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为仅利用结构损伤状态的柔度矩阵对结构进行损伤程度识别,先对损伤状态的均匀荷载面曲率曲线进行最小二乘法拟合。根据曲率曲线差判断结构的损伤位置,对损伤位置的点进行剔除后,再利用未损伤位置上的点进行局部最小二乘法拟合,代替损伤前的均匀荷载面曲率曲线,用于结构的损伤定位与定量。通过一简支梁数值算例,先以理论的二次多项式进行拟合,考虑单损伤和多损伤的情况,进行损伤识别分析,再分析多项式次数、测点数目以及不同噪声水平对损伤定量精度的影响。结果表明:在一定范围内,次数越高拟合误差越小,但差别不明显,采用理论的二次多项式拟合即可满足结构损伤识别要求,无噪声的情况下,测点数目减半不影响损伤识别的精度,该方法具有一定的抗噪声能力。  相似文献   
机房是移动通信基站的重要组成部分,其地震易损性将决定基站在震后的功能状态,即基站所辖范围内的移动通信服务在震后是否可以正常使用。在对我国北方某市典型落地通信基站机房进行实地考察的基础上,确定了影响机房地震后使用功能的重要设施(即基站板房、内部走线架、通信机柜和蓄电池组);随后采用有限元软件ABAQUS分别建立了这些设施的数值模型,通过Pushover分析确定了每种设施的损伤模式、损伤水平评价指标及其数值;通过IDA分析得到了每种设施的抗震性能,并通过对IDA分析结果的统计得到了这些重要设施的地震易损性曲线;最后,给出了基于故障树模型的典型通信基站机房震后功能评估的方法。该工作将作为基本环节用于城市及地区移动通信系统的地震后功能状态评估与预测。  相似文献   
高轴压比钢管混凝土墩柱的试验结果对钢管混凝土拱肋具有较大的借鉴意义。为明确大跨度钢管混凝土拱桥的抗震性能指标,研究了高轴比钢管混凝土构件的破坏过程及延性性能。以弯矩作为性能指标将高轴压比钢管混凝土构件的试验破坏过程分为轻微损伤、有限损伤与严重损伤3个阶段,结合钢管混凝土截面性能状态的数值分析,探讨了高轴压比钢管混凝土构件的破坏机理。结果表明:高轴压比钢管混凝土构件具有一定的可用延性;提出了以计算等效屈服弯矩作为抗震性能指标,适当利用延性和实现钢管混凝土拱桥的有限损伤抗震设计,并给出了与有限损伤相关的截面性能状态及参数。研究成果弥补了规范在此方面的不足,可供高烈度地震区大跨度钢管混凝土拱桥抗震设计时参考。  相似文献   
设计反应谱及其标定方法的研究是工程抗震研究领域的基本问题之一。在现有研究成果的基础上,归纳和总结了设计反应谱及其标定方法的研究历史和现状;评述了研究进程中的若干节点问题;介绍了设计反应谱的标定原理和当前几种有代表性的设计反应谱的标定方法;分析了设计反应谱标定参数的影响因素。在此基础上,对设计反应谱及其标定方法研究中的强震资料积累问题、谱形状问题、标定参数的确定问题以及标定方法等问题进行了讨论并提出了改进和进一步研究的建议。  相似文献   
The ability of the Maximum Entropy Spectral Estimate (MEM) to handle magnetotelluric signals was investigated. To this end simulations of naturally occurring signals and real data were spectral analyzed both by a standard FFT technique and by MEM. The method developed for the simulation of the time series, provides accurate amplitudes and phase, and turns out to be a good test procedure for spectral analysis methods, as they apply to MT signal processing. The final estimation of the apparent resistivity was better achieved by the FFT technique. Oscillations were observed in the estimation of the apparent resistivities by MEM.  相似文献   
Multi-spacecraft observations in the interplanetary space are used to build up a picture of the distribution of solar wind velocities in heliographic latitude and longitude. Analyses are made for the solar wind data obtained by Sakigake, Suisei, IMP-8 and Giotto between late 1985 and early 1987. Until Janaury 1986, high-speed streams were extended across the equator from the high latitudes of the heliosphere. After March 1986, high-speed streams were rarely seen on the equator. Although there remained a slight wavy pattern in latitude-longitude structure, low-speed streams were basically ranged along the equator. After January 1987, the amplitude of this wavy pattern was further diminished and low-speed regions were completely aligned to the equator.  相似文献   
结合实例分析说明 Filippov变换在研究 Lienard方程不存在闭轨线时的运用方法  相似文献   
Small tidal forces in the Earth–Moon system cause detectable changes in the orbit. Tidal energy dissipation causes secular rates in the lunar mean motion n, semimajor axis a, and eccentricity e. Terrestrial dissipation causes most of the tidal change in n and a, but lunar dissipation decreases eccentricity rate. Terrestrial tidal dissipation also slows the rotation of the Earth and increases obliquity. A tidal acceleration model is used for integration of the lunar orbit. Analysis of lunar laser ranging (LLR) data provides two or three terrestrial and two lunar dissipation parameters. Additional parameters come from geophysical knowledge of terrestrial tides. When those parameters are converted to secular rates for orbit elements, one obtains dn/dt = \(-25.97\pm 0.05 ''/\)cent\(^{2}\), da/dt = 38.30 ± 0.08 mm/year, and di/dt = ?0.5 ± 0.1 \(\upmu \)as/year. Solving for two terrestrial time delays and an extra de/dt from unspecified causes gives \(\sim \) \(3\times 10^{-12}\)/year for the latter; solving for three LLR tidal time delays without the extra de/dt gives a larger phase lag of the N2 tide so that total de/dt = \((1.50 \pm 0.10)\times 10^{-11}\)/year. For total dn/dt, there is \(\le \)1 % difference between geophysical models of average tidal dissipation in oceans and solid Earth and LLR results, and most of that difference comes from diurnal tides. The geophysical model predicts that tidal deceleration of Earth rotation is \(-1316 ''\)/cent\(^{2}\) or 87.5 s/cent\(^{2}\) for UT1-AT, a 2.395 ms/cent increase in the length of day, and an obliquity rate of 9 \(\upmu \)as/year. For evolution during past times of slow recession, the eccentricity rate can be negative.  相似文献   
The line-of-sight direction in the redshifted 21-cm signal coming from the cosmic dawn and the epoch of reionization is quite unique in many ways compared to any other cosmological signal. Different unique effects, such as the evolution history of the signal, non-linear peculiar velocities of the matter etc. will imprint their signature along the line-of-sight axis of the observed signal. One of the major goals of the future SKA-LOW radio interferometer is to observe the cosmic dawn and the epoch of reionization through this 21-cm signal. It is thus important to understand how these various effects affect the signal for its actual detection and proper interpretation. For more than one and half decades, various groups in India have been actively trying to understand and quantify the different line-of-sight effects that are present in this signal through analytical models and simulations. In many ways the importance of this sub-field under 21-cm cosmology have been identified, highlighted and pushed forward by the Indian community. In this article, we briefly describe their contribution and implication of these effects in the context of the future surveys of the cosmic dawn and the epoch of reionization that will be conducted by the SKA-LOW.  相似文献   
We present a statistical study of decimetric type Ⅲ radio bursts,coronal mass ejections(CMEs),and Hα flares observed in the period from July 2000 to March2005.In total,we investigated 395 decimetric type Ⅲ radio burst events,21% of which showed apparent correlation to CMEs that were associated with Hα flares.We noticed that the Hα flares which were strongly associated with CMEs were gradual events,and82% of them took place before CMEs appeared in the field of view of LASCO C2;that most of the CME-associated radio bursts started in the frequency range around750 MHz with a frequency drifting rate of several hundred MHz s-1,of which both positive and negative ones were recognized; and that the correlation of type Ⅲ radio bursts to CMEs without associated flares is fairly vague,less than 9%.  相似文献   
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