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Although the seismic actions generally consist of a combination of waves, which propagates with an angle of incidence not necessarily vertical, the common practice when analyzing the dynamic behavior of pile groups is based on the assumption of vertically incident wave fields. The aim of this paper is to analyze how the angle of incidence of SV waves affects the dynamic response of pile foundations and piled structures. A three-dimensional boundary element-finite element coupling formulation is used to compute impedances and kinematic interaction factors corresponding to several configurations of vertical pile groups embedded in an isotropic homogeneous linear viscoelastic half-space. These results, which are provided in ready-to-use dimensionless graphs, are used to determine the effective dynamic properties of an equivalent single-degree-of-freedom oscillator that reproduces, within the range where the peak response occurs, the response of slender and nonslender superstructures through a procedure based on a substructuring model. Results are expressed in terms of effective flexible-base period and damping as well as maximum shear force at the base of the structure. The relevance and main trends observed in the influence of the wavefront angle of incidence on the dynamic behavior of the superstructure are inferred from the presented results. It is found that effective damping is significantly affected by the variations of the wave angle of incidence. Furthermore, it comes out that the vertical incidence is not always the worst-case scenario.  相似文献   
A new model for the formation and relief evolution of the Danube Bend, northern Hungary, is discussed on geomorphological and volcanological grounds. We propose that the present-day U-shaped loop of the Danube Bend was partly inherited from the horseshoe caldera morphology of Keserűs Hill volcano, a mid-Miocene (ca 15 Ma) lava dome complex with an eroded central depression open to the north. According to combined palaeogeographical data and erosion rate calculations, the drainage pattern in the Danube Bend region was formed when Pleistocene tectonic movements resulted in river incision and sedimentary cover removal. Formation of the present curvature of the river was due to the exhumation of the horseshoe-shaped caldera as well as the surrounding resistant volcaniclastic successions (i.e. Visegrád Castle Hill) and a hilltop lava dome (Szent Mihály Hill). The process accelerated and the present narrow gorge of the Danube Bend was formed by very rapid, as young as late Quaternary differential tectonic uplift, also enhancing the original volcanic morphology. On the basis of comparative long-term erosion-rate calculations, we estimated successive elevation changes of the volcanic edifice, including partial burial in late Miocene time. In comparison with various order-of-magnitude changes, the mid-to-late Quaternary vertical movements show increased rates and/or base level drop in the Pannonian Basin.  相似文献   
Magnetic fabric allows to unravel the petrofabrics of sedimentary rocks and to assess their deformational history. The use of this technique, in addition to classical structural field observations in the limbs of seven asymmetric folds in the Pyrenees, helps to determine the differences of internal deformation as well as the folding kinematics. Three folds developed during the Variscan Orogeny in Ordovician and Devonian rocks, and four folds developed during the Pyrenean Orogeny in Eocene rocks, are studied. Folds show a variety of structural locations, in different thrust sheets of the Southern Central Pyrenees, different cleavage development, age, geometry and lithology. Sampling follows an equivalent lithological layer in the two limbs, except for one case, of the selected folds. Results show a modified tectonic magnetic fabric in most sites with the magnetic lineation on the tectonic foliation plane. A larger scattering of the magnetic lineation (maximum magnetic anisotropy axis) and a higher intensity of the preferred orientation of minerals (eccentricity of the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility - AMS ellipsoid) is better observed in the overturned (short) limb of the asymmetric Variscan folds than in the normal (long) limb. On the other hand, the shape parameter in Alpine folds is generally larger in the overturned (short) limb then in the normal (long) one. A good clustering of the minimum magnetic anisotropy axes is observed in all limbs. The combination of the AMS data with the structural data helps to understand and better constrain the deformation degree in these asymmetric folds and to unravel the deformational history.  相似文献   
Chlorophyll, primary production, zooplankton biomass and the species composition of phytoplankton and zooplankton were studied in 2003, after the Prestige shipwreck. The information obtained was compared to previous data series available for the area affected by the spill. A large data series on plankton variables for the N-NW Spanish coast existed, and therefore a realistic evaluation of the effects by comparison with the range of natural variability could be carried out. We emphasized the evaluation of impact during the spring bloom, the first important biological event after the spill. Some minor changes were observed occasionally, but they did not show any clear pattern and were more related to the natural variability of the ecosystem than to effect of the spill. Plankton community structure did not undergo any changes. Only a few species were more abundant during spring 2003 than in previous years. No significant changes were detected in the planktonic community during productive periods, such as the spring bloom and the summer blooms related to intrusions of East North Atlantic Central Waters. The lack of evidence of the effects of the spill on planktonic communities is discussed in terms of the characteristics of the fuel, the high dynamics of the water masses, the biological mechanisms through which the fuel from the surface waters is transferred to the sea floor and, particularly, the influence of the natural variability by means of large and meso-scale hydrographic processes in the area under study. At the present time it is not possible to determine any minor effects the spill may have had on the plankton owing to the great variability of the planktonic cycles and the short-term impact of the oil from the Prestige on the pelagic system.  相似文献   
We have reached a crucial turning point in debates around climate change. A well established scientific consensus regarding the physical causes, dynamics, and at least many likely implications of anthropogenic climate change has thus far failed to result in any substantial movement towards mitigation. For many, then, the most urgent questions regarding climate change are now socio-cultural ones, such as: how do people come to hold and act on certain beliefs regarding environmental conditions and processes; how do institutional forms and histories shape and constrain the views and options of various sorts of actors; and what are relationships among fossil fuels, climate change, and the historical geographies and future trajectories of capitalism? Far from being simpler than physical and life science questions, these social science questions introduce entirely new sorts of actors, dynamics, and methodological challenges into this already complex and dynamic domain. This special issue takes up these topics. In this essay, we chart some of the major contours of contemporary social science thinking regarding climate change and introduce the articles in the special issue. We begin by examining work, from political science and scholarship on the commons, that foregrounds questions of sovereignty, territoriality, and cooperation with respect to environmental governance. Then we examine work from neoclassical economics and radical political economy, which frame climate change in terms of externalities, or contradiction and crisis, respectively. Finally, we examine the rapidly proliferating work exploring how individuals think and feel about these issues, emphasizing concepts of risk, communication, and governmentality.  相似文献   
We assess the ability of individual models (single-model ensembles) and the multi-model ensemble (MME) in the European Union-funded ENSEMBLES project to simulate the intraseasonal oscillations (ISOs; specifically in 10–20-day and 30–50-day frequency bands) of the Indian summer monsoon rainfall (ISMR) over the Western Ghats (WG) and the Bay of Bengal (BoB), respectively. This assessment is made on the basis of the dynamical linkages identified from the analysis of observations in a companion study to this work. In general, all models show reasonable skill in simulating the active and break cycles of the 30–50-day ISOs over the Indian summer monsoon region. This skill is closely associated with the proper reproduction of both the northward propagation of the intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ) and the variations of monsoon circulation in this band. However, the models do not manage to correctly simulate the eastward propagation of the 30–50-day ISOs in the western/central tropical Pacific and the eastward extension of the ITCZ in a northwest to southeast tilt. This limitation is closely associated with a limited capacity of models to accurately reproduce the magnitudes of intraseasonal anomalies of both the ITCZ in the Asian tropical summer monsoon regions and trade winds in the tropical Pacific. Poor reproduction of the activity of the western Pacific subtropical high on intraseasonal time scales also amplify this limitation. Conversely, the models make good reproduction of the WG 10–20-day ISOs. This success is closely related to good performance of the models in the representation of the northward propagation of the ITCZ, which is partially promoted by local air–sea interactions in the Indian Ocean in this higher-frequency band. Although the feature of westward propagation is generally represented in the simulated BoB 10–20-day ISOs, the air–sea interactions in the Indian Ocean are spuriously active in the models. This leads to active WG rainfall, which is not present in the observed BoB 10–20-day ISOs. Further analysis indicates that the intraseasonal variability of the ISMR is generally underrepresented in the simulations. Skill of the MME in seasonal ISMR forecasting is strongly dependent on individual model performance. Therefore, in order to improve the model skill with respect to seasonal ISMR forecasting, we suggest it is necessary to better represent the robust dynamical links between the ISOs and the relevant circulation variations, as well as the proportion of intraseasonal variability in the individual models.  相似文献   
D.E. Innes  G. Tóth 《Solar physics》1999,185(1):127-141
Small-scale explosive events or microflares occur throughout the chromospheric network of the Sun. They are seen as sudden bursts of highly Doppler-shifted spectral lines of ions formed at temperatures in the range 2×104–5×105 K. They tend to occur near regions of cancelling photospheric magnetic fields and are thought to be directly associated with magnetic field reconnection. Recent observations have revealed that they have a bi-directional jet structure reminiscent of Petschek reconnection. In this paper compressible MHD simulations of the evolution of a current sheet to a steady Petschek, jet-like configuration are computed using the Versatile Advection Code. We obtain velocity profiles that can be compared with recent ultraviolet line-profile observations. By choosing initial conditions representative of magnetic loops in the solar corona and chromosphere, it is possible to explain the fact that jets flowing outward into the corona are more extended and appear before jets flowing towards the chromosphere. This model can reproduce the high Doppler-shifted components of the line profiles, but the brightening at low velocities, near the center of the bi-directional jet, cannot be explained by this simple MHD model.  相似文献   
Underway current velocity profiles were combined with temperature and salinity profiles at fixed stations to describe tidal and subtidal flow patterns in the middle of the northernmost Chilean fjord, Estuario Reloncaví. This is the first study involving current velocity measurements in this fjord. Reloncaví fjord is 55 km long, 2 km wide, and on average is 170 m deep. Measurements concentrated around a marked bend of the coastline, where an 8-km along-fjord transect was sampled during a semidiurnal tidal cycle in March 2002 and a 2-km cross-fjord transect was occupied, also during a semidiurnal cycle, in May 2004. The fjord hydrography showed a relatively thin (<5 m deep), continuously stratified, buoyant layer with stratification values >4 kg m−3 per meter of depth. Below this thin layer, the water was relatively homogeneous. Semidiurnal tidal currents had low amplitudes (<10 cm s−1) that allowed the persistence of a surface front throughout the tidal cycle. The front oscillated with a period of ca. 2.5 h and showed excursions of 2 km. The front oscillations could have been produced by a lateral seiche that corresponds to the natural period of oscillation across the fjord. This front could have also caused large (2 h) phase lags in the semidiurnal tidal currents, from one end of the transect to the other, within the buoyant layer. Tidal phases were relatively uniform underneath this buoyant layer. Subtidal flows showed a 3-layer pattern consisting of a surface layer (8 m thick, of 5 cm s−1 surface outflow), an intermediate layer (70 m thick, of 3 cm s−1 net inflow), and a bottom layer (below 80 m depth, of 3 cm s−1 net outflow). The surface outflow and, to a certain extent, the inflow layer were related to the buoyant water interacting with the ambient oceanic water. The inflowing layer and the bottom outflow were attributed to nonlinear effects associated with a tidal wave that reflects at the fjord's head. The weak subtidal currents followed the morphology of the bend and caused downwelling on the inside and upwelling on the outside part of the bend.  相似文献   
We present field and seismic evidence for the existence of Coniacian–Campanian syntectonic angular unconformities within basal foreland basin sequences of the Austral or Magallanes Basin, with implications for the understanding of deformation and sedimentation in the southern Patagonian Andes. The studied sequences belong to the mainly turbiditic Upper Cretaceous Cerro Toro Formation that includes a world‐class example of conglomerate‐filled deep‐water channel bodies deposited in an axial foredeep depocentre. We present multiple evidence of syntectonic deposition showing that the present internal domain of the fold‐thrust belt was an active Coniacian–Campanian wedge‐top depozone where deposition of turbidites and conglomerate channels of Cerro Toro took place. Cretaceous synsedimentary deformation was dominated by positive inversion of Jurassic extensional structures that produced elongated axial submarine trenches separated by structural highs controlling the development and distribution of axial channels. The position of Coniacian‐Campanian unconformities indicates a ca. 50–80 km advance of the orogenic front throughout the internal domain, implying that Late Cretaceous deformation was more significant in terms of widening the orogenic wedge than all subsequent Andean deformation stages. This south Patagonian orogenic event can be related to compressional stresses generated by the combination of both the collision of the western margin of Rocas Verdes Basin during its closure, and Atlantic ridge push forces due to its accelerated opening, during a global‐scale plate reorganization event.  相似文献   
The main objective of this work is to compare directional (declination and inclination) volcanic and archaeomagnetic data for the last four centuries (~1600–1990) with the historical geomagnetic predictions given by the GUFM1 model which spans from 1590 to 1990. The results show statistical agreement between archaeomagnetic data and directions given by the geomagnetic field model. However, when comparing the volcanic data with the model predictions, marked inclination shallowing is observed. This systematically lower inclination has already been observed in local palaeomagnetic studies (Italy, Mexico and Hawaii) for the 20th century, by comparing recent lava flows with the International Reference Geomagnetic Field (IGRF) model. Here, we show how this inclination shallowing is statistically present at worldwide scale for the last 400 years with mean inclination deviation around 3° lower than the historical geomagnetic field model predictions.  相似文献   
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