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应用极化合成孔径雷达检测海上溢油研究进展   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
海上溢油给海洋生态环境带来严重的影响,快速准确地探测溢油对于防灾减灾具有重要的意义。利用卫星遥感探测溢油已成为目前主要的检测手段,大多采用合成孔径雷达(SAR)数据,运用图像处理的方法,开展了多种溢油提取算法的研究,取得了较好的结果,但由于海洋的类溢油现象存在,造成提取信息的精度达不到要求。近年来,国内外运用极化SAR数据开展溢油信息提取研究,从极化分解与相位差等角度对溢油特性分析,能有效地区分一些类溢油现象,得到了较理想的结果。分析了应用SAR数据开展溢油信息提取的研究状况,总结了溢油极化SAR探测的研究,指出了目前研究中存在的不足,并提出了今后溢油极化SAR遥感监测的方向。  相似文献   
A dealiasing algorithm for radar radial velocity observed by C-band Doppler radars is presented as an extension of an existing S-band dealiasing algorithm. This has operational significance in that many portable and many commercial broadcast radars, as well as approximately one half of the Chinese weather radar network (CINRAD), are C-band radars. With a wavelength of about 5 cm, the Nyquist interval of C-band radars is just about one half that of S-band radars (wavelength of about 10 cm) and thus has more velocity folding. The proposed algorithm includes seven modules to remove noisy data, find the starting radials, dealias velocities, and apply least squares error checking in both the radial and azimuth directions. The proposed velocity dealiasing method was applied to one widespread rain case and three strong convective cases from radars operating in China. It was found that, on average, 92.95% of the aliased radial velocity data could be correctly de-aliased by the algorithm, resulting in 96.65% of the data being valid.  相似文献   
Water quality restoration efforts often suffer the risk of ineffectiveness and failure due to lack of quantitative decision supports. During the past two decades, the restoration of one of China’s most heavily polluted lakes, Lake Dianchi, has experienced costly decision ineffectiveness with no detectable water quality improvement. The governments are planning to invest tremendous amount of funds in the next 5 years to continue the lake restoration process; however, without a quantitative understanding between the load reduction and the response in lake water quality, it is highly possible that these planned efforts would suffer the similar ineffectiveness as before. To provide scientifically sound decision support for guiding future load reduction efforts in Lake Dianchi Watershed, a sophisticated quantitative cause-and-effect response system was developed using a three-dimensional modeling approach. It incorporates the complex three dimensional hydrodynamics, fate and transport of nutrients, as well as nutrient-algae interactions into one holistic framework. The model results show that the model performs well in reproducing the observed spatial pattern and temporal trends in water quality. The model was then applied to three total maximum daily load scenarios and two refined restoration scheme scenarios to quantify phytoplankton responses to various external load reduction intensities. The results show that the algal bloom in Lake Dianchi responds to load reduction in a complex and nonlinear way, therefore, it is necessary to apply the developed system for future load reduction and lake restoration schemes for more informed decision making and effective management.  相似文献   
1INTRODUCTIONWiththeaccelerationoftheeconomicglobaliza-tionthegradualshapingofthenewinternationaldivi-sionoflaborandthedevelopmentofthetransnationalcorporationstheworldurbansystemshavebegunanewroundofintegration.Ononehandthecitiesallovertheglobeare…  相似文献   
巴旦杏越冬冻害气象指标   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
低温冻害是危害新疆林果业持续健康高效发展的三大灾害之一,通过对越冬期间果树冻害历史灾情资料的调查及最低气温数据库的建立,研究冻害的发生时间、界限温度以及冻害发生年各项气象因子的变化特征,阐明果树越冬冻害与气象因子的关系.结果表明,可根据冬季平均气温、最低气温、降温天气及低温持续时间等确定该区巴旦杏越冬期发生冻害的气象指标.研究结果可为有效防范低温冻害提供理论依据,为林果业生产服务.  相似文献   
采用城市化的多项要素指标,系统考察了太原1980-2009年期间城市化的发展对其城市热岛效应的影响关系,发现城市化的发展是导致城市热岛效应形成和加剧的主要原因.认为:①近30年,太原市郊区的增温率为0.51℃/10a,市区的增温率为0.90℃/10a,热岛强度的增温率为0.39℃/10a,热岛效应不断增强;②各类城市发展指数与城市热岛效应都有很好的相关关系;③太原城郊温差和总人口对数呈线性相关关系,其长期变化相关系数为0.81;④太原城郊温差和城市房屋建筑面积对数呈线性关系,其长期变化相关系数为0.85.  相似文献   
The establishment of a lunar control network is one of the core tasks in selenodesy, in which defining an absolute control point on the Moon is the most important step. However, up to now, the number of absolute control points has been very sparse. These absolute control points have mainly been lunar laser ranging retroreflectors, whose geographical location can be observed by observations on Earth and also identified in high resolution lunar satellite images. The Chang'e-3(CE-3) probe successfully landed on the Moon, and its geographical location has been monitored by an observing station on Earth. Since its positional accuracy is expected to reach the meter level, the CE-3 landing site can become a new high precision absolute control point. We use a sequence of images taken from the landing camera, as well as satellite images taken by CE-1 and CE-2, to identify the location of the CE-3 lander. With its geographical location known, the CE-3 landing site can be established as a new absolute control point, which will effectively expand the current area of the lunar absolute control network by 22%, and can greatly facilitate future research in the field of lunar surveying and mapping, as well as selenodesy.  相似文献   
The Extreme Ultraviolet Camera(EUVC) onboard the Chang'e-3(CE-3)lander is used to observe the structure and dynamics of Earth's plasmasphere from the Moon. By detecting the resonance line emission of helium ions(He+) at 30.4 nm, the EUVC images the entire plasmasphere with a time resolution of 10 min and a spatial resolution of about 0.1 Earth radius(RE) in a single frame. We first present details about the data processing from EUVC and the data acquisition in the commissioning phase, and then report some initial results, which reflect the basic features of the plasmasphere well. The photon count and emission intensity of EUVC are consistent with previous observations and models, which indicate that the EUVC works normally and can provide high quality data for future studies.  相似文献   



翼手目是哺乳动物纲中唯一真正会飞翔的动物。中国旧石器时代遗址中已发现较多,新石器时代遗址中鲜有发现,城市遗址考古中重庆南宋府衙遗址为首次发现。2012年重庆南宋府衙遗址H43考古发掘中,通过使用水洗法获得2件小褐菊头蝠(Rhinolophus stheno)下颌骨标本。下颌骨齿式为2·1·3·3,下齿列长度7.82~7.87mm。骨骼材料属于菊头蝠科(Rhinolophidae)小型类型。下颌骨的p3高度退化,生长位置完全退出于下齿列中轴线外侧;p2和p4齿冠直接接触。下臼齿m1~m3齿冠结构相似,齿冠底部前面-颊侧-后面,生长有明显的齿带(前高、后低);下内尖比下次尖弱小;3枚下臼齿从前向后,呈现微弱的规律性变小现象(m3不呈现特别退化现象)。小褐菊头蝠现生区域,是从赤道一带沿马来半岛(马来西亚)、中南半岛(包括越南、老挝、泰国等)向北回归线附近分布,生存区域主要为热带雨林气候区和热带季风气候区。重庆南宋府衙遗址小褐菊头蝠的发现,证实宋代中国西南峡谷低海拔区域,存在有与热带季风气候区相近似的自然环境特征。该批标本发现于宋代重庆主城区,反映当时重庆主城区阔叶林竹林等原生植被繁茂,自然水域较多并很少受到人类干扰。城市居民生活资料并非是依靠对城内资源进行开发和索取,而主要依靠城市之外的社会供给渠道向城内提供。这一认识为历史时期都市资源域特点找到了例证,也为现代“森林城市”建设理念找到了历史模板。东南亚型翼手目小褐菊头蝠发现于重庆古遗址,还反映中国西南地区古动物群与东南亚古动物群之间,具有很大共同性和密切演化关系。

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