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Effect of the chemical composition of the crust on the metamorphic evolution of orogenic wedges 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Petrological data provide a good record of the thermal structure of deeply eroded orogens, and, in principle, might be used to relate the metamorphic structure of an orogen to its deformational history. In this paper, we present two‐dimensional thermal modelling of various subduction models taking into account varying wedge geometry as well as variation of density and topography with metamorphic reactions. The models clearly show that rock type accreted in the wedge has important effects on the thermal regime of orogenic wedges. The thermal regime is dominated by radiogenic heat production. Material having high radioactive heat production, like the granodioritic upper crust, produces high temperature metamorphism (amphibolitic conditions). Material with low radioactive heat production results in low temperature metamorphism of greenschist or blueschist types depending on the thickness of the wedge. Application of this model to seemingly unrelated areas of the Central Alps (Lepontine Dome, Grisons) and Eastern Alps (Tauern Window) explains the coexistence and succession of distinct Barrovian and blueschist facies metamorphic conditions as the result of a single, continuous tectonic process in which the main difference is the composition of the incoming material in the orogenic wedge. Accretion of the European upper continental crust in the Lepontine and Tauern Domes produces Barrovian type metamorphism while accretion of oceanic sediments results in blueschist facies metamorphism in the Valaisan domain. 相似文献
Peter R. Payne 《Ocean Engineering》1982,9(5):441-453
The normal force coefficient on a flat planing surface having arbitrary heave and pitch motion in two-dimensional flow is compared with the lift coefficient of a thin wing in an infinite fluid. Despite the totally different derivations, they are found to be identical (at large Froude numbers and low trim angles and allowing for the wing's interaction with twice as much fluid) at low reduced frequencies. For higher frequency motions, the wing's angle of attack induced lift and its pitch and heave damping are less than those of a planing surface, but the acceleration terms remain identical. The differences at the higher reduced frequencies are due to the fact that, in invisad irrotational flow, the planning plate cannot leave a vortex wake, whereas a wing does.It seems to follow that the “virtual mass” planing hull analysis can be applied to “quasi-static” problems involving wings and bodies in an infinite fluid without the slenderness restriction originally imposed by Jones (1946). Certainly, it is remarkable that the so called “quasi-steady” forces on a two-dimensional wing can be obtained in a few lines of elementary analysis. On the other hand, the method fails entirely when used to compute the pitching moment on a two-dimensional plate, even though it has been found to give good results for the three-dimensional case (Payne, 1981c).This work is offered as a very incomplete study of an intriguing relationship between two very different bodies of analysis. Much more work will need to be done before the relationship between the two approaches will be fully understood. 相似文献
James R. Coull 《GeoJournal》1996,39(2):185-194
Shetland, as an isolated group of islands on the north-west margin of Europe, has always depended in its economy on marine-based resources, and current trends suggest that this will continue for the future. Up to the oil era Shetland depended mainly on the fisheries around it, although for centuries externally-based fishermen have profited more from these fisheries than have the Shetland people. As well as the development of oil from the 1970s there has been the other major economic innovation of fish farming. The oil industry is on massive scale and has greatly changed the economy of the islands and brought notable social benefits; but the direct employment it provides is considerably exceeded by the fish-related industries, which include employment in fish processing and packing plants as well as in fish catching and fish farming. With the oil industry in Shetland now on a settled downward trajectory, the islands are inevitably now having to look more to fish-related employment for their future. In the internal structure of Shetland, fish farming has a notable effect in distributing employment throughout the islands. Activity in fishing and fish processing is more selectively located: fishing is mainly concentrated in certain islands in the archipelago, particularly Whalsay and Burra; and fish processing is mainly in central locations, especially Lerwick and Scalloway. A prominent problem for fish processors is getting reliable supplies in face of higher fish prices at markets on the Scottish mainland. The processors also now face the challenge of putting more value added on their products in an outlying location. For the future there is a major issue in getting more effective measures for conservation of fish stocks in the Shetland area; there is also the related issue of whether Shetland fishermen should get preference in the allocation of fish quotas in this area. For fish farming there is the basic issue of maintaining a pollution-free environment: this was emphasised by the oil spill from the Braer oil tanker, and there is also concern about potential polluution from the prospective development of oil fields in the more difficult deep-water environment to the west of the islands. 相似文献
The combination of radiance from both clear and cloudy regions of sky within the instrument's field of view (FOV) adds significant uncertainty to retrievals of atmospheric state profiles and cloud microphysical properties from infrared spectroradiometers. In this letter, we use observations of radiance from both the 8-13 and 3-5 /spl mu/m bands to retrieve estimates of the cloud fraction in the instrument's FOV, as well as microphysical cloud properties, from high-spectral-resolution infrared radiometers. Cloud fraction derived from imagers as well as high-time-resolution observations show good agreement and high correlation with our derived cloud fraction values. This is shown for both ground-based and aircraft-based observations. We also demonstrate that the use of the additional information in the 3-5 /spl mu/m band extends the dynamic range and accuracy of microphysical properties that can be retrieved from infrared radiance data. 相似文献
M. A. Subramanian R. D. Shannon B. H. T. Chai M. M. Abraham M. C. Wintersgill 《Physics and Chemistry of Minerals》1989,16(8):741-746
Using fused SiO2, CaF2, and SrF2 samples with accurately known dielectric constants, we have evaluated the accuracy and precision of two-terminal dielectric constant measurements on small single crystals using empirically determined edge corrections. Values of κ′ at 1 MHz of 3.836±0.05 for silica, 6.814±0.07 for CaF2 and 6.463±0.09 for SrF2 indicate an accuracy and precision of 1.0–1.5% for samples having areas of 0.05–1.0 cm2. Dielectric constants of BeO, MgO, and CaO measured by this technique are: BeO, κ′a=6.87 and κ′c=7.74; MgO, κ′= 9.90; and CaO, κ′=11.95 where κ′a and κ′c are the dielectric constants parallel to the a and c axes, respectively. Dielectric loss measurements on CaO in vacuum between 5–400 K at 10–105 Hz indicate significant dispersion at temperatures higher than 300 K, but the effect of the losses on the dielectric constant is less than 1% at 1 MHz and 300 K. 相似文献
Three genetically distinct size classes of lower regime transverse bedforms have long been known from laboratory studies, and from studies of the intertidal zone; ripples, megaripples, and sand waves. These features are also present on the subtidal shelf surface of the Middle Atlantic Bight, and their distribution in time and space allows us to draw inferences concerning the time and space pattern of sediment transport. Transverse bedforms in the Middle Atlantic Bight occur in response to tidal flows at estuary and inlet mouths and on tide-dominated banks; on the shelf surface, however, they are primarily responses to wind-driven flows. Ripples are the most widespread of the three classes. They are current-formed during peak storm flows, but are probably remade as oscillatory wave ripples as the flow wanes. Megaripples are found primarily on the inner shelf, also as responses to peak storm flows. Sand waves of several metres amplitude occur on the inner shelf in the vicinity of topographic highs; low amplitude sand waves (< 2m), solitary or in trains, are widespread on the inner shelf. They survive through many seasons of storm flows. Megaripples are especially interesting as records of specific flow events. They are widespread on the inner shelf during the winter, occurring in fields up to several kilometres in diameter. On a portion of the Long Island inner shelf during December 1976, megaripple fields covered approximately 15% of the shelf surface. They tend to be erased during the succeeding summer months. Both megaripples (short-term response elements) and sand waves (long-term response elements) indicate that sand transport in the Middle Atlantic Bight is directed to the southeast, parallel with the regional trend of the isobaths. 相似文献
R. Mayer 《Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics》1953,5(4):478-489
Zusammenfassung Es wird versucht, die Methoden der statistischen Mechanik auf die statistische Behandlung der kontinuierlichen Mannigfaltigkeit der Erdatmosphäre zu übertragen. Dazu ist es notwendig, daß die hydrodynamischen Bewegungsgleichungen auf eine Hamiltonsche Form gebracht werden. In Analogie zur statistischen Mechanik wird ein Gibbsscher Ansatz einer kanonischen Gesamtheit gemacht, in den die Energiefunktion, die die Atmosphäre als Ganzes beschreibt, eingeht. Mit diesem Ansatz wird die Wahrscheinlichkeit angegeben, daß ein bestimmter Zustand der Atmosphäre, der als Phasenpunkt in einem Phasenraum aufgefaßt wird, in einem Volumelement dieses Phasenraumes anzutreffen ist. Diese Ausgangswahrscheinlichkeit gestattet es, in einem Anwendungsbeispiel eine Verbindung zwischen der mittleren geometrischen Temperaturzustandskurve und der Verteilung der Gesamtmasse der Atmosphäre auf die verschiedenen Dichtewerte herzustellen.
Summary An attempt is made to apply methods of statistical mechanics to the continuous diversity of the terrestrial atmosphere. To this purpose the hydrodynamic equations of motion must be expressed in Hamiltonian form. In analogy to statistical mechanics a Gibbs arrangement of a canonical totality is set up involving the energy-function by which the atmosphere is described as a whole. By this arrangement the probability is given that a certain state of the atmosphere considered as phase point in a phase space exists in a volume-element of this phase space. This initial probability makes it possible to establish, in a practical example, a relation between the average geometrical curve of temperature state and the distribution of the whole mass of the atmosphere over the different density values.
Résumé On tente d'appliquer les méthodes de la mécanique statistique au traitement statistique de la diversité continue de l'atmosphère terrestre. Il est nécessaire pour cela de ramener les équations hydrodynamiques du mouvement aux formes de Hamilton. Par analogie à la mécanique statistique on établit un théorème de Gibbs concernant un ensemble canonique et dans lequel s'insère la fonction d'énergie décrivant l'atmosphère dans son ensemble. Ce théorème fournit la probabilité qu'un état détermié de l'amtosphère considéré comme point de phase dans un espace de phase est rencontré dans un élément de volume de cet espace. Cette probabilité initiale permet, dans un exemple concret, d'établir une relation entre la courbe géométrique moyenne d'état de température et la distribution de la masse totale de l'atmosphère selon les différentes valeurs de la densité.相似文献
R. W. James 《Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics》1952,5(2):136-157
Summary A quantitative theory of steady-state cyclones and anticyclones is based on a thermodynamic cycle, in which the surface frictional flow of air towards low pressure is compensated by an outflow aloft. It is shown that such a steady-state flow can only be sustained by a distribution of heat sources and sinks, depending on the surface windfield, the frictional drag, and the height of the return flow. When the two latter quantities are specified the steady-state surface wind- and pressure-pattern can be inferred from the disposition of heat sources and sinks in the atmosphere.Given the vertical profile of temperature and humidity it is possible to estimate the net heat added to or subtracted from different levels in the atmosphere by radiation processes. If, in addition, the balance between precipitation and evaporation is known, the distribution of sources and sinks in the free atmosphere may be determined, and this procedure may be made largely routine with such aids as the radiation chart. Hence it is possible to infer the structure, intensity and size of an equilibrium surface pressure-field from the computed disposition of sources and sinks in the atmosphere. In the future it should be possible to carry through such an analysis as part of routine forecasting procedure. It is shown that the surface pressure contrast in such monsoonal systems as the Siberian Winter High is of the order called for by the thermodynamic theory. The sustaining source and sink intensities needed for cyclones and anticyclones of average size and pressure-contrast are of the order of those occurring in nature.Cyclones and anticyclones are conveniently classified according to the nature of the sustaining sources or sinks. In particular, shallow systems, cold highs and warm lows are associated with low level sinks or sources, while systems of great vertical extent, warm highs and cold lows, are associated with sinks and sources at high level.
Zusammenfassung Eine quantitative Theorie stationärer Zyklonen und Antizyklonen wird auf einen thermodynamischen Kreisprozeß, basiert, in dem die reibungsbedingte Luftströmung an der Erdoberfläche gegen das Tiefdruckzentrum durch ein Abfließen in der Höhe kompensiert wird. Es wird gezeigt, daß eine solche stationäre Strömung nur durch eine Verteilung von Wärmequellen und Sinkstellen aufrecht erhalten werden kann, die durch das Windfeld am Boden, die Reibungsverzögerung und die Höhe des Rückkehrstromes bedingt ist. Wenn die zwei letztgenannten Größen bestimmt sind, kann aus der Verteilung der Wärmequellen und Sinkstellen in der Atmosphäre auf das Wind- und Druckfeld des stationären Zustandes am Boden geschlossen werden.Aus dem Vertikalprofil von Temperatur und Feuchtigkeit ist es möglich, den durch Strahlungsvorgänge in verschiedenen Höhen erzeugten Wärmeüberschuß oder-verlust abzuschätzen. Wenn außerdem die Bilanz zwischen Niederschlag und Verdunstung bekannt ist, kann auch die Verteilung der Quellen und Sinkstellen in der Atmosphäre bestimmt werden und dieses Verfahren kann auf Grund von Strahlungskarten Eingang in die tägliche Praxis finden. Damit ist es möglich, aus der berechneten Verteilung von Quellen und Sinkstellen Schlüsse auf die Struktur, die Intensität und die Ausdehnung eines im Gleichgewicht befindlichen Druckfeldes zu ziehen. In Zukunft mag sich auch die Möglichkeit ergeben, eine solche Analyse als Teil des täglichen Wetterdienstes durchzuführen.Es wird gezeigt, daß die Druckunterschiede am Boden in solchen Monsunsystemen wie dem sibirischen Winterhoch von der gleichen Größenordnung sind, wie sie sich aus der thermodynamischen Theorie voraussagen lassen. Die Intensität von Quellen und Sinkstellen, die in der freien Atmosphäre auftreten, hat die richtige Größe, um die Aufrechterhaltung von Zyklonen und Antizyklonen mit den Dimensionen und Druckunterschieden zu erklären, wie sie in der Natur beobachtet werden.Zyklonen und Antizyklonen werden praktischerweise auf Grund der Beschaffenheit der Quellen oder Sinkstellen eingeteilt, die sie aufrecht erhalten. Im speziellen sind seichte Systeme, wie Kältehoch und Wärmetief, mit Quellen oder Sinkstellen im tieferen Niveau verknüpft, während Systeme mit großer Vertikalerstreckung, wie Wärmehoch und Kältetief, mit Quellen oder Sinkstellen in größerer Höhe verbunden sind.
Résumé On développe une théorie quantitative des dépressions et anticyclones stationnaires sur la base d'un cycle thermodynamique fermé dans lequel le courant soumis au frottement et dirigé vers le centre dépressionnaire est compensé par un écoulement divergent en altitude. On montre qu'un tel système stationnaire ne peut se maintenir que par une répartition des sources et des puits de chaleur conditionnée par le champ de vent au sol, le retard dû au frottement et l'altitude du courant de retour. Si les deux dernières grandeurs sont déterminées, on peut connaître le champ de vent et de pression de l'état stationnaire au sol à partir de la répartition des sources chaudes et des puits dans l'atmosphère.Grâce au profil vertical de température et d'humidité, il est possible d'évaluer l'excès ou le défaut de chaleur produits par les processus radiatifs à différents niveaux. Si en outre le bilan entre les précipitations et l'évaporation est connu, on peut aussi déterminer la distribution des sources et des puits dans l'atmosphère et ce procédé pourra entrer dans le travail de routine à l'aide de cartes de rayonnement. Ainsi il est possible, à partir de la distribution calculée des sources et des puits, de tirer des conclusions sur la structure, l'intensité et l'étendue d'un champ de pression en équilibre. On peut envisager dans l'avenir la possibilité d'adjoindre une telle analyse à la prévision journalière du temps.On montre que les différences de pression au sol dans des systèmes de mousson tels que celui de l'anticyclone hivernal sibérien sont de l'ordre de grandeur prévu par la théorie thermodynamique. L'intensité des sources et des puits qui apparaissent dans l'atmosphère libre a la valeur voulue pour entretenir les dépressions et les anticyclones avec les dimensions et les différences de pression que l'on observe dans la nature.On peut classer les dépressions et les anticyclones d'une manière pratique d'après la nature des sources et des puits qui les entretiennent. En particulier, des systèmes de peu d'épaisseur comme des anticyclones froids et des dépressions chaudes sont liés à des sources et des puits situés à basse altitude; par contre des systèmes de grande ampleur verticale comme des anticyclones chauds et des dépressions froides sont liés à des sources ou des puits à haute altitude.相似文献