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Based on calculations of rock fracture surface and angle, incremental-load creep experiments were conducted on two groups of major-defect fractured rock specimens in an RLW-2000 rheology test system. The research investigated the fracture type and the creep properties of major-defect fractured rock and analyzed the relationships between failure load and horizontal or vertical projection distance, and between each of theme and fracture area or angle. The results showed that rock fracture was divided into three types according to the distribution, including I, II, and III types. I, II, and III types were respectively an internal fracture running through neither the upper nor lower end, one through the upper or lower end and one through both upper and lower ends, and a III type was further sub-divided into IIII and IIIII types. The instantaneous strain was larger than the creep strain under the same creep loading stage. As the creep loading increased on two groups of major-defect fractured rock, the instantaneous strain decreased abruptly and then increased abruptly, while the creep strain decreased rapidly at first and later increased near-linearly. When the failure angle was larger than the friction angle, failure load was positively correlated with failure angle yet was negatively correlated with vertical projection distance. Vertical projection distance and fracture angle, which decided fracture type, controlled rock failure load. Failure load increased in turn from I type to III type, and low-type fracture determined mainly failure load in multiply-fracture specimen.  相似文献   
上海市地震局设计、建设的中国第1个真正意义上的海洋深井地震观测台位于东海石油平台上,井深780 m,安装2套JDF-1型地震计进行观测。通过对陆域地震台站记录的大地震进行分析比较、方位校准,采用单台地震分析方法,确定2009年5月—2011年6月记录到的136个地震参数,总结海域地震波形特征。结果表明,该海域地震活动性特征与当地地质构造一致。  相似文献   
丛佃伟  杨力  马彪 《测绘科学》2015,40(7):146-149
为深化教育转型改革,提升学员自主学习和主动探究能力,信息工程大学面向大学一年级新生开设了《认知导航探索时空》小班专题讨论课程,文章详细介绍了课程的设置情况、课程的研讨效果,最后就下一步的课程建设提出了几点思考。该次课程的开设是加强学员自主学习能力培养和学术研究基本能力训练的有益尝试,能启发学员对专业学习和探索科学的兴趣,取得了较好的效果,为探索新形势下教育转型改革进行了一次有益的尝试,具有一定的推广价值。  相似文献   
高师自然地理课程蕴含丰富的科学思维内容,是培养学生科学思维能力的重要载体。根据自然地理课程中科学思维素材的不同类型,除常规课堂教学外,还可以采取微课、在线课程、隐性课程、校外活动等培养路径,同时需要注意教学中的一些具体问题。  相似文献   
Water-saturated Na bentonite clay with a bulk density of 2 g/cm3 was autoclaved at 150 and 200°C for up to 0.5 years and then left to rest under confined conditions at room temperature for several weeks. Transmission electron microscopy with elemental micro-analysis was applied to study hydrothermally induced changes, which were found to have the form of particle reorganization and, at 200°C, release and precipitation of silica. The precipitations are suspected to be hydrated amorphous silica gels. The microstructural alteration, which was more obvious at 200°C than at 150°C, involved regrouping of previously dispersed and expanded stacks of montmorillonite flakes to yield dense branches of interwoven, contracted stacks separated by large voids.  相似文献   
本文是文献[1]的继续。采用轴对称的动力方程组对台风中层对流层和边界层两个区域求得解析解,利用得到的结果讨论了台风形成和维持的动力机制;在边界层采用海气耦合方程组计算发现,高海温中心区有利于台风边界层低压扰动的加深。   相似文献   
-Among four species of Littorinid, Littorina scabra, L. brevicula, Nodiliitorina millegrana and N. pyramidalis pyramidalis, on the hard intertidal zone in the Jiulong Estuary, Fujian, L. scabra has the most extensive distribution both vertically and horizontally, and the highest anual average density. The uppermost limit of vertical distribution of N. pyramidalis pyramidalis is higher than the other three Littorinid. Desiccation is a main factor affecting the uppermost limit of vertical distribution of the Littorinid. The increasing wave action will raise the uppermost limit vertical distribution of Littorinid. With seasonal changes, the densities of the Littorinid also change in different tidal zonations. Difference in salinity is the main factor affecting the horizontal distribution of the Littorinid in the estuary.  相似文献   
张良刚  吴立  徐昌茂  陈剑 《岩土力学》2013,34(Z2):88-93
阐述了岩质边坡岩体力学参数研究的意义,介绍了国内外常用的几种岩体力学参数的确定方法,但其准确性值得商榷和论证。针对Hoek-Brown强度准则D值的确定存在的困难,基于模糊综合评判,对产生扰动的影响因数综合考虑,确定了依托工程的D值,工程应用表明更加接近实际情况,并且探讨了岩质边坡的岩体以滑动面为界限划分扰动区与非扰动区的合理性,克服了其他公式的不足。以利比里亚邦矿铁矿岩体力学参数研究为例,分别用计算出的修正参数和其他几种方法进行计算分析对比,结果表明所计算出的修正D值更能反映实际的扰动程度,并论证了划分扰动区与非扰动区的合理性和意义,具有重要参考价值。  相似文献   
自Simpson和Hunter(1974)在对夏季爱尔兰海的研究中提出潮混合控制潮汐锋的概念以来,人们相继在许多强潮浅水区发现了潮汐锋现象,并做了大量的研究工作,对锋区的流场结构等特征,以及潮汐锋对周围环境的影响等有了更多的了解。在我国,赵保仁(1985)首先提出黄海存在潮汐锋现象,认为冷水团的温度锋可看作是底层的潮汐锋,并可利用近最大潮流流速计算层化参量来确定黄海潮汐锋(从而亦即温度锋)的位置,而且还可以根据已有调查资料和卫星图片揭示它的一些变化规律。他与合作者的一系列研究工作表明:黄海的潮混合及潮汐锋现象对黄海的温盐和水团分布、层化现象、强温跃层的分布变化、黄海的水平和垂直环流有重要影响和直接关系,进而可以推测黄海的潮混合及潮汐锋现象对黄海的物质输运、生态环境等有着重要的影响,因此研究黄海潮混合形成的温度锋和断面温度分布的数值预报方法是非常有必要的。 以往关于潮汐锋的数值研究大多数是诊断模式,用于求解潮汐锋形成以后锋区的环流结构等,而用数值方法模拟潮汐锋的形成和演化的工作却很少。在国外,只有王东平等(Wang et al.,1990)用二维模型,对垂直涡动扩散和粘性系数采用Munk-Anderson格式与湍流封闭格式嵌套的方法以反映边界层的作用,利用实测的大气强迫力和数值计算的潮流模拟了英国Celtic海的潮汐锋和海洋层化的变化问题,尚未涉及潮汐锋的形成过程。在国内,Bi和Zhao(1993)用一个二维数值模式对黄海34°N的潮汐锋进行了模拟,较好地模拟了从4月到8月潮汐锋的形成和演化过程。在此基础上,我们将进一步利用潮流分布及海面的热量和动量输入条件,以垂直均匀状态为初始条件,模拟黄海各主要断面的温度分布、温度锋和温跃层在增温期的形成和演化过程。  相似文献   
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