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It is well known that the Babuska–Brezzi stability criterion or the Zienkiewicz–Taylor patch test precludes the use of the finite elements with the same low order of interpolation for displacement and pore pressure in the nearly incompressible and undrained cases, unless some stabilization techniques are introduced for dynamic analysis of saturated porous medium where coupling occurs between the displacement of solid skeleton and pore pressure. The numerical manifold method (NMM), where the interpolation of displacement and pressure can be determined independently in an element for the solution of up formulation, is derived based on triangular mesh for the requirement of high accurate calculations from practical applications in the dynamic analysis of saturated porous materials. The matrices of equilibrium equations for the second‐order displacement and the first‐order pressure manifold method are given in detail for program coding. By close comparison with widely used finite element method, the NMM presents good stability for the coupling problems, particularly in the nearly incompressible and undrained cases. Numerical examples are given to illustrate the validity and stability of the manifold element developed. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
A three-dimensional elastic nonhydrostatic mesoscale(β-γ)model with nested-grid is presented.It uses a set of fullequations in terrain-following coordinates as its basic dynamic frame,which is solved with a time-splitting algorithmfor acoustic and gravity waves.The model physical parameterization includes a K-theory subgrid eddy mixing for cloudand free atmosphere,a bulk planetary boundary layer parameterization,and three types of sofisticated cloudmicrophysics schemes with double-parameters for hail-bearing clouds,warm clouds and snowing clouds respectively.The model is designed to be used flexibly for simulations of a variety of meso-and small-scale atmospheric processes,and can be improved as a regional and local operational NWP system in future.  相似文献   
王非  周新华 《地球学报》1997,18(Z1):126-128
本文通过对辽西及邻区中生代盆地火山岩稀土元素配分特征的研究及模拟运算,探讨了其岩浆成因及过程。结果显示南北岩区岩浆成因不同,南岩区岩源为MORB地幔和长期富集型幔熔融混合而成,北岩区为MORB和近期亏损型地幔熔融混合而成。  相似文献   
通过氨基离子液体改性石墨烯,并将其固载于堇青石表面,作为负载型Pd催化剂的载体.所制备的Pd催化剂经加氢老化后,表面石墨烯呈草簇状结构,将Pd纳米粒子限域于片层内,有效防止了Pd的流失和团聚.在重要的工业反应对羧基苯甲醛(4-CBA)加氢中,此结构催化剂与传统的钯碳催化剂相比,表现出很好的稳定性  相似文献   
The west Kunlun fold-thrust belt (WKFTB) and the Altun fold-thrust belt (AFTB) are respectively located in the southern margin of the Tarim basin, NW China. The analyses of typical structures and regional dynamics of the fold-thrust belts reveal their different structural and petroleum features and mechanisms. WKFTB differs from AFTB by abundant fault-related folds and triangles zones, and was formed by northward extrusion of the west Kunlun orogen. AFTB was affected synchronously by northward extrusion of the Altun orogen and the sinistral strike-slipping of the Altun Fault, so it is characterized by the minor scale and the monotonous structural styles. The Aqike anticline and the Aqike fault, of which the strikes are orthogonal to the strike of the fold-thrust belts, are regarded as the adjustive structures between both of the fold-thrust belts. The oil-gas pools of WKFTB develop mainly in the faulted-related anticline traps, but the oil-gas pools of AFTB develop mainly in the low fault-block and anticlines traps related with the paleo-uplifts. There are different exploration countermeasures for both of the fold-thrust belts.  相似文献   
The groundwater of medium salinity refers to the groundwater with a mineralization degree of 2-7 g/L that can be directly or indirectly used for irrigation. This paper determined the distribution area of the groundwater with medium salinity in Tarim Basin, estimated the total amount of recharge resources and exploitable quantity of the groundwater of medium salinity. The irrigation water quality assessment was conducted on the groundwater of medium salinity by using multiple factors and methods. The salt tolerance parameters and irrigation water mineralization control parameters of the cotton in under-mulch-drip irrigation were determined. The under-mulch-drip irritation technology for cotton in groundwater of medium salinity was developed and applied successfully to the demonstration area. The social, economic and ecological effects of this technology as well as the application prospect were analysed. This paper also puts forward two questions that need to be further studied  相似文献   
The future development of new-type urbanization has drawn great attention from both the government and public alike. In this context, the present study had three related research aims. Firstly, it sought to predict the urbanization and population dynamics in China at both national and provincial levels for the period of 2015 to 2030. Secondly, on this basis, it sought to examine the spatial variation of urbanization given the predicted national urbanization rate of 70.12%. Thirdly, it sought to estimate and evaluate the national and provincial demands of investment in the development of new-type urbanization. The main conclusions from this study were as follows: (1) The population size and urbanization rate will reach 1.445 billion and 70.12%, respectively, from 2015 to 2030. (2) The demographic dividend will vanish when the population pressure reaches its maximum. During this period, there will be 70.16 million urban population born. The suburban population that becomes urbanized will be 316.7 million, and thus the net increase in urban population will reach 386 million. (3) Although the urbanization rate of every Chinese province will increase during 2015–2030, it will do so unequally, while differences in urbanization quality among provinces will also be substantial. In some provinces, moreover, the urbanization quality is not compatible with their eco-social development. (4) A total of 4,105,380 billion yuan is required to fund new-type urbanization and the investment demand for each province varies greatly; for example, Guangdong province requires the most funding, amounting to approximately 148 times that required by Tibet, the province in least need of funding. In the final part of this study, policy suggestions concerning the investment of the new-type urbanization are put forward and discussed.  相似文献   
河北大庙铁矿床黑云母40Ar/39Ar年龄及其地质意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章以野外观察为基础确定了致矿侵入体,以岩相学特征确立了测年样品的代表性。在此基础上,选取大庙铁矿大乌素沟矿区浸染状铁矿石中的黑云母进行了40Ar/39Ar年龄测定,坪年龄为(395.8±3.7) Ma,反等时线年龄为(395.6±4.0) Ma(2σ; MSWD=0.9; n=8)。因此,大庙铁矿及其致矿苏长岩的形成年龄约为396 Ma,相当于中泥盆世,而不是前人所认为的元古宙。新的测年结果与区域上近年来陆续识别出来的泥盆纪侵入岩类形成年龄一致,不仅表明华北克拉通的改造过程至少从泥盆纪就已经开始,而且暗示华北克拉通北缘仍有寻找其他“大庙式铁矿”的潜力。同时,文章提出,用成岩年龄作为成矿年龄时,需要有可靠的地质学和岩相学证据。 关键词:大庙式铁矿;斜长岩;苏长岩;40Ar/39Ar定年;成矿年代;华北克拉通  相似文献   
水杨基荧光酮析相光度法测定(微)痕量钛的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了在非离子表面活性剂OP存在下,钛与水杨基荧光酮(SAF)的析相显色反应,重点探讨了干扰及干扰元素的消除,以不同类型的国家级水系沉积物和硅酸盐和人发标准试样,考证了本法对(微)痕量钛测定的适用性。试验表明,在适量抗坏血酸和酒石酸钾钠为掩蔽剂,控制pH1.5 ̄2.0范围,SAF与Ti形成灵敏度较高的紫红色配合物,其λmax=534nm,ε534=1.39×10^5L·mol^-1·cm^-1。钛  相似文献   
湖北浠水蓝晶石铝直闪石片岩中的冠状体结构的研究   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:11  
游振东  吕学淼 《地球科学》1990,15(4):345-356
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