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By comparing different climatologies in El Niño decaying summer with regard to the presence of Indian Ocean Basin (IOB) warming, we studied the effect of IOB warming on the Northwest Pacific sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies and the coupling process with the surface wind. Zonal asymmetric coupling feedback in the west and east of the Northwest Pacific were caused by the asymmetric spring–summer transition of the background tropical atmospheric circulation. Although the westward wind anomaly caused by the remote effect of IOB warming is found in the whole Northwest Pacific, reversal of the mean background surface winds in the western part leads to negative wind-evaporation SST (WES), whereas sustained trade winds lead to positive WES in the eastern part. The east–west SST gradient resulting from this zonal asymmetric evolution of SST sets off more positive feedback that strengthens the local anticyclone easterly anomalies.  相似文献   
地下介质横向变化的地震多尺度边缘检测技术   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10  
本文提出的地震多尺度边缘检测技术以坎尼最佳边缘检测准则和小波变换的多分辨分析为理论基础,能在地震记录上较方便而可靠地识别地下介质的横向变化。这些横向变化包括不能用肉眼在地震同相轴上直接发现而又实际存在的隐蔽特征。对地层尖灭,透镜体、岩性变化和孔洞、裂缝发育带均可进行识别。模型计算和实际地震资料的处理结果显示该方法具有实际应用价值  相似文献   
该文首先采用合成分析的方法研究了江淮入梅前后大尺度大气环流的演变特征和西太平洋副热带高压西伸北跳的可能机制。研究结果表明, 江淮入梅前期的最显著的特征是:副热带高压首先在太平洋中部增强北跳, 而后向西扩展导致太平洋副高西部脊 (120°E) 的增强北跳。进一步分析表明, 在太平洋中部副热带高压的增强北跳和西伸之前, 副热带高压南侧ITCZ中对流和孟加拉湾北部的对流活动明显并且都经历了一次增强活跃过程, 这意味着热带ITCZ和孟加拉湾北部对流的异常活跃可能对副热带高压的增强北跳西伸产生影响。全球大气环流模式模拟结果表明, 赤道中太平洋ITCZ中对流异常活跃不仅可导致副热带高压的增强北移, 而且还可导致副热带高压西伸, 与诊断分析结果相一致。  相似文献   
川东南丁山地区是近年来四川盆地页岩气勘探开发的热点区域,裂缝的发育对页岩含气性及保存条件有重要的影响。综合运用野外露头、岩心、测井资料,结合岩石脆性矿物含量、岩石力学参数等数据,深入分析龙马溪组页岩裂缝发育特征和控制因素,并探讨了裂缝发育对含气性的影响。结果表明,丁山地区龙马溪组页岩裂缝主要以构造成因的剪切缝为主,裂缝优势方位共6组,主要包括4组平面剪切缝和2组剖面剪切缝,其发育主要受2个方向、3个阶段的构造应力场影响而成;裂缝延伸稳定,平均密度小,宽度小,充填程度高,主要被方解石和黄铁矿等充填。裂缝受控因素主要包括古构造应力场、构造部位、脆性矿物组分、岩石力学性质等;断层对裂缝发育具有明显的控制作用,其中断层两盘均存在裂缝发育程度急剧下降的临界范围,临界范围内裂缝发育程度高,超过此临界范围,裂缝发育程度变差且变化趋于平缓;不同期次的裂缝中,形成时间晚、规模过大、充填程度不高、与现今地应力方向一致或呈低角度相交的裂缝易造成页岩气的散失,对提高页岩含气性不利;龙马溪组岩石脆性矿物含量高,脆性指数属中等偏上程度,有利于构造缝发育且可压性较好。随着距齐岳山断裂距离的适当增加,龙马溪组页岩埋藏深度适中,地层压力增大,抗压强度增强高,脆性指数适中,构造保存条件变好,有利于不同方位的裂缝发育和页岩含气量的增加,位于该区域的DY2井与DY4井均位于该有利区域,含气性良好。研究结果对下一步深化页岩气勘探开发具有重要指导作用。  相似文献   
改进的能量守恒方法及其在CHAMP重力场恢复中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An efficient method for gravity field determination from CHAMP orbits and accelerometer data is referred to as the energy balance approach. A new CHAMP gravity field recovery strategy based on the improved energy balance approach IS developed in this paper. The method simultaneously solves the spherical harmonic coefficients, daily Integration constant, scale and bias parameters. Two 60 degree and order gravitational potential models, XISM-CHAMPO1S from the classical energy balance approach, and XISM-CHAMPO2S from the improved energy balance, are determined using about one year's worth of CHAMP kinematic orbits from TUM and accelerometer data from GFZ. Comparisons among XISM-CHAMPO1S, XISM-CHAMPO2S, EIGEN-CGO3C, EIGEN-CHAMPO3S, EIGEN2, ENIGNIS and EGM96 are made. The results show that the XISM-CHAMPO2S model is more accurate than EGM96, EIGENIS, EIGEN2 and XISM-CHAMPO1S at the same degree and order, and has almost the same accuracy as EIGEN-CHAMPO3S.  相似文献   
长三角地区民宿的空间分布及影响因素   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
龙飞  刘家明  朱鹤  李涛 《地理研究》2019,38(4):950-960
近年来,民宿作为旅游业发展的新兴模式,日益受到关注,并呈现蓬勃发展状态。以民宿业发展最为成熟的长三角地区为研究对象,基于去哪儿网相关民宿数据,采用空间最邻近分析、密度分析等空间分析方法,研究民宿的空间分布格局与特征,并基于逐步回归分析,探讨影响民宿分布的因素,得出以下结论:① 长三角地区民宿呈现高度集聚的状态,整体上表现为多核心分布,并形成一、二、三级组团,密度由核心向外围递减。② 民宿集聚分布在经济较为发达的城市和核心景区周边,具有明显的中心性。③ 基于对经济基本状况、交通状况、人口条件、居民消费能力、旅游市场状况、旅游资源与环境条件等方面共15个影响因素分析,发现单位面积旅游收入、A级景区数量、人口密度、地区国内生产总值四个指标对民宿密度有显著正向影响,其中,影响力单位面积旅游收入>A级景区数量>人口密度>地区国内生产总值。  相似文献   
Based on observations from a dense broadband seismic array located along the northeastern (NE) margin of the Tibetan Plateau in southeastern Gansu Province,we use receiver functions (RFs) to pick the arrival times of P-to-S converted waves and bin the traces in different grids according to the piercing points of the 410 and 660 km discontinuities in the upper mantle.The depths of the two discontinuities are estimated by the ray tracing method with the IASP91 velocity model and a 3-D tomography model.The results indicate the following:(1) The arrival times of the P410s and P660s converted phases are delayed by approximately 1 s than those predicted by the IASP91 model.The mantle transition zone (MTZ) is thicker than that in the global model.(2) The synchronous lags in the P410s and P660s arrival times are consistent with low-velocity anomalies in the upper mantle,which are believed to result mainly from the eastward migration of materials beneath the NE margin of the Tibetan Plateau.(3) Combined with previous tomography results,the depression of the'660'discontinuity and the thickened MTZ are somewhat consistent with the big mantle wedge (BMW) model.However,due to data limitations,more studies are required to explore the BMW in the future.  相似文献   
带TMD的结构基于动力可靠性约束的优化设计   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文在运用复模态法求得多自由度带TMD结构随机地震响应解析解的基础上.采用基于动力可靠性约束的优化设计方法对TMD装置参数的优化取值进行了系统研究,以结构最大位移响应的期望值为目标函数,以TMD装置响应的动力可靠性为约束条件,运用罚函数法获得到TMD装置的优化设计参数.并给出了算例,从而建立了带TMD结构基于动力可靠性约束的抗震优化设计的一整套方法,本文方法也可用于基础隔震结构、带TLD减震结构以及带TMD和TLD抗风结构的优化设计。  相似文献   
A total of 12 indices of temperature extremes and 11 indices of precipitation ex-tremes at 111 stations in southwestern China at altitudes of 285-4700 m were examined for the period 1961-2008. Significant correlations of temperature extremes and elevation in-cluded the trends of diurnal temperature range, frost days, ice days, cold night frequency and cold day frequency. Regional trends of growing season length, warm night frequency, coldest night and warmest night displayed a statistically significant positive correlation with altitude. These characteristics indicated the obvious warming with altitude. For precipitation extreme indices, only the trends of consecutive dry days, consecutive wet days, wet day precipitation and the number of heavy precipitation days had significant correlations with increasing alti-tude owing to the complex influence of atmospheric circulation. It also indicated the increased precipitation mainly at higher altitude areas, whereas the increase of extreme precipitation events mainly at lowers altitude. In addition, the clearly local influences are also crucial on climate extremes. The analysis revealed an enhanced sensitivity of climate extremes to ele-vation in southwestern China in the context of recent warming.  相似文献   
研究统计了西台吉乃尔盐湖(以下简称西台)自开发以来原卤水中钾硼锂镁各元素品位变化,利用K+,Na+,Mg2+/Cl-,SO2-4-H2 O五元体系298K介稳相图研究了主要元素之间相对含量的变化关系.根据西台开发现状建立数学模型,预测了未来10年钾硼锂元素品位变化趋势,为西台盐湖钾硼锂镁等资源的开发和综合利用提供依据.  相似文献   
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