruction combining strong onshore and offshore geological evidence with Bayesian chronosequence modelling. The results show widespread and significant spatial fluctuations in size, shape and flow configuration of an ice sheet/ice cap centred on, or to the east of, the Orkney–Shetland Platform, between ~30 and ~15 ka BP. At its maximum extent ca. 26–25 ka BP , this ice sheet was coalescent with the Fennoscandian Ice Sheet to the east. Between ~25 and 23 ka BP the ice sheet in this sector underwent a significant size reduction from ca. 85 000 to <50 000 km2, accompanied by several ice-margin oscillations. Soon after, connection was lost with the Fennoscandian Ice Sheet and a marine corridor opened to the east of Shetland. This triggered initial (and unstable) re-growth of a glaciologically independent Shetland Ice Cap ca. 21–20 ka BP with a strong east–west asymmetry with respect to topography. Ice mass growth was followed by rapid collapse, from an area of ca. 45 000 km2 to ca. 15 000 km2 between 19 and 18 ka BP , stabilizing at ca. 2000 km2 by ~17 ka BP. Final deglaciation of Shetland occurred ca. 17–15 ka BP , and may have involved one or more subsidiary ice centres on now-submerged parts of the continental shelf. We suggest that the unusually dynamic behaviour of the northernmost sector of the British–Irish Ice Sheet between 21 and 18 ka BP – characterized by numerous extensive ice sheet/ice mass readvances, rapid loss and flow redistributions – was driven by significant changes in ice mass geometry, ice divide location and calving flux as the glaciologically independent ice cap adjusted to new boundary conditions. We propose that this dynamism was forced to a large degree by internal (glaciological) factors specific to the strongly marine-influenced Shetland Ice Cap.  相似文献   
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