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We present simultaneous observations of three recurring jets in EUV and soft X-ray (SXR), which occurred in an active region on 2007 June 5. By comparing their morphological and kinematic characteristics in these two different wavelengths, we found that EUV and SXR jets had similar locations, directions, sizes and velocities. We also analyzed their spectral properties by using six spectral lines from the EUV Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) onboard Hinode and found that these jets had temperatures from 0.05 to 2....  相似文献   
The effectiveness of a standard polynomial trend removal technique and two-dimensional wavenumber filtering in isolating gravity anomalies due to buried preglacial drainage systems was evaluated for an area in northwestern Pennsylvania. It was found that gravity surveying is a useful reconnaissance technique in this area. Both analytical methods isolated anomalies due to valleys of major hydrological interest, provided similar useful information on the valley trends, and gave reasonably accurate width estimates. Accurate depth estimates could not be inferred, although large anomalies generally coincided with thicker drift accumulations. With the station spacing used (about 0.75 miles), valleys sought must have drift accumulations in excess of 75 feet and widths of at least one mile if they are to be adequately resolved. The two-dimensional filtering method seems to offer the most complete information, while still being practical, and it avoids many of the problems of the polynomial method.  相似文献   
Monazite is a robust geochronometer and occurs in a wide range of rock types. Monazite also records shock deformation from meteorite impact but the effects of impact-related microstructures on the U–Th–Pb systematics remain poorly constrained. We have, therefore, analyzed shock-deformed monazite grains from the central uplift of the Vredefort impact structure, South Africa, and impact melt from the Araguainha impact structure, Brazil, using electron backscatter diffraction, electron microprobe elemental mapping, and secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS). Crystallographic orientation mapping of monazite grains from both impact structures reveals a similar combination of crystal-plastic deformation features, including shock twins, planar deformation bands and neoblasts. Shock twins were documented in up to four different orientations within individual monazite grains, occurring as compound and/or type one twins in (001), (100), \(\left( 10\bar{1} \right)\), \(~\{110\}\), \(\left\{ 212 \right\},\) and type two (irrational) twin planes with rational shear directions in \([0\bar{1}\bar{1}]\) and \([\bar{1}\bar{1}0]\). SIMS U–Th–Pb analyses of the plastically deformed parent domains reveal discordant age arrays, where discordance scales with increasing plastic strain. The correlation between discordance and strain is likely a result of the formation of fast diffusion pathways during the shock event. Neoblasts in granular monazite domains are strain-free, having grown during the impact events via consumption of strained parent grains. Neoblastic monazite from the Inlandsee leucogranofels at Vredefort records a 207</sup>Pb/206</sup>Pb age of 2010?±?15 Ma (2σ, n?=?9), consistent with previous impact age estimates of 2020 Ma. Neoblastic monazite from Araguainha impact melt yield a Concordia age of 259?±?5 Ma (2σ, n?=?7), which is consistent with previous impact age estimates of 255?±?3 Ma. Our results demonstrate that targeting discrete microstructural domains in shocked monazite, as identified through orientation mapping, for in situ U–Th–Pb analysis can date impact-related deformation. Monazite is, therefore, one of the few high-temperature geochronometers that can be used for accurate and precise dating of meteorite impacts.  相似文献   
周晓洁    程昌恽    杜金鹏    陈康    陈培奇   《世界地震工程》2022,38(2):046-57
为进一步改善框架结构平面内和平面外抗震性能,本文提出带X形斜撑的新型砌体填充墙构造方案,并进行了4榀蒸压加气混凝土砌块砌体填充墙框架结构试验,以研究墙体构造措施和墙-框连接方式对框架结构抗震性能的影响。首先进行平面内水平低周往复荷载试验,随后进行历经平面内损伤的平面外单调静力加载试验,最后进行承载力、刚度退化和耗能能力等抗震性能指标的分析。结果表明:墙-框柔性连接方案下,填充墙框架结构的平面内及平面外水平承载力和初始刚度均小于刚性连接方案,而变形能力、耗能能力和位移延性等性能指标均比刚性连接表现更好;墙-框柔性连接且填充墙带X形斜撑框架结构的平面内及平面外抗震性能指标均有明显改善,更有利于抗震。  相似文献   
为研究不同加固方式对钢筋混凝土(RC)圆截面桥墩抗震性能的影响,利用OpenSees有限元软件建立了普通RC桥墩以及分别采用钢套管、碳纤维增强聚合物(CFRP)、体外预应力筋进行加固的桥墩数值分析模型,对模型输入远断层地震动,进行增量动力分析。以墩顶峰值位移角与震后残余位移角为指标,对比分析了桥墩加固前后的地震响应。结果表明:采用钢套管、体外预应力筋和CFRP加固后,RC桥墩的峰值位移与震后残余位移均减小,钢套管加固方式对桥墩峰值位移的降低幅度最大,体外预应力筋加固方式对抑制桥墩震后残余位移的效果最好;随着剪跨比的增大,3种加固方式对桥墩在地震动作用下位移响应的抑制作用均逐步减小;随着轴压比的增大,3种加固方式对RC桥墩峰值位移的抑制作用逐步降低。  相似文献   
随着国家重大构筑物的不断建设实施,考虑土体具有较高的动力易损性和致灾特性,工程构筑物的工程地质灾害和岩土工程动力致灾特性研究需要愈显迫切。通过对当前土动力学与岩土地震工程方面研究进展进行归纳总结,着重从土的动力强度、土的动本构关系、砂土的振动液化、铁路路基中的动应力、边坡地震永久变形和稳定性、挡土墙上的地震土压力等六个方面进行叙述,对其中涉及的各种研究方法进行比较和论述,最后提出了土动力学有待进一步深入研究的若干问题和未来发展方向,以期基于土动力学的发展而提升构筑物的抗震设防水平。  相似文献   
为研究空心桥墩的抗震性能及影响参数,对9个不同配筋率、配箍率和轴压比的试件进行振动台试验。研究了不同性能量化参数对破坏现象、加速度响应、动力放大系数、延性和耗能等的影响。结果表明:轴压比和配筋率较小时,裂缝开展较多且位置距墩底相对偏高。增大配筋率,加速度响应、动力放大系数和位移延性系数增大,耗能减小;轴压比的影响与配筋率相反。增大配箍率,加速度响应和动力放大系数减小,位移延性系数和试件耗能增大。可为矩形空心桥墩的抗震设计提供参考。  相似文献   
Air entrainment in fragmented magmas controls the dynamics of volcanic eruptions. Pyroclast oxidation kinetics may be applied to quantify the degree of magma–air interaction. Pyrrhotite (Po) in volcanic rocks is often oxidized to form magnetite (Mt) and hematite (Hm), and its reaction mechanisms are well constrained. To test utilizing Po oxidation as a marker for magma–air interactions, we compared the occurrence of Po oxidation products from three different eruption styles during the Sakurajima 1914–1915 eruption. Pumices from the Plinian eruption include columnar-type Fe oxides (Mt with subordinate width of Hm) often accompanied by relict Po. This columnar type is also found in clastogenic lava, where it is almost completely oxidized to Hm. The effusive lava contains framboidal aggregates of subhedral to anhedral Mt crystals without Hm. The formation mechanisms of columnar and framboidal Fe oxides were estimated. The columnar type Fe oxides were formed syn-eruptively through gaseous reactions, as opposed to the melt in a magma chamber, as demonstrated by the Ti-free nature of the columnar Mt and its synchronous oxidation to Hm. By contrast, the framboidal type was formed in a melt with decreasing fS2. The calculation of Hm growth in a conductively cooling pumice clast constrains the surface temperature of pumice in the eruption column. The paragenesis and oxidation degree of Po and Fe oxides are consistent with the eruption processes in terms of magma fragmentation, air entrainment, and welding, and can, therefore, be a responsive marker for the magma–air interaction.  相似文献   
Accurately predicting precipitation trends is vital in the economic development of a country. Ground observed data from the Nigeria Meteorological Agency (NIMET) was analyzed to study the long-term spatio-temporal trends of rainfall on annual and seasonal scales for 23 stations in Nigeria during a 40-year period spanning from 1974 to 2013. After testing the presence of autocorrelation, Mann–Kendall (modified Mann–Kendall) test was applied to non-autocorrelated (autocorrelated) series to detect the trends in rainfall data. Theil and Sen’s slope estimator test was used to find the magnitude of change over a time period. Pettitt’s test, Standard Normal Homogeneity Test, and Buishand’s test were further used to test the homogeneity of the rainfall series. The results show an increasing trend in annual rainfall; however, only nine stations have a significant increase during the period of study. On the seasonal time scale, a significant increasing trend was observed in the pre- and post-monsoon seasons, while only nine stations show a significant increasing trend in monsoon rainfall and a significant decreasing trend in the winter rainfall over the last 40 years. During the study period, 15.4 and 13.90 % increase were estimated for annual and monsoonal rainfall, respectively. Furthermore, seven stations exhibit changes in mean rainfall while majority of the stations considered (Eighteen stations) exhibit homogeneous trends in annual and seasonal rainfall over the country. The performance of the different tests used in this study was consistent at the verified significance level.  相似文献   
Complexities in the nature of large-scale silicic eruptions and their magmatic systems can be discerned through micro-analytical geochemical studies. We present high-resolution, stratigraphically constrained compositional data on glassy matrix material and feldspar crystals from the initial fall deposits and earliest ignimbrite (base of member A) of the 2.08 Ma, ~?2500 km3</sup> Huckleberry Ridge Tuff (HRT), Yellowstone. We use these data to document the nature of the magmatic system and compositional changes related to the transition from fall to widespread ignimbrite deposition, inferred to mark the onset of caldera collapse. Although major element glass compositions are relatively uniform, trace elements span a large range (e.g. Ba 10–900 ppm, Sr/Rb?=?0.005–0.09), with highly evolved glasses dominating in the fall deposits. Several trace elements (e.g. Ba and light rare earth elements) in the glass samples serve to define statistically significant compositional clustering in the fall deposits and basal ignimbrite. These clusters are inferred to reflect melt compositions controlled by fractional crystallisation processes and are interpreted to represent multiple, discrete melt-dominant domains that were tapped by multiple vents. The onset of widespread ignimbrite deposition is marked by an increase in the number of erupted melt compositional clusters from four in the fall deposits to eight, representing nine melt-dominant domains. There is an absence of geographical variation of glass compositions within the basal ignimbrite, with samples from proximal to distal localities north, west and south of the HRT caldera exhibiting similar variability. Pairing of glass analyses with sanidine major and minor element compositional data suggests that the nine melt compositional domains converged at depth into two compositionally distinct upper-crustal magmatic lineages that were both active during these early stages of the eruption. Our data collectively indicate the evacuation of an exceptionally complex and heterogeneous magma system. The onset of widespread ignimbrite deposition, inferred to relate to caldera collapse, occurred after ~ 50 km3</sup> of magma had been discharged. Although external controls were important as an eruption trigger, depressurisation of the system led to caldera collapse with the eruption of numerous discrete melt-dominant domains.  相似文献   
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