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The inverse method developed by Wunsch (1978) is widely used to determine circulation in the oceans (Fu , 1980; Wunsch , Hu and Grant, 1983 ; Joyce and Wunsch , 1986; Rintoul, 1988). However, for inversion manipulation, measurements down to the bottom are required, and so is a certain solid boundary. In the present paper an equation of potential condition satisfied by the velocity field at the reference level is added to Wunsch's underdetermined matrix equation in order to make the method adequate for the case where measurements do not touch bottom and when a solid boundary does not exist. The western boundary current in the Pacific is calculated and examined in terms of the velocity field and transport with CTD data gathered by the R/V Science I in October 1988 .  相似文献   
Evaluation of daily precipitation in China from ECMWF and NCEP reanalyses   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
INTRODUCTIONWeatherforecastingasamajorsubjectinatmosphericsciencehasdevelopedsincethe 1 950’sintoamodernscience .Numericalweatherforecastmodelsareextensivelyandfrequentlyusedtocheckthetheories,ruleouttheoldincorrectonesandpresentnewideas,andsuggestmethods…  相似文献   
利用NCEP资料分析得出,夏季我国干旱,半干旱区在整个欧亚大陆上是陆面感热通量最强的地方,与此对应的陆面潜热通量则最弱.陆面所接收的太阳短波辐射主要以感热和长波辐射的能量形式释放.该区降水量很少,降水量的年际变率也很弱;因此,该区的陆面热量通量都显出很弱的年际变率;然而,这些通量的年代际变率信号则比较显著.我国干旱、半干旱区大气环流的热力过程与其陆面过程特征密切相关.该区对流层大气的辐射冷却很强,达-3 K d-1.由于缺乏水汽和上升运动,大尺度凝结加热率、深对流加热率、浅对流加热率都非常弱.因此,600hPa以上的大气以绝热下沉加热来平衡辐射冷却;600hPa以下,陆面感热引起的垂直扩散加热率非常强,多达8 K d-1,它除了平衡辐射冷却以外还制造对流层低层的对流运动,以绝热上升冷却来平衡多余的垂直扩散加热.总之,我国干旱、半干旱区的陆面过程特征决定了该区大气运动的特殊垂直结构,即对流层低层对流上升运动及其上层的下沉运动.我国干旱、半干旱区陆面能量平衡及其局地大气环流的年代际变率,是全球气候系统年代际变率的必然结果.  相似文献   
长江冲淡水转向研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
崔茂常 《海洋与湖沼》1984,15(3):222-229
长江为东亚第一大河,其入海年径流量为九千多亿立方米,约占我国主要入海河流径流量总和的80%以上。从长江冲淡区7月份表层盐度分布图上可以看出,长江冲淡水以舌状指向东北。这一特点不仅在夏季甚为明显,即使在冬季也是有迹可循的。 长江冲淡水向左转向一直是人们试图阐明的一个重要理论问题。管秉贤曾提出射形流的概念,指出长江冲淡水具有射形流的性质而非密度流”。毛汉礼等根据绝对涡度守  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONThemonsoonhasacirculationfeaturethatisplanetaryinscaleandanidentifiablesignalregardingitssubsequentintensitysomeninemonthspriortotheactivestageofthesummermonsoon(WebsterandYang,1992).Furthermore,themagnitudeofthemonsoonvariabilityissubstantia…  相似文献   
1 INTRODUCTIONThe South China Sea (SCS) is a semi-enclosedmarginal sea in western North Pacific Ocean withvery complex topography and is the important pas-sage connecting the Pacific and Indian Oceans. Ithas great impact to the global climate and a greatinterest of many oceanography researchers. Twodominant surface hydrographic and circulation fea-tures in the northern SCS are a strong fresh waterexpansion and a warm and high-salinity seawaterintrusion such as the SCS Diluted Water…  相似文献   
中国日降雨量变化特征分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
将旋转主成分分析和复变量莫莱特小波分析应用于14a中国境内实测与ECMWF再分析日降雨量资料,研究其年际、季际与季节内变化的时空分布特征和再分析日降雨量资料的有效性。结果表明:从实测资料中分析的降水特征,都可以由再分析资料再现出来。除周内振荡大有出入外,其余频率的振荡二者大致相符或基本吻合。因此,周内振荡还不能被再分析数据较好地刻划,但是与旱涝灾害和季风爆发联系密切的周际以上振荡,在再分析日降雨量中基本上能被正确地表现出来。  相似文献   
将中国境内1980~1993年ECMWF再分析日降雨量和美国环境预报中心CMAP候降雨量按16种方案整合后,再与实测资料做相关分析得出粗略的质量评估;并应用旋转主成分分析结合复变量莫莱特小波变换分析方法就其在东亚季风区的空间模态和不同频率下变化的时间序列得出具体的质量评估。结果表明:由最好的整合资料算出的6个旋转空间模态与实测资料比较除顺序有所改变外二者惊人地相似,不仅其14 a日均降雨量和标准偏差借助遥感候降雨量较再分析数据大有改进(尤其在四川盆地),而且还保留了再分析日降雨量再现不同时间尺度下实测降雨量波动的能力。除周内波动有所不同外,与夏季风爆发和洪涝灾害关系密切的周际以上波动与实测资料大致相符或基本吻合。  相似文献   
In this study, 16 combinations of the ECMWF (European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecast) reanalyzed daily rainfall and the pentad CMAP in China for the period 1980- 1993( 1May - 31 Dec. ) were calculated. Correlation analysis was used to roughly evaluate daily rainfall for the whole of China and a combination of RPC (rotated principal component) and wavelet analyses was applied to data on observed and combined daily rainfall to obtain a detailed evaluation of the quality of these combined datasets in 6 selected major rainfall regions of eastern China. The results showed that except for intraweekly fluctuation, the best combination was roughly similar to or accorded well with observation in the aspects of space variation patterns and long period rainfall fluctuations related to monsoon onset and serious meteorologic disasters, indicating that this combination yielded better values of long term daily mean and standard deviation through the pentad CMAP ( CPC Merged Analysis of Precipitation), and can also represent rainfall fluctuations through the reanalyzed daily rainfall.  相似文献   
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