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以香格里拉普达措国家公园为研究区,借助SolVES模型和InVEST模型,分别度量其社会价值(美学价值、文化价值、游憩价值)和生态价值(生境质量、碳储量、水源供给)的空间特征,并运用双变量空间自相关分析对二者空间权衡与协同关系进行研究。研究表明:① 社会价值的高值区呈“多核心,多条状”的空间格局,社会价值指数高达8.6(该指数介于1~10),且距水体的距离越近对社会价值的贡献越大(贡献度为45.9%);② 生态价值良好及优的空间范围占园区面积的1/2(49.91%),主要位于原始森林保存良好的碧塔海片区和尼汝东北部扎诺一带;③ 社会价值与生态价值之间存在显著的空间依赖性,其中社会价值低,生态价值高的区域是园区最主要的空间聚集特征。该研究可为生态系统服务的可持续管理决策提供科学依据,以及有助于完善基于生态系统服务的社会?生态系统分析理论框架。  相似文献   
一次辽宁秋季暴雨天气的诊断分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙欣  蔡芗宁  黄阁 《气象》2007,33(9):83-93
使用1.0°×1.0°NCEP再分析资料,对2006年10月21—22日深秋暴雨在天气形势分析的基础上,进行物理量诊断。结果表明:在有利的环境背景形势下,高位涡从对流层高层向低层伸展并形成湿位涡柱,引起气旋性环流与低涡环流叠加。对流层低层的湿斜压性增强,引起低层的锋区加强及垂直涡度发展,高空入侵干冷空气锲入底层,低层暖湿空气强迫抬升,使地面发展为气旋;高低空急流耦合产生上升气流,同时较强的补偿下沉运动激发上升运动加强,使次级环流加强,触发不稳定能量的释放;低空急流和超低空急流向辽宁输送暖湿空气及能量,对流层中低层形成湿柱并积聚高不稳定能量;中尺度气旋、高低空急流、湿位涡柱、次级环流上升支、地面高水汽含量湿区、高假相当位温出现的时间、强度、位置和结构决定了暴雨的时间和落区。  相似文献   
基于东海陆坡区OT12-01孔长度为5.35 m沉积物AMS 14C测年、高分辨率粒度分析和XRF岩芯元素扫描数据,识别出了末次冰盛期(LGM)至全新世期间发生的多次滑塌事件。研究发现,OT12-01孔全新世晚期沉积层缺失,LGM至全新世期间呈现AMS 14C年龄模式频繁倒转、沉积物粒度、元素比值垂向上多处突变或"错动"等特征,保存了LGM至全新世非连续的沉积记录。OT12-01孔沉积物主要来源于低海平面时期的长江/黄河物质,OT12-01孔是由中国大陆陆源物质在东海陆架经水动力分选,细颗粒被搬运至东海陆坡后,发生多次滑塌形成。LGM时期物源供给是OT12-01孔形成滑塌沉积的重要因素,末次冰消期海平面快速上升可能是高频滑塌沉积的触发原因,而低海平面时期甲烷水合物溢出、频繁的地震和火山喷发可能是海底滑坡作用发生的诱因。  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONTheKuroshioisthewesternboundarycurrentintheNorthPacificandisthecounterpartoftheGulfStreamintheNorthAtlantic.TheoriginoftheKuroshioisthenorthwardflowingbranchoftheNorthEquatorialCurrentwhichisdividedintotwocurrentsonapproachingthewesternbo…  相似文献   
A three-dimensional baroclinic shelf sea model was employed to simulate the seasonal characteristics of the South China Sea (SCS) upper circulation. The results showed that: in summer, an anticyclonic eddy, after its formation between the Bashi Channel and Dongsha Islands in the northeastern SCS, moves southwestward until it disperses slowly. There exists a northward western boundary current along the east shore of the Indo-China Peninsula in the western SCS and an anticyclonic gyre in the southern SCS. But at the end of summer and beginning of autumn, a weak local cyclonic eddy forms in the Nansha Trough, then grows slowly and moves westward till it becomes a cyclonic gyre in the southern SCS in autumn. At the beginning of winter, there exists a cyclonic gyre in the northern and southern SCS, and there is a southward western boundary current along the east shore of the Indo-China Peninsula. But at the end of winter, an anticyclonic eddy grows and moves toward the western boundary after forming in the Nansha Trough. The eddy‘s movement induces a new opposite sign eddy on its eastern side, while the strength of the southward western boundary current gets weakened. This phenomenon continues till spring and causes eddies in the southern SCS.  相似文献   
Yan  Taiming  Hu  Jiaxiang  Cai  Yueping  Xiong  Sen  Yang  Shiyong  Wang  Xiongyan  He  Zhi 《中国海洋湖沼学报》2017,35(5):1197-1204
Laboratory-reared Schizothorax davidi larvae and juveniles were examined to assess the formation and characteristics of David’s schizothoracin otoliths.Otolith development was observed and their formation period was verifi ed by monitoring larvae and juveniles of knownage.The results revealed that lapilli and sagittae developed before hatching,and the first otolith increment was identified at 2 days post hatching in both.The shape of lapilli was relatively stable during development compared with that of sagittae;however,growth of four sagittae and lapilli areas was consistent,but the posterior area grew faster than the anterior area and the ventral surface grew faster than the dorsal surface.Similarly,the sum length of the radius of the anterior and posterior areas on sagittae and lapilli were linearly and binomially related to total fish length,respectively.Moreover,daily deposition rates were validated by monitoring knownage larvae and juveniles.The increase in lapilli width was 1.88±0.080 0μm at the ninth increment,which reached a maximum and the decreased gradually toward the otolith edge,whereas that of sagittae increased more slowly.These results illustrate the developmental biology of S.davidi,which will aid in population conservation and fish stock management.  相似文献   
球面交切法地震定位   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
提出了适合于近震及远震定位的球面交切法。该方法在球面上直接进行交切运算,只要知道3个以上台站的S-P到时差(或只要根据震相求出震中距)就能快速定出震中位置,台网布局、震源深度、发震时刻对震中定位的影响较小。使用该方法对三峡水库蓄水以后发生的较大地震进行了精确定位,结果表明其应用效果较好。  相似文献   
A 2-year study onKappaphycus alvarezii (Doty) Doty introduced to Hainan Island from the Philippines in 1985 showed promising results. The average daily growth in weight reached 10% at a favourable temperature of about 26°C. Experimental results showed that timely cutting of the plant was an effective way to obtain new cuttings for cultivation and accelerate growth. New cuttings 0.05 kg in weight are suggested to be used as “seeds” and the old plant should be harvested. At present, artificial cultivation with a type of underwater raft applicable in places where there is strong wind will expand cultivation to more regions in Hainan Province. This paper was originally published in Chinese inOceanologia et Limnologia Sinica 19(5): 410–418, 1988. The plant under discussion wasEucheuma alvarezii Doty which was previously calledE. striatum in the article, and which now becomesKappaphycus alvarezii (Doty) Doty. To the original title, “in China” was added. Only the essence of the original article was presented.  相似文献   
1993年7~8月,湖北省咸宁地区发生了一系列ML≤4.1的地震。从地震系列、地表破坏状况和地震宏观等烈度线展布特征出发,深入研究了地震与地质构造及地下水动态变化的关系,得出结论地震群可能为抽取地下水引起的构造变动而诱发。  相似文献   
介绍了车载流动型人卫激光测距仪光学系统(包括激光发射系统、接收系统及微光电视监视系统)的设计思想和方法,着重叙述了光学系统的结构设计、关键部件几何尺寸的确定及重要元器件的选取。设计基于流动型仪器应满足的防振、体积小、调校方便、抗环境干扰能力强等特点。多年的实测证明,这种光学系统不仅能满足流动型人卫激光测距仪总体设计要求,而且经济实用。  相似文献   
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